"Thieves' Honor, yer Honor, I wasn't going to take all of it..."
Two long time Congress members may be facing serious ethical disciplinary charges. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Chairperson of the powerful Ways and Means Committee (the tax policy congressional cabal for oligarchs) and Maxine Waters (D-Imbecile) of South Central LA are victims of this latest racist (sic) witch-hunt. (Wait for that lame defense to surface.) But I seriously doubt that anything will come of it because Democrooks rarely ever suffer any serious legal consequences for their bad deeds, e.g., Teddy Kennedy (an alcohol-related vehicular homicide resulting in a 60-day drivers license suspension) or Bill Clinton (perjury resulting in a five-year law license suspension and $25,000 fine). It took the legal system almost five years to nail William Jefferson (D-LA) for accepting a $100,000 bribe. Meanwhile, Jefferson kept his seat--unlike most errant Reputz-again rapscallions that immediately resign at the first whiff of an malodorous scandal--be it sexual or fiscal.

"Seriously dude, it coulda been a lot worse, i.e., the operation was successful but the patient is still dying..."
The latest BS spin emanating from the Democrook crap machine is to say that the economy would be much worse off but for the actions of the Democrooks. Let's see, Obama promised no more than 8% unemployment if we passed his massive stimulus package. Hmm, the only real stimulus package that I heard about was the Northern Virgina massage spa that got some of that stimulus money. Although the story was later shown to be erroneous, it's fairly obvious that the economy still remains flaccid. This was despite Larry Flynt's hard thrusting efforts to get the economy up.
But the Democrooks fought tooth and nail to NOT reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which brought us the sub-prime mortgage catastrophe that screwed-up six years of economic prosperity. They are to blame for this economic mess. It was their October surprise that brought us the political and fiscal disaster that is Obama.
More to come...unfortunately.
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