I can't stand tree huggers. I once quit a class at a local community college because the course professor was an ardent tree hugger. She ran the class like a totalitarian regime. Ironically, the class was one on mediation fundamentals. Mediators are supposed to be open minded and fair individuals. Go figure how they pick professors or mediators.
As a rule, I can't imagine a more inflexible person than a tree hugger unless it is a Liberal-Fascist. Tree huggers however, are to be distinguished from the conservationists in that conservationists believe in using natural resources responsibly. Tree huggers are like misers hoarding wealth so no one ever benefits. The key character trait of Eco-Nazis is always control. For example, responsible management of natural resources means harvesting trees in intelligent ways so that (1) they are not depleted so that future generations can benefit from the Earth's natural resources and (2) we stop having these out of control wildfires. One of the best and most responsible environmental groups is Ducks Unlimited. Here's a TV spot with Morgan Freeman explaining what Ducks Unlimited does.
See the difference? These people want us to co-exist with nature. The Eco-Nazis want to use nature to control us. They don't give a rat's ass about Snail Darters or people. And it's people's fault for having too many babies. One group is offering condoms for life to stop human overpopulation. Talk about misanthropes, these guys make the Una-bomber look like Mother Teresa.
I remember as a kid in the mid-1960s watching a CBS documentary featuring futurist Herman Kahn. Kahn offhandedly said in effect that the next radical leftist movement would be in the then-emerging ecological movement. Eco-Fascism is a pejorative term used to disparage Leftists by pointing out that Nazi Germany pursued an environmental policy not unlike today's tree huggers. On pages 381-389 of his book Liberal-Fascism, Jonah Goldberg discusses the similarities between "Green Fascism" and the global warming advocates. I can sum it up in two simple words: CONTROL FREAKS.
I dislike the concept of the "carbon footprint." Why? Well the Doubting Thomas (and paranoid) in me imagines a future criminal offense in which people could be jailed for breathing too much carbon dioxide into the environment. With the American Mugabe, Barack Obama, now ruling by fiat I can imagine him sending a political opponent to Gitmo for re-education. Or as the immortal Strother Martin colorfully put it in the movie Cool Hand Luke:
Yep, that's why they want total control--to get your mind right. I love Big Barack! So they've started with health care reform (read deform) to get control of your body and mind. Now they're working on your economic future with Cap and Trade (crap and spayed) legislation and a proposed value added tax, a.k.a., VAT.
Cup of tea anyone? Let's party!
Post Script: Today is Vladimir Lenin's birthday. I thought you might like to know that fact.
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