Silly me. I thought that the First Amendment allowed all of us to have differing opinions. Yeah, silly me. I forgot that Liberal-Fascists don't like anyone that disagrees with them or their agenda.
Within the last week I have been compared to Joe Stack, the man that flew and crashed into the IRS building in Austin, Texas because I have strong opinions. I was told in an e-mail that if ten random people were to read this blog that it would appear to be a rant that was no different than the suicide letter that Joe Stack left. For readers that haven't read it, here’s a link to the text of Stack’s suicide letter.

The following cyber answer appeared on Yes, I know that it's not scientific or statistically accurate, but it is random. (Besides, science is whatever you want it to be, just ask Professor Phil Jones of the Climate Change Unit at the University of East Anglia.) The cyber answer was in response to a question on whether Joe Stack was a Liberal or not:

The following cyber answer appeared on Yes, I know that it's not scientific or statistically accurate, but it is random. (Besides, science is whatever you want it to be, just ask Professor Phil Jones of the Climate Change Unit at the University of East Anglia.) The cyber answer was in response to a question on whether Joe Stack was a Liberal or not:
By his own rants, he showed his true colors:
He was anti-religion,
He was anti-Bush,
He was anti-corporate America,
He was upset over lack of Health care coverage,
He believed he was smarter than the rest of us (feeling intellectually elite),
He believed he was a victim (took no responsibility for his life),
He favorably quoted a communist creed,
He was critical of Capitalism,
He refused to pay his taxes (like Tim Geitner [sic] and the bevy of liberals that could not make it onto Obama's Cabinet.)
He is a classic example of a self deluded liberal.
Unlike poor Joe Stack (RIP), I try to provide readers with written as well as visual sources to show readers how I arrived at my opinions. I also do it to encourage readers to do their own investigation. I cite Liberal as well as Conservative sources because there are nuggets of information in most all POVs, even from the bastion of irrational rabid leftists, the Daily Kos.
Early last week I was told by another reader commenting on one of my blog entries that I was a "pot calling the kettle black," i.e., that I’m a hypocrite for being critical of Robert Gibbs, Propaganda Minister to Chairman Obama. That’s his opinion for which he is entitled as I am entitled to mine. Unfortunately, under his weltanschauung, only he can have fun at the expense of his Conservative foes.
Early last week I was told by another reader commenting on one of my blog entries that I was a "pot calling the kettle black," i.e., that I’m a hypocrite for being critical of Robert Gibbs, Propaganda Minister to Chairman Obama. That’s his opinion for which he is entitled as I am entitled to mine. Unfortunately, under his weltanschauung, only he can have fun at the expense of his Conservative foes.
I support free speech. That means that unlike most Liberals and Progressives, I don’t support the Fairness Doctrine, college speech codes, or political correctness. As an aside, political correctness is what we used to call politeness and discretion. It involved self-control and self-discipline something of which many Baby Boomers have none of.
The upshot of all the "helpful criticism" that I got is that I should try to be "civil and kind" to Liberals and the (self)-righteous people that call themselves “Progressives.” To do that, I would have to pretend that Liberals and Progressives are rational thinking people and that facts do not exist. But it never ceases to amaze me how Liberals and Progressives get so outraged whenever anyone questions their agenda. This is true even if--as with Climate Change--the agenda item is plainly wrong. Many of my Boomer acquaintances have told me that they have been Liberals or Progressives since their college days. Now that’s a “no [intellectual] growth” policy if I’ve ever heard of one.
I think that the problem with our Liberal and Progressive friends is that they are so used to not being questioned about their flamboyantly irrational opinions and dogma. But it's okay for Libs and Progs to name-call, distort, lie, or just simply be the irrational ideologues that they are.
These ideologues are similar to the true believers discussed by Eric Hoffer in his 1951 book, The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements. Here's a little film that covers pretty much of what the Left is all about.
WARNING: Some readers might find some of the images in this film short very disturbing. Those of you that are offended by the South Park or the Family Guy TV shows should skip viewing this film short and continue reading.
These ideologues are similar to the true believers discussed by Eric Hoffer in his 1951 book, The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements. Here's a little film that covers pretty much of what the Left is all about.
WARNING: Some readers might find some of the images in this film short very disturbing. Those of you that are offended by the South Park or the Family Guy TV shows should skip viewing this film short and continue reading.
Below is Ed Schultz's impassioned defense of Climate Change. He calls this MSNBC segment "Psycho Talk," a term which he thinks applies to the Conservatives that he's bashing. As you listen to this you'll see an argument and proof that Liberals evolved from lemmings. On February 10, 2010, despite the Climate Change/Global Warming hoax being discredited on a daily basis, Sergeant Schultz is still defending Climate Change. He "sees nothing" that contradicts what his handlers have told him to say. This "True Believer" may indeed be talking about himself when he mentions "Psycho Talk" in the clip below.
As a tribute to Sergeant Schultz and Ed Schultz we present the following:
Here's the trifecta with Keith Olbermann, Rachael Maddow, and the ever bubbly Chrissy Matthews commenting on Obama's State of Confusion address. Note the subliminal racism abounding in Chrissy's words. He means well, but Liberals just can't help being bigoted. He claims that he doesn't think about race all of the time (just most of the time). Chrissy says that for one hour he forgot all about Obama's blackness. Funny, but Chrissy also forgot that Obama is also half white.
Well, I guess all this is going to get me in trouble again.
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