There are two schools of thought regarding Obama's handling of the Gulf oil spill. The conspiratorial theory would have Obama presiding over the decline of America. It seems to be a very plausible view given Obama slavish adherence to the destructive principles of Saul Alinsky. On the other hand, there is the view that Obama is simply the most incompetent man to have ever occupied the White House. This is also plausible, given the fact that just about every record concerning Obama has been sealed away tightly and unavailable for scrutiny. We are being asked by the Obama acolytes to accept at face value their claim to his vast intelligence.
We really have no idea how smart this man is because unlike previous Presidents, we've never seen his grades or read a single word of legal scholarship written by a man that was the President (read editor) of the Harvard Law Review. What is scary is that despite emerging evidence to the contrary, many people still believe that Obama is intelligent. Bush is the inarticulate dummy. But here are some George W. Bush-like moments from the "most intelligent man" to have ever been President.
Our next feature is this little gem...
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How about this telling gaffe where George Step-on-all-of us saves Obama’s bacon?
Yeah, Bush was a dummy because he pronounced nuclear as "nu-cue-ler." And all of the "edumacated" (apologies to Popeye) pundits on the left jumped on Bush for that one. But maybe in light of all this, we should reconsider the quality of an Ivy League education. Their alumni seem to be dumber than owl droppings when you consider Ivy League dummies like John "Lurch" Kerry, Barry "Dumbo Ears" Obama, Timmy "Tax Cheat" Geithner, Hillary "Hitlery" Clinton and the rest of Obama's feckless staff and judicial nominees. It's really becoming very apparent that common sense is not taught at our Ivy League institutions of indoctrination.
Parallels between the Gulf oil spill and Bush's alleged mishandling of Katrina are being drawn by pundits. That is a gross misanalysis of the crisis. The real parallel to the current crisis is to Carter's hand-wringing mishandling of the Iranian hostage crisis. But at least Carter attempted to rescue the hostages with an ill-timed rescue attempt that fizzled with a sandstorm grounding the military helicopters to be used for the rescue. The only affirmative action that Obama has taken in this crisis is to send AG Eric "The Legal Buffoon" Holder and the DOJ Keystone Legal Kounsels to try to place civil and criminal blame on BP for the oil spill. Is threatening to put someone working on your behalf in jail a good management technique before they solve your problem? This dumbo approach goes way beyond any theory X management style.
The plutocrats and oligarchs that chose Obama to advance their totalitarian dystopic agenda gambled that Obama was a quick study. They hoped that Obama would successfully impose a 19th century political and social ideology on America. But he’s not a quick study. He needs a teleprompter to sound intelligent. They also thought that by hiding his school grades and birth certificate that we'd be fooled into accepting this usurper as president. They also counted on leftist pundits successfully jawboning about Obama's brains and covering-up the true facts about Obama. Judging by Obama's emerging incompetence and his corrupt administration's bribery attempts that are being revealed in the Pennsylvania and Colorado senatorial races; it appears that the elitists backed the wrong horse, or should we say, the wrong jackass.
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