Thursday, April 12, 2012


Back in 2008, then-Presidential Candidate Obama warned the Tennessee GOP to, "Lay off my wife."  The Tennessee GOP had run an ad in response to Michelle Obama's remark that, "For the first time in my life I'm proud of my country." (Sorry that you've done so poorly living in this country Michelle.) DNC stooge Hilary Rosen also said in 2008, that any strategy of attacking Michelle Obama would be a poor one for the Republicans to follow.

     Apparently with Il Duce, i.e., Barack Obama, in election year trouble, Ms. Rosen now believes that the strategy of not attacking a candidate's wife does not apply to Ann Romney, wife of Mitt Romney, the probable GOP presidential nominee.  Apparently in Ms. Rosen's view, Mrs. Romney cannot comment with any credibility about women's economic issues, because she hasn't "worked a day in her life."

    In case you haven't guessed it, Mrs. Romney is a stay-at-home mother. But it would be a shock to my Mother and millions of other stay-at-home mothers to find out that what they do as stay-at-home mothers is not real work.  Or at least it's not the lofty work of transforming America into Il Duce's Utopian Socialist vision. It's not even  comparable to First Lady, Michelle Obama's former $317,000 "no show" job as Vice-President of Community Relations at the University of Chicago Hospital. (The job has since been quietly eliminated.) 

    Stay-at-home mothers like my Mother and Mrs. Romney do the hard work of raising children, coping with household budgets, gas prices, food prices, and dealing with sometimes demanding husbands. This is not a snap at men; it's just the recognition that living 24/7 with anybody is not easy.  By the way, all these women (and some stay-at home husbands) do know the high price of every commodity from gasoline to chicken thighs. They are precisely the people qualified to discuss economic issues. So thanks Il Duce for your destructive economic policies that screw everybody.  And stop blaming everyone else for your failure to fix the economy as you said that you would during your campaign in 2008.

Remember in 1992, when Bill Clinton's political operatives successfully tagged President Bush (No. 41) as being "out of touch" because he didn't know the price of groceries? That was a truly ridiculous assertion that resonated with those vapid, stupid, and gullible Baby Boomers that were carried away by the prospect of electing the first Baby Boomer President in American history. (See what happens when you cast a vote just to make history? You get an incompetent smooth talker as President.) But didn't you know that Boomers were electing a "hip" and "in the know" sax-playing dude named Bill Clinton as the Prez? Oh wow! Never mind that a truly competent President has better things to worry about than the price of frozen pizza or chicken thighs.

     Ms. Rosen's comment about Mrs. Romney is as arrogant, childish, and condescending as anything that any leftist Baby Boomer political operative has ever said.  But of course, the usual liberal jackasses, like the View's Joy(less) Behar vigorously defended Ms. Rosen.  Ms. Rosen has since apologized in a half-assed way to Mrs. Romney after pressure, direct and indirect, to do so by the Obama campaign. But somehow, an apology from an ignorant self-righteous elitist like Ms. Rosen rings as hollow as any one of Obama's campaign promises.


It was a difficult task publishing today's blog. It was analogous to that of King Sisyphus pushing a boulder uphill.  There were so many technical problems using the Google blog tools that I felt at times truly sabotaged. Hope I'm not getting paranoid.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen has been suspended by Marlins management for five games for expressing his "love" for Fidel Castro in an interview with a Time Magazine reporter. In case you don't know, the Marlins play major league baseball in Miami, home to probably the largest Cuban population north of Havana. It goes without saying that Guillen's alleged Castro loving remark was about as smart as a smoking in a silo full of grain or saying the "N word" in a South Central LA bar. 

In fairness to Guillen, English is not his first language so there may be some merit to his claim at a news conference that his words were lost in translation. According to the report by Local : 
...when asked at the news conference if he loves the former Cuban dictator, he said, "No." The Marlins manager said the reporter in the article misinterpreted his remarks and claimed [that] what he really said in Spanish was, "I cannot believe that someone who has hurt so many people over the years is still alive."
It wouldn't be the first time that the the Mainstream News Media got it wrong. Neither accuracy or truthfulness has been a strong suit of the so-called Mainstream News Media in recent years. The average journalist, sports or otherwise, should be regarded generally as being about as trustworthy as a kleptomaniac in a fine jewelry store. Still, Marlins management might be wise to fully educate their multiloquent manager on the ways of dealing with the news media. 

The "teachable moment" here is to always carefully choose your words with members of the so-called fourth estate. As we've seen in Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case the Mainstream Media is not above altering, deleting or misrepresenting facts in a news story to suit their agenda. It doesn't matter if there's a tape of the newsworthy event.  An editor might well edit it to suit an editorial agenda. Or the editor (or reporter) may be simply lazy, careless, or ignorant, (e.g., not knowing a foreign language's nuances), in handling a news story. But whether or not the Mainstream Media is misinterpreting or misrepresenting Ozzie Guillen's remarks, their tainted reputation for integrity and truthfulness precedes them. So we may never know what Ozzie really said.


  • For more examples of dumb remarks by celebrities, athletes, and politicians, click here to see the slide show by Orlando TV station WKMG Local 6. What was left out of the slide show are the all but forgotten "Corpse-man" and "57 states" gaffes by our esteemed and Ivy League-educated President. YouTube is the source for these clips.

  • According to the Urban Dictionary Pendejo is a Spanish slang word for idiot, stupid, or dumb ass.