Tuesday, April 19, 2016



One of the worst ways of "comforting" someone is by pointing out that someone "always has it worse" than s/he does. First, neither of them is in someone else's shoes and second, how does that help either of them or the other person?
     Arlo Guthrie pointed that out in a song where he went through a list of bad luck cases and then asked and I'm paraphrasing, "What about that last guy? You know the one that doesn't have anyone worse off than him? He doesn't have any place to go!" In Lewinsky's case where could she go? The Internet was in its "Golden Age" and the 365/7/24 news cycle made her story known to all but the most off the grid aborigine.
     That same notoriety machine absolved Bill Clinton of all blame and turned him into a Paris Hilton/Kim Kardashian sex icon. But it all turns on how you embrace the darkness. If you're Hilton or Kardashian, you turn it into a crude self promotional scheme and profit. Or you continue to take the abuse from the urinalists (read journalists) and the in-the-know elites and press on toward a nobler end.
I hope that it all turns out well for her and that Clinton gets his just desserts (read a special place in Hell next to Teddy Kennedy).

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