There's an old saying by George Santayana that, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." In an exclusive story by the National Enquirer, new evidence has apparently been revealed in the case of 54 year old Molly Hagerty, the massage therapist that told Portland, Oregon police that Al Gore sexually assaulted her in a high end hotel room. Apparently there is a witness that could blow the case wide open, secret hotel video surveillance, and DNA evidence. This has caused the Portland, Oregon Police Department to reopen case for the fourth time.
This turn of events brings to mind the case of the Monica Lewinsky blue dress, which contained a semen stain later shown to be that of Bill Clinton. This proved that Clinton lied about an affair with Lewinsky. Gore was a smug critic of Clinton's morality. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Oh, but you shouldn't condemn Gore. He, like Clinton has the correct "public morality"! That means that even if it turns out that even if he is a predatory sex poodle he should be given a pass because global warming is so important. You mean the scam concocted by the plutocrats to fleece the average consumer. No thanks.
The Audacity of a Dope - The Babylonian Captivity Continues...
Broke Hussein Obama continued his "Don't blame me you voted for Bush" Tour in Racine, Wisconsin. It takes the audacity of a dope to continue to blame the previous administration for his failures especially after his solutions have cost trillions of dollars with little or no results. It was especially galling when you realize that some of the 14% unemployment rate in Racine stems from the closing of GM plants in Wisconsin after the takeover of the auto giant by the Obama Chicago Mob. The crowd had to have been handpicked and screened because the Kenyan Usurper was talking trash. No more years!
And They Said that Harriet Miers Was Unqualified...
Listening to Elena Kagan's confirmation hearing, it sickening to realize that RINOs will help to confirm the second incompetent Obama nominee onto the Supreme Court. With no actual legal experience until she became Solicitor General this past year. Orrin Hatch, (RINO-UT), the late Teddy Kennedy's BFF, indicated today that no filibuster of the eminently unqualified Kagan would happen. They don't want to make waves and are hoping against hope that they will be "nice" to their nominee. Yeah, does the name Robert Bork, Miguel Estrada, or Clarence Thomas ring a bell? Those sensitive Democrooks sure treated those guys fairly. This is a war. There should be a take no prisoners attitude especially when a Afro-Leninist like Obama that doesn't respect the Constitution is making appointments to the Court. Now you know why I am not a Republican.
Reverse Discrimination Redux
Remember the good old days in the 1970s when whites would complain about reverse discrimination in professional school admissions. More recently these reverse discrimination cases are about jobs in the public sector. A new area may be emerging in the law as regards equal access to justice. We see the perversion of the equal access to justice right in the Kagan hearings. It is obvious that she subscribes to the Obama concept that courts should make policy for the Democrook client groups.
Well, it seems like the most incompetent political hack to ever be named Attorney General has put the kibosh on prosecuting voter rights cases committed by blacks against whites. Former Justice Department attorney, J. Christian Adams, who quit his job to protesting the Department of [In]Justice's handling of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case accuses Attorney General Eric Holder of dropping the charges for racially motivated reasons.
New Black Panther thugs, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were charged in a civil complaint with violating the Voter Rights Act in November 2008 by using coercion, threats and intimidation at a Philadelphia polling station. Shabazz was brandishing what prosecutors called a deadly weapon. Take a look at this video and decide for yourself if the New Black Panthers are benevolent public spirited citizens or Obama's new SS.
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