After 28 long years in office, Barbara Boxer has little to show for her tedious tenure except for her tenacious Mengele-like support of abortion. Since the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, nearly 40 million fetuses have been aborted. That's more carnage than Adolph Hitler caused. That's about the same number killed by Joseph Stalin and is rapidly beginning to approach Mao Zedong's record murder rate of 60 million. All three of the aforementioned tyrants are socialists, as is Senator "Don't call me ma'am!" Boxer. Of course this is not to imply that Boxer is anything like these murderers. She is an honorable woman. The Democrat babble tells me so.
But there is a common thread that links the above-mentioned socialists. Socialists are indifferent to life; or at least that is how Socialists become when a given life is no longer of any use to the state. (Aside: Senior citizen voters beware of the quality of your health care under Obama Care as your useful life to the state comes to an end, i.e., you're not a taxpayer anymore, but a public charge. But socialists will be overjoyed as they reap millions from your estate under their confiscatory inheritance tax system. So think about your vote on November 2!) Unfortunately, Boxer is far worse than the above-mentioned tyrants. That's because she's a crypto-murderer by proxy via Planned Non-Parenthood. At least Joe, Mao, and Adolph stepped up to the plate and proudly took credit for their actions. But Boxer, like most abortion supporters, hide behind the "we're only watching out for women's health" rubric as their justification for institutionalized murder. By the way, Liberal-Fascist feminists are always "for the children" except when they become inconvenient speed bumps to their careers or other personal plans.

Two annoying traits that Liberal-Fascist women also share are over-inflated egos and personalities characterized by overbearing arrogance toward the world in general. Her fellow Liberal-Fascist traveler Nancy "Bela" Pelosi, a true political bloodsucker in every sense of the word, likes to carry a big gavel in her hands. She did so after the passage of Obama Care when she and other Democrooks strolled through the mostly anti-socialist health care crowd attempting to incite a confrontation. And it's a good guess that she wanted the world to know that she's the "boss lady in charge"!
But just in case you forgot how arrogant and small-minded Boxer can be, remember her little rant at the General for calling her "ma'am" instead of "Senator"? Boxer "boxed" the testifying General's ears because she claimed to have "worked hard" (highly doubtful) for the job title of Senator. What the woefully ignorant Senator doesn't know is that military protocol requires that military personnel address Senators as "sir" or "ma'am"!
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Boxer comes off like a petty tyrant. Boxer's contempt for the military was further highlighted during an interview with Robert Wallace, Executive Director of the Washington DC VFW, on the nationally syndicated radio program, The Laura Ingraham Show. It was pointed out by Ingraham that Boxer supported funding to send anti-war Code Pink (read Code Stink) operatives to Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. It's a fair inference to conclude that Code Stink is in the business of providing aid and comfort to murderous Islamo-Fascist terrorists. Yet, this anti-American Liberal-Fascist Senator shamelessly extols the virtues of her support of wounded veterans in her campaign advertising. Talk about hypocrites, Boxer takes the cake as well as the contents of your wallets and purses. In the final analysis, unbending support for abortion is the only accomplishment (sic) that Boxer can point to in the 28 years that she spent (your money) in Washington. Given the exorbitant salaries paid to Federal legislators, Boxer has been a very expensive 28 year political parasite.