Those of you that read my Saturday, October 10th post may recall the extensive discussion on the Minnesota Senate race in which Al Franken was fraudulently installed as a US Senator. The Roman Emperor Caligula must be smiling from Hell. Caligula allegedly appointed his favorite horse—Incitatus—a Roman Senator. Obama now has a horse's ass, Al Franken in the Senate. As was the case with Rome, the decline and fall of America is now imminent.
For those of you that also think that I'm bringing up old news, think again. The Minnesota Senate race was the beta program for stealing close elections. In my blog entry I quoted a Fox News opinion piece in which Al Franken's progession from apparent "loser" to "winner" was chronicled.
When voters woke up on Wednesday morning after the election, Senator Norm Coleman led Al Franken by what seemed like a relatively comfortable 725 votes. By Wednesday night, that lead had shrunk to 477. By Thursday night, it was down to 336. By Friday, it was 239. Late Sunday night, the difference had gone down to just 221 -- a total change over 4 days of 504 votes. Amazingly, this all has occurred even though there hasn’t even yet been a recount. Just local election officials correcting claimed typos in how the numbers were reported. Counties will certify their results today, and their final results will be sent to the secretary of state by Friday. The actual recount won’t even start until November 19...Virtually all of Franken’s new votes came from just three out of 4130 precincts, and almost half the gain (246 votes) occurred in one precinct -- Two Harbors, a small town north of Duluth along Lake Superior -- a heavily Democratic precinct where Obama received 64 percent of the vote. None of the other races had any changes in their vote totals in that precinct.
The gubernatorial election today in New Jersey is too close to call. No one disputes that the plutocrat, Democrat, political hack Governor Jon Corzine is wildly unpopular. Moreover, the former Wall Street executive has spent $23 million of his own money into his campaign. (What's this I heard about rich Republicans? Didn't Hillary Clinton "loan" her Presidential campaign $5 million?) What complicates the race is that there is a third party candidate, Independent Chris Daggett that may draw votes away from Republican Chris Christie. As in Minnesota, the final outcome may be determined by recounts in heavily Democrat-controlled voter precincts. If the Democrats succeed in stealing this election, then you have an emboldened and very corrupt political party using the tactics of a Hugo Chavez stealing election for years to come. America is on the verge of becoming a banana republic.
Killing the Golden Goose
Killing the golden goose is a metaphor for any short-sighted action that may bring an immediate reward, but ultimately proves to be disastrous. The metaphor is from Aesop’s fable, “The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs.” To extend this analogy further, gavage is the technique of force feeding a goose with a tube containing corn mash about 12 to 18 days before slaughter to produce foie gras—an alleged delicacy. This feeding process causes a form of fatty liver. We are now being force-fed the faux science of alleged Global Warming despite scientific evidence that the planet has been cooling. (A January 13, 2009 segment on CNN’s “Lou Dobb’s Tonight” discussed this cooling trend.) The alleged delicacy to produced is an economy fueled by green jobs. Spain's experience with a Green Economy is less than successful. The illogical extension of Global Warming is the so-called “Cap and Trade” legislation pushed by the American Mugabe, "Broke" Obama.
Our economy is a carbon based one, e.g., oil and coal. A "Cap and Trade" law means that the level of carbon emissions would be capped for EVERYBODY. For those lucky ones that can afford to buy them; carbon credits would be used to offset excess emissions. In reality, "Cap and Trade" legislation will “bust a cap” into the ass of the American economic goose.
Yet, leftist trust fund radicals like Al Gore continue to push the Global Warming scam and its ugly sister “Cap and Trade.” Why? It’s the same old answer—greed. Scam artists like Al Gore are looking forward to making a financial killing selling carbon credits. Already, there is Chicago Climate Exchange to sell and buy carbon credits. So now, whenever Gore’s carbon footprint gets too large because of the excess amount of electricity used to run his Tennessee mansion he buys carbon credits—from himself. It’s a pretty nifty little scam, eh?
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