"There's no success like failure
And failure's no success at all"
-Bob Dylan, Love Minus Zero/No Limit
I have a theory about organizational malaise. If a private company, a government, or any organization that you're a part of is dysfunctional, then look to the character of the person that heads the organization. The flaws of that person will infect the organization from the top down. It's a variation of "the rotten apple spoiling the barrel" cliché.
If you think that private conduct doesn't mean anything as a predictor about how someone might handle the duties of elective public office, think again. The Obamas lived way beyond their means until 2005, when Barack Obama assumed his Senate seat. The indolent Obama only showed up to his U.S. Senate job 143 days between 2005 and until his election as the President of the United States in 2008. He displayed the same "vigorous work ethic" as a U.S Senator as he did as an Illinois State Senator. So what does he do now that he's the big cheese? He shoots hoops, plays golf, and wolfs down bad food. He also goes on a lot of vacations. Just look at Obama's reckless handling of the American economy and you could conclude that the man is a indolent, incompetent spendthrift.
At least one Obama apologist tries to make indolent Democommies Bill Clinton and Barack Obama look like hard workers. But all of the Republican Presidents, Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43, that the leftist apologist says loafed, accomplished several things of note during their terms in office. Clinton and Obama accomplished little or nothing positive during their time in office. Clinton is still looking for a legacy for his wasted eight year administration. Many of Clinton's die hard supporters wish that 9/11 had happened on his watch--then and only then would he have had the opportunity to be a "great" President.
And Obama, what has he done besides trample on the U.S. Constitution and make frivolous indolence a full time job? Unfortunately he has done very little constructive. We have a de facto part time President and a full time wrecking ball. His economic policy is a disaster of misspent taxpayer money. His domestic policy is an embarrassment of excesses. His foreign policy has made the United States the laughing stock of the world with its inconsistencies. He sits on the sidelines, not for strategic reasons, but because he doesn't know what to do. That's scary. This is a stubborn man unwilling to learn and too arrogant to ask for help. By comparison, Jimmy Carter looks like a Mt. Rushmore candidate.
It's Sunday afternoon and I'm shopping at a big chain pet store. I'm standing for a few minutes watching as a store clerk ignores me while she busily text messages her buddy on her iPhone. I'm finally acknowledged after gentle prodding by her co-worker. As she rung up my purchase, I realized that perhaps one day this clerk might be a future President of the United States. Not to worry, we elected far worse in 2008.
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