Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Unlike the flirtatious Scarlett O'Hara playing romantic peekaboo games with numerous suitors in the opening scene of Gone With the Wind (GWTW), there's something creepy  about Chris Christie playing a coy courtesan as he flirts with running for President.  At least with Scarlett, there was a definite strategy in playing one suitor against another.  She could land a wealthy husband and nobody  got hurt, i.e., no taxpayers were harmed in the making of GWTW.  But Christie's political-eye-batting-come-on seems downright narcissistic and indecisive.  His umpteenth denial that he's running will come at a press conference today.  The last thing we should want in a President is an indecisive narcissist.  Why you might ask?  We've been there, done that, and don't want to do it again in 2012.  But at least Christie isn't wearing Mom Jeans as he flirts shamelessly with party elders and big time GOP donors.  Way back when Presidents didn't regularly "dis" the country, my Dad worked with a retired Navy man from Alabama. "The Captain" as he was known, was a crafty marketing guy that used to describe upcoming "dog and pony shows" to potential customers  as an opportunity "to open up the kimono and tantalize them a bit!"  "The Captain" knew a little bit about skillful salesmanship.  This is not the case with Chris Christie.

The usual reason given for the intense interest in Christie is that the current GOP Presidential field is weak.  Query: As compared to what?  Obama has become in two and one half insufferable years the worst President ever.  The previous holder of the title, Jimmy Carter looks downright statesmanlike in comparison, but not quite enough to erect billboards saying "Miss me?"  Funny thing, but the only people that seem to be disappointed in the Republican field are the leftist pundits and water carriers for Barack Hussein Obama.  Personally, I like this field because all of them are far more capable than Obama.  Even the eccentric Ron Paul has his merits.  In the GOP primary process, it may turn out that while you might not vote for a particular candidate for President, a lot of them would make strong cabinet members, i.e.,  a good management team.  I could easily see Michele Bachmann as Commissioner of the IRS.  Herman Cain would make a good Secretary of Commerce. Mitt Romney would make either a good Secretary of the Treasury or better yet, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.  There's a lot of common sense in the GOP field.  But more importantly, there's experience that goes beyond the posting of handbills on telephone poles announcing a community gripe session.  Unlike the current occupant of the White House, all of these current candidates also have solid records of regularly showing up for work.

We can't say that we've got a good management team in Obama, his VP Biden,  or his Cabinet.  Vice-President Joe Biden is, to paraphrase former VP John Nance Garner's comment about the Vice-Presidency, "...not worth a bucket of warm spit." (According to Sydney Blumenthal, as cited in Wikipedia, Garner actually said "warm piss."  That sounds more like what a hard core Texan like Garner would have said. )   It's also a cruel cosmic joke to have tax cheat Tim Geithner running the Treasury department, which by the way, includes the IRS.  At least two of Obama's appointees are ardent admirers of mass murderer Mao Zedong.  Eric Holder is a joke as the U.S. Attorney General, i.e., Holder is to the law what woodpeckers are to carpentry.  He should be immediately sent away to some backwoods hollow to be a Judge Roy Bean-like dispenser of injustice.  

But is Christie the answer to our current national malaise?  Well, until Christie shows a little more than what's inside his slightly open kimono, (I know it's bad optics), we'll just have to let the process play itself out.  Let's also hope that the Democrats and the Main Stream Media presstitutes won't be picking a GOP caninedate in 2012, just as they did in 1996 and 2008.  We'll see today at Christie's press conference at 1 p.m., EDT whether or not he'll be running for "Best in Show" in 2012.  But don't think that this flirtation is over.

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