Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Like most things in this country, the culture of the National Football League has been infected with the Liberal Weltanschauung.  Why else would it be acceptable to reinstate dog torturer/killer and gambling ring operator Michael Vick into the NFL and yet be dismissive of Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow?  Hey, if the lefties don't respect human life why would they have respect for the sanctity of life for dogs?  To them, water boarding is torture, but what Vick did by electrocuting dogs should not interfere with his "right" to make a living by playing pro football.  Inasmuch as most sports pundits appear to be Liberals, this cockeyed viewpoint seems idiotic.  Even more so when you consider the fact that Vick was also running a dog-fighting gambling ring.  And as we all know, the self-righteous NFL frowns upon illegal gambling of any kind. 

Tebow is perhaps the most exciting thing to come into the NFL in years.  His enthusiastic play has inspired his Bronco teammates into a 5-1 record since he took the starting job from Kyle Orton.  They also believe they can win as a team. Yet many football pundits are openly hostile to Tebow.  Their comments have ranged from, that he's unsuited to the professional game because he has an awkward throwing motion to outright hostility to his unabashed Christianity.  Former Denver Bronco QB, Jake "The Snake" Plummer commented,
 "Tebow, regardless of whether I wish he'd just shut up after a game and go hug his teammates, I think he's a winner and I respect that about him," said Plummer. "I think that when he accepts the fact that we know that he loves Jesus Christ, then I think I'll like him a little better. I don't hate him because of that, I just would rather not have to hear that every single time he takes a good snap or makes a good hand-off."
Tom Krattenmaker, author of Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and Players into Preachers, told USA Today
"At times, if you are an Evangelical Christian, it feels like the faith is being beat up on and marginalized. To see someone like Tebow to come along that boosts them all and makes them feel kind of proud. He is a real champion for the faith and makes them want to defend him." 
So what if Tebow kneels in gratitude after a good play?  He is grateful to be alive.  According to the controversial Focus on the Family ad that aired during last year's Super Bowl, his pregnant mother, got sick in a Philippine hospital endangering her unborn fetus.  Against doctors' advice she did not abort the fetus.  

The "right to kill fetuses" gang says that the story that the ad is based upon is a falsehood.  Democrat attack bot and lawyer Gloria Allred said that abortion has been illegal since 1930 in the Philippines and would have been a criminal offense.  She would have found hard to believe that doctors would have recommended the procedure.  Well, it will have to remain a mystery because Gloria wasn't there to hear the conversation between Pam Tebow and the doctors.  Never mind the Hippocratic Oath, which compels doctors to treat the sick to the best of one's ability.  And if that might have included recommending an abortion to save a mother's life, well, that's not too implausible.

Meanwhile, Tebow delights, entertains, and inspires with his enthusiastic play.  He has a good work ethic and appears to be unaffected by fame. He's a winner as compared to the dog torturer/killer that calls the signals for the 4-8 Philadelphia Eagles.  For once it's good to be reading about a professional athlete in the sports page and not in the police blotter.   

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