The misses keep on coming from the Obama Administration. This is the original gang that couldn't govern straight even if they had the ghosts of Founding Fathers to help them.
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Drive He Said. U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the other day that, "The jury is back, the verdict is in, there is no electronic based cause for unintended high speed acceleration in Toyotas." This is the same Secretary who, along with the Bungler in Chief, Obama told American consumers to stop driving Toyotas. This stand was an obvious payback to the Auto Workers Union to help Union-Government owned car makers GM and Chrysler compete with Toyota. It didn't work. Chalk-up a major public relations victory to Toyota.
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Should He Go or Should He Stay? Secretary of the State of Imagination, Hillary Clinton says Mubarak should stay but only in transition mode. Jokin' Joe Biden says he's not a dictator but that the Mubarak regime must lift the emergency martial law. The Bungler-in-Chief says Mubarak must resign and that the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamo-Fascist endorsed by Hamas should be a part of any transition government. (Remember the same call by Carter for inclusion of the Ayatollah in a transition government in Iran?) If the Bungler-in-Chief is so serious about ratcheting down America's influence in the world; maybe he should follow his own admonition to not meddle and let the Egyptian people determine their own destiny.
Hmm, why weren't any of those brilliant (sic) Ivy League advisers smart enough to give the Obama Administration a cohesive policy to deal with this fiasco? It kind of makes you wonder what the Ivy League Universities do with all of that inflated tuition that they charge parents of the young skulls full of mush? Is their mission to educate and teach students how to think or is it to be good Obamabots through indoctrination? If I'm a parent of a matriculating Ivy Leaguer I've got to wonder if this pricey "BS" education is worth it? Well, maybe if you are going to be an apparatchik of the Obama's regime.
Update: as of publication there is the rumor that Mubarak will step down on February 10th. I guess Obama is bound and determined to, one way or another, to shoehorn the Muslim Brotherhood into the government.
Hmm, why weren't any of those brilliant (sic) Ivy League advisers smart enough to give the Obama Administration a cohesive policy to deal with this fiasco? It kind of makes you wonder what the Ivy League Universities do with all of that inflated tuition that they charge parents of the young skulls full of mush? Is their mission to educate and teach students how to think or is it to be good Obamabots through indoctrination? If I'm a parent of a matriculating Ivy Leaguer I've got to wonder if this pricey "BS" education is worth it? Well, maybe if you are going to be an apparatchik of the Obama's regime.
Update: as of publication there is the rumor that Mubarak will step down on February 10th. I guess Obama is bound and determined to, one way or another, to shoehorn the Muslim Brotherhood into the government.
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Mr. Sunshine. Remember Chairman Obama's push for solar power? Guess which major creditor of the United States has become a leading producer of solar panels? The answer is China. Oh, and by the way, all those high paying green jobs that Obama said would be created are now over there. And they're be done by prison and low wage workers. How's that hope and change working out for you voters that were fooled by this Pied Piper's mantra?
Faster than a speeding bullet train. Chairman Obama is now pushing for a high speed rail system. Guess which major creditor of the United States wants to become a major producer of bullet train passenger cars? The answer is China. Oh and by the way, Obama is saying that lots of jobs would be created. Yup, and they will be created over there. A pattern seems to be emerging that when Obama proposes a big Uncle Scammy project, that the Chinese benefit. Perhaps it's a matter of mutual ideological courtesy.