People are losing sight of the importance of this year's presidential election. At stake is the transformation of a representative republic into a Socialist/Fascist state laced with the Third World patina of brutal tyranny and abject poverty. The election of Hillary Clinton for a third term of the Obama policies would be an unmitigated disaster for freedom and democracy.
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A minor delay on the road to serfdom. |
Her opponent the in Democrat primaries, Socialist Bernie Sanders has two chances of overtaking Clinton-- Slim and None, and Slim just left town. The Democrat establishment has jury rigged the process so that with the hand-picked "Super Delegates" in her wide hip pocket, Clinton is all but assured of the nomination. This is also in compensation for the party's gift of the nomination in 2008, to Barack Obama. The gift to Obama was not because the Democrat seriously believes in racial equality-- they don't. It was so that the Democrats could have cover to implement their destructive agenda under cover of a racism against our guy shield. Any criticism of the Democrat agenda would be attributed to the mostly imagined racism against Obama by the critics. Democrats are now attempting to replicate the same political protectionist strategy using sexism against a woman to protect their malevolent agenda. Democrats always put party before country and people.
What is particularly galling is that Hillary Clinton is a putative felon and sociopath. Sociopath is not a term to be thrown around lightly. Her lies and unbridled ethical lapses notwithstanding, her greed has lead her to influence peddling and money laundering via the Clinton Foundation. But it is her endorsement of unrestricted abortion on demand that speaks volumes about her lack of respect for the sanctity of human life. If someone has such little regard for the lives of the most helpless of living beings, they cannot be too far removed from giving an order to institute a "Final Solution" for political enemies or for pesky social problems. That half of the legal voting population would even consider voting for such a morally inert person for the highest office in the land is disheartening and speaks lowly of the American electorate. Even more galling is that the corruption of the Obama Justice Department may spare her from donning the orange jump suit that she so richly deserves. There are people that have served serious jail time for less than what Hillary is alleged to have done. Yet, there she is, the front runner for the Democrat nomination for President of the United States.
But I'm not particularly enthused over a choice between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to counter the danger of a Hillary Clinton régime. Each man fills me with discomfort as to their abilities to do justice to the office. Maybe it's because I have a naïve view of the Presidency, i.e., the man or woman that fills the job should be larger than life. Names like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan all come to mind. Yes, I omitted Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). But that was on purpose because the FDR initiated the decline of the United States into crypto-Socialist status. Other Presidents have done some individually great things, but their character flaws or political missteps prevented them from being inducted into the Pantheon of great Presidents
What is dismaying about the G.O.P. primary process has been the childish bickering of the two front runners. But this was a common occurrence throughout the G.O.P. primary process. The absolute silliness of making Carly Fiorina's face a campaign issue was silly. (As an aside, smart women like Fiorina have always made me weak in the knees. Hence, they are sexy. Even though she's "older", Barbara Corcoran of the "Shark Tank" TV show is another hottie.) Then there was the silliness over the size of Trump's hands by Marco Rubio implying somehow that Trump's manhood was sub par. This caused me to not take Rubio seriously as being mature enough for the big job of being President of the United States.
Donald Trump cries like a little girl over the "unfairness" of the G.O.P. establishment. Donald, you're always bragging about what a "tough businessman" you are. Well, okay you're now in the rough and tumble world of partisan politics. You're a smart guy. So if you don't know what to do in this terra nova, then hire people that do know. Stop acting like some retired Navy Chief with his rules of personal engagement: i.e.: (1) the Chief is always right, (2) if the Chief is wrong, then Rule No. (1) applies. You are not infallible Donald. Start acting like a serious candidate instead of a spoiled brat that isn't getting his way, i.e., "Don't you know who I am?"
Ted Cruz is another case. We all know he's scary smart as his Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz has affirmed. But somehow something is missing. Maybe a personality transplant is in order. It would not have to be much more complicated than transplanting the personality of a rutabaga to Cruz for him to be able to defeat either the screechy crone, Hillary Clinton or the Babbling Bolshevik Bernie Sanders. Neither of the two Democrat contenders offer much more than warmed over borscht from a Communist party cell meeting.
I didn't mention John Kasich earlier on purpose because he's math challenged in his thinking that he's got a shot at the nomination. We don't need a math dummy as President or any dummy for that matter. Kasich is so delusional that he seriously thinks that he'll leapfrog over Trump and Cruz for the nomination. The postman's son always annoys at least twice.
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So what do we make of this? It seems that this November, it's business as usual. And just as in 1996, 2008, and 2012, I'll be holding my nose one more time as I vote. But this time it's really different, I'm voting as if my life depends on it. So should you because it does.
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