Monday, July 18, 2011


"Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man," is a Jesuit maxim often attributed to St. Francis Xavier.  Even back in the 16th Century, it was recognized that up until seven years of age children are easily influenced.  Gay activists are pressing for more and more indoctrination of underage children into the gay lifestyle.  But it's not a matter of denying the civil rights of gays and lesbians, et al.  It is a matter of parental control, which is also a civil and a natural right.

California Governor Jerry "60s Retread" Brown signed SB 48, adding gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT and sometimes Q for questioning) studies to the public school curriculum this past week.  These studies would be included in the public schools social studies curriculum.  Supporters of the new law hope that it will teach students to be more tolerant of gay students and help reduce bullying.  It is also designed to teach students about the contributions of people that are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.

When I read The Picture of Dorian Gray in high school, it was more important that I read and appreciated the book.  Irrelevant details like the fact that Oscar Wilde was gay would have added nothing to my understanding of the book.  Moreover, there was  no overtly gay theme to speak of.  It is also true there is some gay  imagery in Walt Whitman's  poetry.  But quite frankly unless it rises to the level of hardcore gay porn with images of Jack Wrangler cavorting through the leaves of grass who cares?  But isn't all this sidebar stuff better taught in a college setting where students are mature enough to learn without giggling like silly adolescents?
These public school GLBT and sometimes Q studies may not be as intense as university courses that are sometimes called Queer Studies, but there are issues of timing and indoctrination into a lifestyle that parents might not want for their children.  It is also an issue of who ultimately controls the upbringing and education of children.  This law comes at the same time when there is a controversy over state intervention in the case of extremely obese children by putting those children in foster care.  Add to that, Michelle Obama's fascist nutritional initiative viz. childhood obesity and more and more it appears that the Nanny State is enlarging its role in loco parentis. The Sacramento-based Capitol Resource Institute has begun the initiative process to hold a statewide vote to overturn the bill. If you're a registered voter in California please take a moment to sign the petition to place this issue on the ballot.  Do it while participatory democracy still exists in the Era of Obama's Oppression.


Addendum to my post about Pharaoh Barack's day off:

11.  Cut the quarter billion dollar funding of Planned Parenthood's genocidal activities.

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