Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Last weekend's murder-suicide involving Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher is bringing out the worst in sports journalists. Whenever sports guys stray from their area of expertise they end up looking like imbeciles. Bob Costas is no exception.  Sunday night at halftime of the Sunday Night Football (SNF) game, Costas adopted the old liberal anti-Second Amendment bromide by agreeing with a column by Kansas City sportswriter Jason Whitlock that guns are the problem with America. Whitlock is also on record as stupidly saying that the NRA is the equivalent of the KKK. This "thought" is dumber than owl droppings. To paraphrase the words of wisdom from comedian Ron White, the next time Jason Whitlock has such a thought, he should let it go.
Costas should also dial it back on the extreme liberal politics, i.e., "Shut up and sportscast." Instead, Costas demonstrated a goose stepping adherance to the liberal mantra of blaming the gun when he should have been questioning why Belcher murdered his girlfriend, killed himself, and left their 3 month old daughter an orphan. Meanwhile, Costas had a new one torn for him by numerous Twitter followers. And no wonder, SNF was insufferable while Liberal stooge Keith Olberdork (Olbermann) was spewing his unique brand of idiocy during the pregame and halftime SNF shows. I refused to watch SNF as long as Olberdork was there. But he's long gone and is out of our misery! (Good move NBC Sports!) So why should a negative reaction to Costas' dumbass commentary be any different? It really doesn't take courage to be a Liberal stooge. Any imbecile can do it. But these are imbeciles with an agenda. And they're a truly dangerous lot of control freaks, think the Emperor Bloomberg's decree on the size of your soda pop. Like Global Whining there's even a sloppy "consensus" on the science behind Bloomberg's decree. (Help me please real scientist Mr. Wizard!)
The next step in the complete castration of the American male will be to blame football's "violence" for causing concussions, (read major brain damage) and hence, severe depression leading to violence against women and as a byproduct of same, causing gun nuttiness. Pseudoscience will also find a causal link for Belcher's actions because of his participation in a collision sport; just as the recent violent hurricane, like Super Storm Sandy is "proof" of climate change (formerly known as  global warming).  I played football, rugby, and soccer 40 years ago and while I do have some residual injuries to show for it, I'm okay with it. But I would not trade any of those experiences (including jerk coaches) for the namby-pamby lifestyle of the typical effete liberal girlie-man. I learned teamwork and more importantly how to work with people that I disliked intensely.
When I watch the Super Bowl it's not for the commercials, it's not for the special Super Bowl chips and dip, and it's not to party. It's to watch athleticism and toughness. I like football, especially the free wheeling hard hitting variety that was played during the Golden Age of football in the 1960s and 70s. Give me a Dick Butkus or a Jack Lambert any day. Where are the truly tough running backs like Jim Brown? There were characters like Conrad Dobler,  and Lester "The Molester" Hayes.  I remember when quarterbacks like Terry Bradshaw--(four Super Bowl rings)--called their own plays. Back then men were truly men and called their own plays in life and on the football field. Whether women want to acknowledge it or not, they miss this kind of take charge guy. The hell with SNAGs (Sensitive New Age Guys). As an aside, the knock on Bradshaw was that he was dumb. You can't be dumb and be an elite NFL quarterback. But do you recognize the similarites to liberal hate speech in action? Most alleged liberal braniacs are one trick ponies that are "smart" in a very narrow area of knowledge.
In the legal profession we have idiots with fountain pens that sign will sign any will as a witness, ("Where do I sign?"). You can find them in any office building full of lawyers. In broadcasting, I suppose that there are idiots with microphones that are witnesses to wilful stupidity. You can find them at 30 Rock in NYC.

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