Tuesday, December 30, 2014


It seems that the Fascism of the Obama administration bleeds all over the Internet. After having been censored on Facebook, now I'm having difficulty posting items on Google's e-blogger that are controversial (read disagreeing with Obama). Suddenly, my options on e-blogger are coincidently unavailable. This includes saving and posting things that may be contrary to the statist views of the Obama administration. These folks don't take kindly to dissent even though as radicals in the 1960s, they talked like civil libertarians in the style of Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Paine. Here's the latest post while I am a Conservative Libertarian en route to Gitmo.
By the Numbers 

Source: Rush Limbaugh.com
Surprise, surprise, surprise!  Check out the numbers. The rich pay more taxes than the freeloaders that make up the base of the Democrook party. This will come as a big surprise to "low information" voters who never notice that many Democrats are filthy rich, e.g., Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and John Kerry. In fact, Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owes some $1 billion in back taxes. As Uncle Joe Biden says, "Time to do your patriotic duty and pay your taxes!" Hey Warren! We don't want all of your money. We'd settle for your fair share of taxes according to the tax tables.
False Martyrs  

You've heard the bullsh*t about what victims of police retribution like Michael Brown are. Why Michael Brown was a "gentle giant"! He was a misunderstood "ute" who was another victim of racism in America! So what if he strong armed a convenience store clerk to steal a pack of "Philly Blunts" so he could smoke weed? He was just getting mellow thinking about starting college so that he could either be a guidance counselor or work with the elderly. So what if Officer Wilson lost his pension and was forced to retire? He "murdered" Saint Michael Brown?! So what if Brown's accomplice in the convenience store robbery was never charged with a crime?! So what it the accomplice now works for the City of Ferguson, Mo under a "hire a youth" social program?! They say that, "No good deed goes unpunished." To that I say that, "No bad deed goes unrewarded!" So aren't you glad that the fundamental transformation of America is happening? But of course, the racists most likely believe that the two murdered cops in New York City got what they deserved. Why wouldn't they with the "hate speech" in the form of a "dog whistle" to the protestors by the "Just-Us" Department and the master race baiters like Al Sharpton. 

Mom Jeans Foreign Policy

Now comes the movie, The Interview, which  is a Seth Rogan/James Franco buddy movie of sorts. The movie synopsis is as follows:
Source: IMDb
In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show "Skylark Tonight." When they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the two least-qualified men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un. Written by Sony Pictures Entertainment.
An Obamabot idiot on TMZ indirectly defended the then alleged North Korean hack of the Sony Website and potential terrorist violence against theater goers as being justified, because the movie called for the assassination of a sitting foreign leader.

     Most lib douche bags forget the 2006 movie, Death of a President, about the assassination of George W. Bush in Chicago. The synopsis of the movie from IMDb is as follows:
Years after the assassination of President George W. Bush in Chicago, an investigative documentary examines that as-yet-unsolved crime.
It was a bonanza for Bush haters everywhere, providing them with almost as much glee as
Source: IMDb
the Craig Kilborne Late, Late Show clip in 2000, showing a then Presidential candidate George W. Bush speaking while a tickertape ran underneath saying, "Assassins Wanted!" Well, that's a bit of that old Liberal tolerance and that "kind and tolerant" spirit. The movie was defended as being "art"--yup, that lame excuse that is really a well known deodorant for political foul play. Of course if a movie reflects the Liberal Fascist agenda, then the Libs go into "
nuanced thinking" mode, which means defend the agenda at all intellectual costs. 
      When Sony reversed its decision to not release The Interview, actors and Libtards beat their chests proclaiming their love of the First Amendment. No one was going to tell them what they couldn't watch. Here's the kicker though, the political gadfly, George Clooney circulated a petition to take action against the cyber terrorism of North Korea. No one in Hollywood signed it!
     But after the generally ineffective Obama FBI fingered the North Koreans, the Hollyweird crowd suddenly grew a pair. They were tough as nails when it came to the First Amendment. How safe with the FBI to hide behind. You can almost hear them say, "That'll show 'em!" It was like the euphoria after the 1980 U.S. Hockey team's victory over the Russians. No blood was shed, but by God we showed 'em! The Soviets weren't fazed by the loss, except for unfortunate players that were assigned to gulag hockey teams. And that's point. The new motto of the U.S. should be, "A bad bruise before dishonor."


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I have been absent from this blog for well over a year. The reason for that is that I joined Facebook (FB) with the harebrained idea that I could post news articles with some independent commentary by me. Boy, was I ever wrong! The proper use of Facebook it seems, is primarily to post pictures of family, cute kids, and pets. I have nothing against this "proper use" because I own a cute Bichon Frisé. And yes, I have posted pictures of her and have gotten the usual "aw, how cute" responses. 
  Other "proper uses" of FB appear to be the posting of little posterettes that have bromides and positive affirmations of life. This is the tripe that typically overruns the walls of Human Resources departments in corporate America. But the primary rule of participating on FB is to NEVER contradict a fellow Liberal Facebooker whenever a "hot button" issue is involved. You run the danger of being "unfriended" or even worse being called a "troll"!
The Loneliness of a Conservative Among Irrational FB Bleeding Hearts 
Apart from a couple of simpatico Facebookers, my admittedly right wing opinions on FB have been met with accusations of being cynical and a "finger pointer"! Presumably, that means not being a "positive person"! And therein lies the dangers of having strong but "wrong" opinions on FB. It is not "politically correct" to contradict Liberal orthodoxy or even moderate Republicanism (read RINO). 
   My prime example of not being "FB politically correct" is where I commented on a FB thread "discussion" of why the United States couldn't provide the same welfare goodies that an "evolved country" like Denmark provides. Well, if I were dealing with rational informed people, I could have had a rational discussion with real facts. Facts like, never mind that Denmark is, as our ubiquitous Presidunce once described Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela, a tiny country when compared to the United States.
   There were so many ignorant and anti-American comments throughout the thread that I wondered if these people have ever seen the inside of schoolhouse? The stupidest comment in the thread came from a Liberal who said (I'm giving an approximate quote here), "True, Denmark has high taxes, but they get 'free' education and 'free' medical care." If that isn't the stupidest thought that I have ever read, then I'm a 6' 6" big blond Swede. I guess she missed the civics class on the role of taxes in providing public services.   
 What got me censored and eventually "unfriended" on Facebook
It is alright for Liberals to express their opinions, no matter how stupid, lame, outlandish, or offensive they are. What got me "unfriended" and censored was my criticism of a scene from The Newsroom, Season 1, Episode 1, in which Jeff Daniels "explains" why America isn't great anymore. I posted my three part criticism on FB, but since it was on another's "Timeline" it was taken down, i.e., I was censored. But that's okay, it was and is a Facebooker's right to control what's on his/her timeline. But I managed to save Part 3 of  the response and posted it on my own Timeline. That too unfortunately was removed from MY FB Timeline. Now that's not okay! Fortunately, I managed to save Part 3 of my rebuttal, warts and all. Here's my rebuttal to Mr. Daniel's scene:
MY RESPONSE PART THREE: Apparently I'm not "evolved enough" to see the "Progressive" view of the world. I don't play well with authoritarian personalities like the Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the DNC. No, it is you who missed my point. And no, once again, I am not cynical. (Your repetitive condescending insult/label is getting to be almost as bad as being called a racist.) But to digress, it is Mr. Daniels that is the cynic. He is a peddler of despair and cynicism. I am sorry that people like him just sit idly by in their sidewalk cafes doing nothing while waiting for TMZ to come by and help him publicize his latest movie. It is also the cynicism of Mr. Daniels that assumes that only likeminded individuals like him can appreciate intellect--such arrogance from such a small mind with a scripted diatribe. Didn't you catch his implied sexism and racism in assuming that a young white girl was a vapid, dumb little sorority girl that "might wander into a voting booth one day"? We're allegedly behind the world because instead of creating better job opportunities, "Progressives" obsess about increasing the minimum wage for entry level/dead end jobs. That would be fine and dandy if Libs actually cared about the well-being of minimum wage workers. But the dirty little secret is that the unions, their political and financial allies, have escalator clauses in their union contracts that give them an automatic pay raises whenever the minimum wage goes up. The other scary reason is that people like Mr. Daniels are control freaks. They don't care if these poor folks ever advance, because they might one day become a threat to them or their kids in the job market. They want your income and opportunities to be limited so long as you don't rebel against the all-knowing "elites." But our conformity to the elite's will is conditioned upon our being satisfied with our living wages, iPhones, flat screen Hi-Def TVs, Internet access, Netflix, and mediocre healthcare benefits. Meanwhile, elitist plutocrat, Mr. Warren Buffett (Democrat) urges the rest of us non-elites to pay more in taxes for the greater good. But for over the last 10 years, he has been quietly fighting over $80 million in back taxes that his investment fund, Berkshire Hathaway owes the US. Mr. Buffett, we'll settle for a "fair" percentage of what your company owes, if you, as Uncle Joe Biden says, do "your patriotic duty" and pay your back taxes! We need the money for green projects like Solyndra and Obama's golf green fees. BTW, Liberalism 50 years later is an abject failure and a loser at the ballot box-- except when there's vote fraud. Liberalism loses because an average schmo occasionally gets a streak of ambition and comes up with that one great idea or product that makes OTHER people's lives better. Or maybe the schmo works harder at his/her job so that he/she gets that well-deserved promotion and pay raise and his/her kids get hope for a better future. But what the fuck do I know? I am a cynic. Remember?
Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate. So perhaps I should have left out of my response, "But what the fuck do I know?" It probably got me a FB complaint for being "abusive"! But I've had Libs call me "a fucking idiot" for my beliefs. But that's okay because Libs have the proper public morality. And it's also okay to fight evil with evil. Conservatives, as the quintessential evil doers, on the other hand should have no First Amendment rights.
   I'll still post on FB. But it will be recipes, nice doggie pictures, and those artsy photos with the stupid little bromides on them. Not on your life. I rather be free to speak anywhere that I choose, subject to laws and contractual agreements, than to cower before petty little Liberal Fascists.