According to the blog Truthout, Dennis Blair, the director of National Intelligence, admitted at a House Intelligence Committee hearing last February that the CIA can assassinate Americans abroad that are suspected of being involved in terrorism. Blair added, "We don't target people for free speech. We target them for taking action that threatens Americans or has resulted in it." Well, that's comforting to know. Although to listen to the Democrats whine and lie about the "vitriol" surrounding the passage of the Health Care Deform legislation you'd think that Tea Party participants and talk radio hosts are the terrorists.
Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim cleric and a native born American. Al Awlaki was born in New Mexico but is now living in Yemen. He is believed to be the first US citizen targeted for assassination by the CIA under a counter-terrorism policy initiated by President George W. Bush and put into actual practice by the Obama regime.
Knowing the tendency of the Obama regime to overreach their authority this move is troubling. Why is this terrorist not being brought back to the United States to stand trial like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four other men accused of plotting the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks? As quoted in the Truthout blog, Professor Jonathan Turley, (not my favorite legal scholar), said last February, " is one thing to kill an American in the course of a terrorist act or to prevent an imminent attack. It is quite another thing to kill someone suspected of terrorism without a trial. That would amount to the assassination of a citizen."
If we follow the "logic" of the Napolitano report citing right wing terrorism as the biggest danger to the United States then all of us on the center right had better hire some bodyguards muy pronto. A comment to an Opinion Focus web forum with Eugene Robinson, a Washington Post columnist, responded effectively to Robinson's attempt to smear the right as domestic terrorists.
If we follow the "logic" of the Napolitano report citing right wing terrorism as the biggest danger to the United States then all of us on the center right had better hire some bodyguards muy pronto. A comment to an Opinion Focus web forum with Eugene Robinson, a Washington Post columnist, responded effectively to Robinson's attempt to smear the right as domestic terrorists.
To claim that political violence exclusively or mainly originates on the right requires record breaking levels of either cognitive dissonance or dishonesty. Did you miss yesterday's arrest of a Democratic donor who planned to kill Eric Cantor and his family? The death threats against Sarah Palin and her family? Did you fail to notice the left wing terrorists who threw cinder blocks and sandbags from overpasses at GOP convention buses? What is the political affiliation of the rioters who disrupt every G20 and IMF meeting? Where were you when SEIU thugs put Kenneth Gladney, an African American Tea Party attendee, in the hospital? I missed your condemnation of movies, plays and books fantasizing about the assassination of President Bush, and your reaction when the authors were treated to fawning NPR interviews. Your attempt to delegitimize opposition to radical left wing policies by smearing opponents as violent racists is despicable and a threat to the fundamental principles of democracy.
Yesterday's arrest of probable nut case Charles Alan Wilson, 64, for alleged threats against Washington Senator Patty Murry for her vote in favor of Health Care is what the Liberal-Fascist Democrats have been waiting for. They may have found their Marinus van der Lubbe and the excuse to practice open repression against all political opponents.
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