As I live and breathe, the GOP has finally used some of the money donated to them for a decent ad. With few exceptions, the GOP has never been savvy about media use. So check out this new commercial from the GOP.
I didn't think that the GOP had it in them to do anything much more than to hope and pray that voters would pick up a copy of NewsMax or National Review to learn about the issues. This also looks like a return to what Lee Atwater had started in 1988, effective use of the media. Atwater's Liberal-Fascist detractors will say that Atwater was a "liar, scumbag, etc., ad nauseam.
Here are some samples of the kind of "smart" commentary from the PBS/Frontline discussion board about a Frontline docufiction piece about Atwater. This collective drivel is what what typical Liberal room temperature IQs produce. (A room temperature IQ is defined as equal to the room temperature as taken in Reykjavík, Iceland in December.)
As you read PBS/Frontline discussion board, note that you can see how Liberal-Fascists reveal their lack of humanity and show their utterly unjustifies arrogance. But this is mild fare as compared to the vile smorgasbord of Leftist intellectual vomit featured on the Daily Kos.
These "kind and compassionate" intellectual chancres conveniently forget the ruthless character assassination that they routinely do to anyone that doesn't agree with their agenda. As a rule Liberal-Fascists are political sociopaths are rabid and irrational when it comes to opposition of their agenda. As an example, Rahm Emanuel, typifies the new breed of Leftist sociopathic political assassins. Examples of Emanuel's irrational and quite scary behavior include the allegation that Emanuel sent a dead fish in a box to a pollster that was late delivering polling results. On the night after the 1996 Presidential election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's (Clinton's) enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name." This irrational and immature behavior is scary, but not uncommon among Liberal-Fascist kooks.
For the record here is the "Willie Horton" ad that got the Democrats so exercised about Republican "negative" ads during the 1988 Presidential Election.
The funny thing is that there was really nothing significantly inaccurate about the ad. In fact, giving weekend passes to violent felons like Willie Horton seemed to be really stupid and should have raised concerns about Michael Dukakis' judgment in supporting the program.
Of course, it was perfectly okay to slander Presidential Barry Goldwater in 1964 as the man was was going cause thermonuclear warfare if elected President. I remember that when I was in Junior High School a popular bumpersticker on the lunch boxes of the baby Marxists was the old " 64, Hot 65, Bread and 66" bumpersticker.
Here's an ad that was so vile at the time that not even the Democrats in 1964 would air it. It attempts to link Goldwater to the KKK. Never mind that a former KKK member, Robert Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act became Senate Majority Leader in the 1980s. No doubt today's rabid Liberal-Fascists wouldn't hesitate to use such an ad now.
Like the Dukakis ad before it, the Giannoulias ad is fundmentally accurate. On the other hand, the average Liberal-Fascist political ads trade in pure ad hominem attacks in the style of Nazi pornographer and propagandist Julius Streicher. As spiritual descendants of the National Socialists, what else could you expect from the Liberal-Fascists? To a Liberal-Fascist, one man's Donald Segretti is another man's Dick Tuck. It all depends on the content of your morally inert character and if you're a "politically correct" Demobot.
As per usual, the Liberal-Fascist Media gets it wrong by trying to create a false rift between Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh over the use of the word "retard"! They're stupid and lack the nuanced thinking to know when Rush was engaging in satire. Maybe Liberals should stop getting their ideas from bumper stickers and try reading books instead. Funny, but they might learn something that they might have missed during one of their "all nighter" sessions done to pass their tests, a short term memory is not knowledge. In the last 40 years, Ivy League educations and grades have become a joke. Most Ivy League graduates are at best imbeciles with inflated qualifications.