Our Presidunce has done nothing in retaliation for the four Americans brutally executed by Muslim Somali pirates. (Like maybe doing the world a favor by bombing Somali pirate strongholds.)
Obumbler's predecessor George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan probably would have responded with strong military action. Even that feckless, male chauvinist pig, crypto-socialist, Bill Clinton would at least have returned a flaccid response to this outrage like when he fired a Cruise missile into Sudanese aspirin factory suspected of being an arms factory. Unfortunately, Clinton killed an innocent working man (a janitor). But like Obumbler, Clinton got and would get a Liberal media hypocrite pass every time.
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There are several natural disasters throughout the nation that would normally provoke a Presidential declaration of a disaster area or at least a courtesy flyover to inspect the damage. But because the victims like the flooded out Midwestern White Americans aren't a part of his lunatic leftist base he won't/doesn't act--not even in flyover country!
But Obumbler still has his White House parties and his pick-up basketball games on the weekend. Tonight's White House party is to watch the Chicago Bulls play the Charlotte Bobcats. (It's not clear whether the partiers will be bi-partisan or bi-polar.) The food fare will not be the healthy stuff that Michelle Antoinette is trying to shove down our collective, (excuse the Marxist lingo), gullets. You know, stuff like steamed mullet, tree bark, pine cones, and uncooked wild oats. Instead the bi-partiers will probably get chips, ice cream, pizza, fries, ribs, adult libations, etc.
But Obumbler still has his White House parties and his pick-up basketball games on the weekend. Tonight's White House party is to watch the Chicago Bulls play the Charlotte Bobcats. (It's not clear whether the partiers will be bi-partisan or bi-polar.) The food fare will not be the healthy stuff that Michelle Antoinette is trying to shove down our collective, (excuse the Marxist lingo), gullets. You know, stuff like steamed mullet, tree bark, pine cones, and uncooked wild oats. Instead the bi-partiers will probably get chips, ice cream, pizza, fries, ribs, adult libations, etc.
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Kanye! |
Kanye West, once described by the Presidunce as a "jackass," said that George W. Bush "hates Black people" apparently for not pushing the secret magic lever in the hidden room in the White House that would have stopped Hurricane Katrina. But the Presidunce's inaction on several natural disaster fronts involving predominately white victims is just as bad, if not worse.
Of course it was not "jumping to conclusions" when Obumbler called a Cambridge, Massachusetts cop "stupid" for arresting a Black Harvard professor for disturbing the peace. As it turned out that the cop acted ethically and professionally and was vindicated--so much for a post-racial America. Eric Holder, perhaps the most incompetent, Fascist US Attorney General since Woodrow Wilson's AG Alexander M. Palmer, allegedly will not prosecute Black voting rights offenders. Is it because they're his people--so much for Equal Protection under the law. But these crypto-Marxists have never respected the US Constitution.
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To some, it might also seem that Barack Obumbler hates white people and Christians. Well folks, it looks like Obumbler is a racist and religious bigot. He called his white Grandmother that raised him "a typical white person"! This is as bad as saying "you people" to a crowd of Black folks. Obama didn't do a very good of explaining what he meant by "a typical white person." But using the sliding scale of ethics and morality that most Socialist pigs live by, he'll surely get a pass.
But Obumbler is quick to tell us Americans that we should not jump to conclusions about the Balkan Muslim that intentionally killed two American airmen in the name of Islam. This is even though the murderer has confessed to the act of Islamo-terrorism. Obumbler also said the same thing when another Muslim domestic terrorist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, shot up his fellow soldiers at the Fort Hood, Texas army base. Why this kid glove treatment of wrongdoing Muslims?
But Obumbler is quick to tell us Americans that we should not jump to conclusions about the Balkan Muslim that intentionally killed two American airmen in the name of Islam. This is even though the murderer has confessed to the act of Islamo-terrorism. Obumbler also said the same thing when another Muslim domestic terrorist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, shot up his fellow soldiers at the Fort Hood, Texas army base. Why this kid glove treatment of wrongdoing Muslims?
Of course it was not "jumping to conclusions" when Obumbler called a Cambridge, Massachusetts cop "stupid" for arresting a Black Harvard professor for disturbing the peace. As it turned out that the cop acted ethically and professionally and was vindicated--so much for a post-racial America. Eric Holder, perhaps the most incompetent, Fascist US Attorney General since Woodrow Wilson's AG Alexander M. Palmer, allegedly will not prosecute Black voting rights offenders. Is it because they're his people--so much for Equal Protection under the law. But these crypto-Marxists have never respected the US Constitution.
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Gasoline prices are meteorically rising, but Presidunce Obumbler does nothing as the Red Chinese, Cubans, and Venezuelans drill off our coast, but maybe that's just professional Marxist courtesy being extended to his fellow socialist pig travellers. He has wanted to tap in to the strategic reserve but that would be stupid because the reserve is meant for real emergencies not for political expedience. The latest line is that gasoline prices are rising because of the unrest in Libya.
On a recent radio newscast, ABC News [sic] tried to shore up our girlie man Presidunce's machismo by pointing out that Obumbler mentioned by name Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (Kadafi) three times in telling him he had to go. Ooh, Gaddafi is shaking in his desert booties! Why didn't Obumbler do that with Ahmadinejad of Iran? Hmmm, maybe he's a fellow traveler of Ahmadinejad?
Our girlie man Presidunce must have have had on his best heavily starched "Mom Jeans" on when he was calling out Gaddafi. (BTW, is there a correct spelling for Gaddafi? The Christian Science Monitor has a good article in that regard.) The confusion over the spelling of the Libyan strongman's name is the least of the problems for Obumbler's Secretary of State incompetent silly head Hillary Clinton. If Gaddafi survives this uprising, and it looks increasingly that he may; then Obumbler might finally be unmasked as the incompetent officious meddler that he is. We wait with baited breath for the unmasking of the meddler.
NPR (National Partisan Radio) and its evil sister PBS (Partisan Broadcast Sham) are more like propaganda ministries than news services, i.e., they are to journalism as Woodpeckers are to carpentry.
NPR (National Partisan Radio) and its evil sister PBS (Partisan Broadcast Sham) are more like propaganda ministries than news services, i.e., they are to journalism as Woodpeckers are to carpentry.
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