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Liberal-Fascists in California are calling for Meg Whitman to release her tax returns. She hasn't become the Republican gubernatorial nominee yet so what's the hurry? Besides, since when have Liberals ever given a damn about taxes except to extract confiscatory taxes from hard working people with small businesses. Liberals like Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary, seldom pay their fair share because they either have a bad copy of Turbo Tax, a foundation or are trust fund babies. Libs are also attacking Whitman for earning a multi-million dollar salary while succesfully helming ebay a private sector corporation. Libs of course have no problem with Democrats Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson drawing big bonuses at Fannie Mae, a government sponsored corporation, using cooked books. The only capitalism that Liberal-Fascists believe in is predatory capitialism in which the playing field is leveled of any competition contrary to greedy leftist plutocrats like George Soros and the boys at Goldman-Sachs.
According to the latest Rassmussen poll, only 10% of the American public think that Congress is doing a good job. Seventy-one percent say that Congress is doing a poor job. Ten percent say that Congress is doing an excellent job Query: Did this 10% include SEIU workers at the Capitol Cafeteria and ACORN workers?
Fortune Magazine reports that former CEO Fritz Henderson is back at Obama Motors, the auto company formerly known as GM, as a consultant for international operations. Henderson reportedly gets $59,090 a month for 20 hours of work a month or $3,000 an hour. He was eased out as President and CEO of GM after only eight months on the job. While not strictly in line with definition of insanity, i.e., doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Why would you pay top dollar for a guy you didn't think could do the job running the whole operation? Maybe it's because there's mostly political operatives in Obama's cabinet. There is very little "hands on" business experience in Obama's Cabinet and it shows.
AP reports that sales of new homes set a record low in January. According to the Commerce Department new home sales dropped 11.2 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual sales pace of 309,000 units, the lowest level in 50 years. Wasn't the mortgage bailout supposed to fix this? There is very little "hands on" business experience in Obama's Cabinet and it shows. Subsidizing mortgages for people that can't afford home ownership does not work. Wasn't this same approach that brought about the toxic assets debacle?
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