2. Why is Broke Whoisinsane Obama being given a pass by the Lame Stream Media for doing absolutely NOTHING regarding the BP oil spill? Bush caught hell from the Lame Stream Media for the incompetence of Governor "Blank Brain" Blanco and Mayor "No Noggin" Nagin, both Democrooks. But not the petulant man child Obama, the press is practicing the soft bigotry of lame excuses and no expectations for the "historic" Presidency of Obama.
When the Exxon Valdeeeeez (I prefer the correct Spanish pronounciation of Valdez) caused a major oil spill that the Federal government pitched in and helped with the clean-up. Not now! All the Kenyan Usurper Obama has done in response to the crisis is to keep the "foot on the throat of BP." In addition, Obama hypocritically accuses BP and its cohorts of bad deeds. Indeed.
Yet, Obama's Keystone Cop henchman last year gave the BP oil drilling platform an award for safety! But now all of a sudden there's a safety issue? Sounds like a set-up to me. Just like the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant where the Hollywood Liberal-Fascists used the movie The China Syndrome to whip up public sentiment against nuclear power plants. How convenient that the nuclear accident happened so soon after the movie's release. These Liberal-Fascists would throw their Grannies under the bus if it advanced their agenda.
But with the help of the Blame Stream Media they will probably blame Bush, Cheney, and Halliburton for the oil spill. Well, there's an old Chinese that says, "The accusing finger is never a part of the helping hand." I guess Obama's purpose is not to serve the public, but to exploit a crisis for his Liberal-Fascist agenda. He has now set up a commission to investigate (read cover-up) the BP Oil Gulf of Mexico spill.
But with the help of the Blame Stream Media they will probably blame Bush, Cheney, and Halliburton for the oil spill. Well, there's an old Chinese that says, "The accusing finger is never a part of the helping hand." I guess Obama's purpose is not to serve the public, but to exploit a crisis for his Liberal-Fascist agenda. He has now set up a commission to investigate (read cover-up) the BP Oil Gulf of Mexico spill.
You shouldn't believe a damn thing that this Liberal-Fascist crypto-criminal posse puts forward. It also wouldn't be surprising if there was some leftist complicity in the oil rig platform explosion. (Not unlikely if you consider the Three Mile Island and oil spill off of Santa Barbara, California in 1969, that effectively stopped off-shore oil drilling.) The explosion came conveniently after announcement by Obama that there would be studies about off shore drilling. One Liberal Fascist talking head is alleged to have said in effect that, "God is a Democrat because he gave us the oil spill." Never let a crisis go to waste, as White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel has said. Well sieg heil Black Hitler, your desires seem to be coming true. Can you say Reichstag Fire?
3. Talk about the audacity of dopes, Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General of Connecticut and Democrook caninedate for the Senate seat of departing Democrook Chris Dodd has been caught apparently lying about his service in Viet Nam. Democrooks have come to the rescue by offering this lame response:
3. Talk about the audacity of dopes, Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General of Connecticut and Democrook caninedate for the Senate seat of departing Democrook Chris Dodd has been caught apparently lying about his service in Viet Nam. Democrooks have come to the rescue by offering this lame response:
Its no surprise Republicans would want to smear the Attorney General, considering all of the debauchery at the WWF under Linda McMahon's [Note: McMahon is the Republican candidate for the Senate seat and wife of WWE owner Vince McMahon] watch. Unlike others, Dick Blumenthal served his country, enlisted and served six months at Parris Island, SC, and six years in the reserves.
Blumenthal only joined the reserves after his five draft deferments ran out and his low draft lottery number put an express ticket to Viet Nam in his back pocket. Like the career women that got abortions in the 1970s and 1980s, things like the draft and "unwanted" pregnancies were an inconvenience to these hard charging career Baby Boomers. Looking at the Democrook response to Blumenthal's lie, you see the the self-absorbtion and self-centeredness of a typical Baby Boomer schmuck like Blumenthal.
BTW, who cares what goes on in the WWE? It's fluff sports entertainment. Unless you are a mark or smark it doesn't affect your daily lives. Hollywood--a bastion of debauchery--is the Liberal-Fascist stronghold of debauchery. How about some well deserved contempt pointed in that direction? And finally, why is this Liberal-Fascist schmuck's military reserve service more valid that George W. Bush's Air National Guard experience? I guess Liberal Fascist pigs get a pass for anything they do or lie about. Although Democrook radio talk show shill Bill Press did express dismay at Blumenthal's lies about his military service.
BTW, who cares what goes on in the WWE? It's fluff sports entertainment. Unless you are a mark or smark it doesn't affect your daily lives. Hollywood--a bastion of debauchery--is the Liberal-Fascist stronghold of debauchery. How about some well deserved contempt pointed in that direction? And finally, why is this Liberal-Fascist schmuck's military reserve service more valid that George W. Bush's Air National Guard experience? I guess Liberal Fascist pigs get a pass for anything they do or lie about. Although Democrook radio talk show shill Bill Press did express dismay at Blumenthal's lies about his military service.
4. I grew up with the admonition from my parents to think before I spoke. Nowadays maybe the admonition should be READ before you speak. The recent revelations that US Attorney General Eric "Dumbo" Holder, Janet "Incompetano" Napolitano, and Barack Odumbo have not read the ten page Arizona immigration law is not surprising. All three of these political ideologues and other voluntary illiterates of the Obama administration have popped off about the "evils" and "racism" of the Arizona law. With Obama it's understandable because he is a grossly incompetent ideologue and former community organizer. He may be crook clever, but given his political bent it's doubtful that the man has the ability to actually comprehend the intent of the Arizona statute. As a key to Odumbo's judgment and temperament Rep. Steve King, (R-IA) put it best when he said:
When he had an Irish cop and a black professor, who'd he side with? And he jumped to a conclusion [Note: Obama thought that the white cop was in the wrong.] without having heard the facts, and he ended up having to have a beer summit. The President of the United States has got to articulate a mission, and instead he's playing race-bait games to undermine the law enforcement in the state of Arizona and across the country.
Too bad that there isn't a ground for impeachment for gross incompetence and stupidity. I totally reject the bullshit Liberal Facsist (read big Hitler lie) propaganda that Obama is the smartest man ever to be elected President. That honor rightfully belongs to John Quincy Adams. Obama has nothing on the record to prove his intelligence or his US citizenship except his two crappy autobiographies. His sealed records from cradle to present don't prove either his intelligence or his citizenship. Let's all vote this November for an overwhelming Conservative/Tea Party majority in Congress that can impeach this Kenyan Usurper.
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