Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Note from the Editor: We strive to maintain high editorial standards.

While we stand behind most of the content contained in the recent post by Che Chihuahua, we have removed the posting because in the final analysis it didn't fully meet the editorial standards of this blog.

In several instances, the posting fell into the intellectually lazy practice of relying on ad hominem arguments, also known as argumentum ad hominem, an argument directed at the man or woman. This violates the general APWP editorial approach of arguing facts not personalities. We believe that the usage of this argumentative style by such diverse media genres as Air America, The Daily Kos, TV news propagandists, and several big city newspapers are the primary reason that journalism and political discourse has devolved into silly name calling and the toxic culture of agenda journalism.

We do not claim to be perfect.  But some humor even if appears to be personally cruel can make a telling point, i.e., "a teachable moment."  For example, poking fun at John Kerry's and Nancy Pelosi's penchant for botox usage takes the look of ironic coincidence when paired with the removal of the proposed 5% Botax on botox from the proposed Health Care Reform [sic] legislation.  There are those that might claim that it consituted an unfair tax against middle class women.  But it's still kind of funny that Democrats that have never met a tax that they didn't like would remove a tax so near and dear to the faces of the Democrat Party.

Finally, profanity or vulgarity, even if disguised or sanitized for public consumption, will generally not be used unless it is within the context of a news story, e.g., a direct quote from former Vice-President Dick Cheney to Senator Patrick Leahy.  It is a quote that we heartily agree with.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Take the day off from politics and enjoy the gifts that God has bestowed upon all of us.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whoring for Health Care

Probably the most ridiculous and vulgar ad that has ever been conceived is the current MTV Rock the Vote ad, "What will you do for Health Care? As some of you may be aware, MTV had decided to accept political advertising right after Obama was assured of the Democrat nomination.  No small coincidence inasmuch as the Left leaning media will almost always the bend their self-serving standards and practices to accomodate Liberal policies. 

Even NBC's TV show Law and Order got in on the promomotion of the Health Care Reform that the American people don't seem to want. While you could make an argument that the dialogue that discusses health care insurance is realistic, the issue of a lifetime cap on insurance benefits is a little too specific to ring true.  It sounds more like a talking point written by David Axelrod. But Axelrod didn't get an "additonal dialogue" credit for the episode.

One of the discussion threads on the Ron Paul Forums is called "Whoring for Healthcare." That about sums it up vis-à-vis the Rock the Vote ad. Although the recent purchase of Senate Democrat votes to get cloture on the debate is more apropos to the issue of whoring for Health Care. It's funny how prostitution seems to be the flavor of the month. It's okay to sell yourself. According to the CBS News Politics page:
Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, responded Tuesday to widespread criticism that Democrats only garnered the 60 votes needed to defeat Republican stalling tactics on the health reform bill by catering to self-interest, saying Democrats are focusing on the big picture; "trying to cross a demarcation line." Harkin dismissed deals dubbed vote-buying by GOP senators as "small stuff" that distracted Americans from the primary focus of the overhaul bill.
According to the December 20, 2009, Washington Post article entitled, Health bill money for hospital sought by Dodd:

A $100 million item for construction of a university hospital was inserted in the Senate health care bill at the request of Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., who faces a difficult re-election campaign, his office said Sunday night.  
The legislation leaves it up to the Health and Human Services Department to decide where the money should be spent, although spokesman Bryan DeAngelis said Dodd hopes to claim it for the University of Connecticut.
The provision is included in a 383-page series of changes to the health care bill that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., outlined Saturday. Scattered throughout are numerous items sought by individual lawmakers, many of them directing money explicitly to programs or projects in their home states.
Apparently Senator Ben "Kornhusker Kickback" Nelson also got an earful from his constituents in Nebraska and his DC offices and it wasn't very pretty.

But the Democrats won't listen to the people because they have a another agenda besides health care.  And it's the same agenda that the fleeing Kremlin refugees brought with them when they moved into the DNC Headquarters in 1992. You recall 1992? That was the year that the Soviet Union fell and Bill Clinton was elected President.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Million Dollar Man Was Right, "Everybody has a Price."

The old World Wrestling Federation, now known as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has always had good instincts when it comes to marketing their product. They know how to tell a story that depicts the struggle between good and evil without melodramatic preachiness. The WWE characters almost always personify good and evil. In wrestling terminology, the "Faces" are the good guys and the "Heels” are the bad guys.

One of the more colorful wrestlers from the late 1980s and early 1990s was Ted DiBiase, also known as "The Million Dollar Man."  DiBiase was a "heel" if ever there was ever one.  DiBiase would condescendingly sneer that "Everybody has a price."  He would then demonstrate the "purchasing power" of his money such as buying off the manager of a local swimming pool to close it for the entire day so that he could have the pool to all to himself.

After this last weekend we all should know that the "Million Dollar Man" was right.  The recent cloture vote on the misnamed Health Care Reform shows that anybody can be bought.  We have the "Louisiana Purchase" of Senator Mary Landrieu's vote for up to $300 million in Federal Medicaid funds that are certain to disappear in the corruption rathole that has characterized Louisiana politics since the days of Huey Long.  (As an aside, the old Huey Long "Share the Wealth" limitations on executive pay sounds strikingly familiar to the limitations on insurance executive pay and expense accounts contained in the proposed Health Care Reform (sic) legislation.)  Some like Glenn Beck have likened her to the highest paid hooker in history.  This greatly upset those genteel loving folks at MediaMatters, the propaganda front group for that little Fascist, George Soros. 

We also know that Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) from got additional time to "study" the legislation.  But after all those hours of study Blanche's answer to the question as to where the Constitutional grants authority to force Americans to purchase insurance is plain wrong.  Blanche du Bonehead answered that the U.S. Constitution “charges Congress with the health and well-being of the people.”  BZZZZZT!  Wrong answer Blanche, because unlike Prego® Pasta sauce it's not in there.  You could take another 100 years to study and you still wouldn't get it right. 

Senator Ben "Let's Make a Deal" Nelson got the Federal government to pick-up the full tab for Nebraska's growing Medicaid population.  Other states also got similar Medicaid assistance.  Lurking somewhere in all of this is the apparent illegal use of public money to de facto purchase the votes of Senators.  It used to be that bribes were done privately with cash-filled envelopes left at a drop spot.  Now it's brazenly done and condoned as doing the people's business.  What kind of people are we to stand for this overt corruption?  At a minimum, there has to be an equal protection argument in favor of the aggrieved taxpayer citizens of those states not chosen to receive a piece of the Chicago style bribery action.  Query: Has your Senator committed political malpractice by not bringing home any of the Medicaid loot?

Here's a handy rule of thumb to employ whenever listening to any Democrook politician pontificate about ethics in government.  Always assume the opposite that they say is the truth.  When "Broke" Hussein Obama talks about transparency in government, you know the Liberal-Fascists are busy with their backroom Chicago deals and looting the Treasury in every way that they can.  The bottomline is that the Democrooks sincerely hate America and are looking to destroy this country.  They are plutocrats only concerned with feathering their own nests and relegating the rest of us to subservient serfdom.  Yes, it's true that they believe in equality--the equality of misery for us little people.  If you don't believe it, then why don't the 60 Senate elitists that voted for this health care legislative mess subject themselves to the health care reform monster that they created? 

Perhaps we should all pause and consider the opening words of the Declaration of Independence.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The blatant corruption of the Democrook Party impels us to ensure in that in 2010, they be separated from the body politic with all deliberate speed and by any legal means necessary.

Join the 2010 Battle of Bunco Capitol Hill!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Proposed Election Strategy for 2010

I have been getting a lot of letters lately from the Republican National Committee (RNC) asking me for money.  Fifteen years ago I used  to send $45 every two weeks to the RNC.  I was energized by the toppling of the power drunk and corrupt Democrats.  I was also inspired by the  so-called Contract with America.  But I stopped sending the RNC money when the Republicans didn't respond to Bill Clinton's lying advertisement that implied that Republicans wanted to destroy Medicare.  I thought that they were wusses for not responding to the obvious false parcing of a long quote from then House Speaker Newt Gingrich.  

In fact, the Democrat prevaricators intentionally misquoted then House Speaker Newt Gingrich as saying that Republicans wanted Medicare to "wither on the vine." A comment on an ABC blog got the quote right. What Gingrich actually said was:
O.K., what do you think the Health Care Financing Administration is? It's a centralized command bureaucracy. Now, we don't get rid of it in round one because we don't think that that's politically smart and we don't think that that's the right way to go through a transition. But we believe it's going to wither on the vine because we think people are voluntarily going to leave it-- voluntarily.
Gingrich meant that it would be the Medicare bureaucracy that would "wither on the vine," not Medicare benefits.

I wondered what in the world the had the RNC done with all those  contributions that I and others sent in good faith?  Since 1996, the GOP has been a huge disappointment to me resulting in me finally changing to independent voter status in 2004.  The one thing from the Contract with America that I really wanted--term limits--was left undone. This is why scumbags like Teddy "Lady Killer" Kennedy and Robert "KKK" Byrd were allowed to take taxpayer money for being useless public "servants."

As much as it pains me to say, George W. Bush allowed himself to be "bitch slapped" by a bunch of cowardly ridgling liberals by never defending his policies until the very last week of his Presidency.  The Republicans have never understood how to use the media since Lee Atwater unexpectedly died in 1991.  (How convenient for Clinton's Crapmeisters to have their nemesis die before the 1992 Presidential  elections.  (NN: It's almost as convenient as the death of a "heart attack" of Clinton supporter and Whitewater partner Jim   McDougal in 1997 who was in solitary confinement in an Arkansas Federal Prison.  McDougal was flipped and was abut to give damaging information about the "First Black President."  For a contrary view see )  Atwater understood the dirtbag attacks of the Democrat smear machine and responded with the truth about the feckless Liberal Candidate Michael Dukakis

But no I didn't re-register as a Democrat.  I had left the Democrat party after 20 years when the crypto-socialist Bill Clinton was nominated in 1992, as the party's Presidential candidate. The party that I had joined in 1972 had people like Henry "Scoop" Jackson, Sam Nunn and conservative party members in it that actually loved America. It also seemed to have a non-Marxist agenda that was designed to serve the interests of the American people not the interests of Europe or the Third World.  Now the party consists a bunch of crypto-Marxist girlie men and obnoxious women.

By 1992, the Marxist lemmings that I had despised in college were now running all things in the political, entertainment, and the media forums.  After frivolous dalliances with drugs, sex and rock and roll, the trust fund radicals from the Ivy League and other elite universities had assumed their pre-ordained positions in the establishment.  The proof came with the alleged anti-capitalist Jerry Rubin, the radical yippie who ended up holding business networking seminars in 1982.

Like most aristocracies the political left proceeded to define membership in the new plutocracy by having an Ivy League degree, old money pedegree, or by being a talented but unmonied acolyte with potential to serve the plutocrats.  Most of these talented but unmonied acolytes fail to understand that they are nothing more than "useful idiots" to the leftist plutocracy.   What is amazing is that the loudest acolytes of the Marxist scenario actually believe that they will be rewarded with membership in the upper crust.  Surprise!  They will be amongst the first to be lined up on the execution line as most Marxist regimes do to "useful idiots" when they are no longer useful to them.  Note how the Bolshevik Revolutions parallel the current Progressive Revolution; but without the blood--yet.
The revolutions of 1917 overturned the old social order. In that year, the new Bolshevik (see Glossary) government nationalized private estates and church lands, and it abolished class distinctions and privileges. Workers' councils (Soviets--see Glossary) took over the operation of factories [NN: GM and Chrysler are now "owned" by the Auto Workers Union] and were given the right to set production goals and remuneration levels. Banking was declared a state monopoly. Thus, the economic foundations of the old social order crumbled. The new ruling elite, the Bolshevik-Marxist intelligentsia, drew its support from what it called the proletariat--workers, landless peasants, and employees--while the formerly privileged--the clergy, nobility, high-ranking civil servants, and merchants--found themselves stripped of their property and even hindered in obtaining housing, education, and jobs. The Bolsheviks lifted some of the restrictions a short while later when they realized that they needed the professional knowledge and skills of some former members of the elite to operate the government and the economy. Yet the children of the formerly privileged were barred from educational and career opportunities for nearly two decades after the Bolshevik Revolution.
This information comes from the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army.

The Democrat party became the radical chic haven for the spoiled trust fund radical children. There was no longer any room for a "Law and Order Liberal" or even a "Bleeding Heart Conservative" in the Democrat party.  Only those that had belonged to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or the myriyad of juvenile Marxist-like groups had a voice.  It seemed that past membership in the Socialist Workers Party or the CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA) was a resume enhancement.  SDS radical credentials got Tom Hayden elected to the California State Legislature and he was rewarded for helping the cause by getting to rent a hot celebrity wife in "Hanoi" Jane Fonda for a few years.  After that, leftist plutocrat Ted Turner rented Jane for a few more years.

The Bolshevik Captivity has brought nearly total control of every instrument of the US government by the Obama regime--especially the Treasury printing press.  Despite the fact that most of the original TARP money hasn't been spent on buying "toxic assets" hasn't stopped the Obama regime from spending even more money like the proverbial drunken sailor, except that unlike the thieving government, a sailor earns his money and therefore, the right to spend it as he pleases. 

There is so much talk lately about forming a third party of Conservatives, Libertarians, and any available disaffected politically displaced refugees. This is analogous to a bar fight in which the assistance from any human chancre with a broken bottle in hand is sought.  A third party would the best way to assure permanent Democrat control of the government by spliting the vote and taking us down the road to serfdom as envisioned by Friedrich von Hayek.  This confirmed by the media's indirect encouragement of the Tea Party's third party asperations.  The Republican Party has to come up with a counter to the tired old "tax and spend" elitist fascism of the Democrat Party.  Here are some suggestions.

  • Amend the Tax Code to exempt up to the first $10,000 of savings from taxation for all taxpayers per tax year.  What this means is that all taxpayer can give themselves a tax cut depending on the extent of their thriftiness.  What this will do is to cause an influx of "real" cash (earned income) into the banking system and not fiat money (play money) from the Federal Reserve.  Screw the leftist class warfare pablum that such a tax change would only benefit the rich.  It's honest, not punative, and will encourage good financial behavior from a wide range of taxpayers.  And hasn't the tax code been used before to encourage certain types of behaviors?

  • Any Federal involvement in health care insurance should be in the area of wealth preservation, i.e., catastrophic health insurance.   Many people can't get assistance because they, as former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle  (and tax cheating Democrat) said they've won "life's lottery," i.e., they bought a house or had a savings ethic.  Liberal Republican President Richard Nixon proposed such a plan in 1974.  But Watergate and first attempted coup by the Democrats to install Democrat House Speaker Carl Albert as the President of the United States was in full force and the Democrats had their own agenda in place.  Nixon parried that coup by appointing Gerald Ford as Vice-President.  The best laid coup plans of Democrat girlie men and obnoxious women was deferred until Obama's election.

  • Energy independence is critical to our continued success as the greatest nation on Earth.  So why are the Chinese drilling for oil off our shores?  Where is the true loyalty of the Congressional Democrats in forbidding us to do what our economic and political ENEMIES are doing? We need to drill offhore and drill now!  We need to forget the bulls**t scare tactics of the China Syndrome movie.  How convenient was the fact that the nuclear accident (?) at Three Mile Island happened 12 days after the movie's release?  Shouldn't we investigate why the Santa Barbara oil spill ended up curtailing off shore drilling in the US?

These are just three suggestions to try to solve some heavy duty problems in America.  But any suggestions for reform must be based upon a true love for the US as a country.  As I've stated before Obama's and the Democrat's agenda is based upon a hatred of America.  Let's stop these haters.  By the way being scrappy about the issue that you're concerned about is no crime.  Barry Goldwater put it best when he said:

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism...I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
Thomas Jefferson the alleged spiritul Father of the Democrat Party put it best when he said, "I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."  These are words to live by. Yet the Obama regime doesn't give a damn about America.  So be very afraid Liberal Fascists because your spiritual father, Thomas Jefferson is pissed at you for betraying his vision  of America and his spirit is coming to get you in the 2010 elections.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Grade Inflation

In the recently broadcast interview with Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama gave himself a grade of "a strong B+" for his first 11 months as President!  Ignoring the obvious arrogance of the Megalomaniac-in-Chief, it's frightening to realize that a person can delude himself into thinking that non-action is action.  Obama is a man that has accomplished little except to get himself elected President of the United States with smoke and mirrors and get a Nobel Prize for doing absolutely nothing.  It's also disconcerting to realize that this man wrote an autobiography before he had ever accomplished anything of note.

His second book, The Audacity of Hope, is a mirror into the soul of Obama.  Hope, it has been said is an excuse to do nothing.  And certainly Obama is well qualified on that account.  He does not speak particularly well unless he is tightly scripted by his handlers Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, the questions are pre-screened or planted, and when he has a teleprompter.  Although he was President of the Harvard Law Review and taught at the University of Chicago Law School, there is little or no evidence of any legal scholarship of note by Obama demonstrating what "thinking" Liberals  (NN: chortle, giggle, smirk) like to call intellectual curiousity and nuanced thinking.  His records from his birth certificate to school records have been sealed so that we know little about the 44th President of the United States,  except what is contained in his autobiography. Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose admitted as much during Rose's interview of Brokaw. 

It was said by some that John Roberts crafted his life to prepare for the vetting that he would receive when he became the nominee for Chief Justice.  But Roberts lived a life that can be verified by the public record and demonstrated a pattern of accomplishment from his youth to his appointment as a Supreme Court Justice.  Obama's life on the other hand is shrouded in mystery and avoidance.  In other words, our right to access about any facts about Obama has been converted to his right to let us know.  And this is where the grade inflation comes in.  Walter Williams writing in Capitalism Magazine, Fraud in Academia: Grade Inflation 101noted that,
Writing for the National Association of Scholars, Professor Thomas C. Reeves documents what is no less than academic fraud in his article "The Happy Classroom: Grade Inflation Works." From 1991 to 2007, in public institutions, the average grade point average (GPA) rose, on a four-point scale, from 2.93 to 3.11. In private schools, the average GPA climbed from 3.09 to 3.30. Put within a historical perspective, in the 1930s, the average GPA was 2.35 (about a C-plus); whereby now it's a B-plus.
Academic fraud is rife at many of the nation's most prestigious and costliest universities. At Brown University, two-thirds of all letter grades given are A's. At Harvard, 50 percent of all grades were either A or A- (up from 22 percent in 1966); 91 percent of seniors graduated with honors. The Boston Globe called Harvard's grading practices "the laughing stock of the Ivy League." Eighty percent of the grades given at the University of Illinois are A's and B's. Fifty percent of students at Columbia University are on the Dean's list. At Stanford University, where F grades used to be banned, only 6 percent of student grades were as low as a C.

In the law school that I attended in the late 1970s, the biggest complaint from students was that the grading scale was too severe. This "harder" grading scale resulted, it was alleged, in fewer job offers from the "top tier" law firms.  The school relented. It eased up a bit on the grading scale but worked hard to expand its legal programs and secure Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as a resident scholar for its "Originalist" program. In this sense subsequent law students got a value for value trade. The grade inflation was reasonable in this instance and my law school became a top tier law school.

Self-deception while not one of the traditional  Seven Deadly Sins does closely align itself with the sin of  "vainglory" or unjustified boasting.  Obama's self-awarded and inflated grade of "a strong B+" is the epitome of "unjustified boasting" to the nth degree.  Obama evidently ignored the unemployment numbers for November 2009 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Total unemployment stood at 10%, yet Obama who promised that unemployment would not exceed 8% if only we'd adopt his bailout plan thinks that he's done a cracker jack job as President.  Moreover, Obama has stolen the future of future generations by greatly increasing the National Debt. Instead of cutting waste and fraud in government programs like Medicare, Obama according to the Heritage Foundation:
... signed a "stimulus" bill that spends $800 billion, and he has proposed a budget that would:

• Increase spending by $1 trillion over the next decade;
• Include an additional $250 billion placeholder for another financial bailout;
• Likely lead to a 12 percent increase in discretion­ary spending;
• Permanently expand the federal government by nearly 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) over pre-recession levels;
• Raise taxes on all Americans by $1.4 trillion over the next decade;
• Raise taxes for 3.2 million taxpayers by an average of $300,000 over the next decade;
• Call for a pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) law despite offering a budget that would violate it by $3.4 trillion;
• Assume a rosy economic scenario that few econo­mists anticipate;
• Leave permanent deficits averaging $600 billion even after the economy recovers; and
• Double the publicly held national debt to over $15 trillion ($12.5 trillion after inflation).2

Before the recession, federal spending totaled $24,000 per U.S. household. President Obama would hike it to $32,000 per household by 2019— an inflation-adjusted $8,000-per-household expan­sion of government. Even the steep tax increases planned for all taxpayers would not finance all of this spending: The President's budget would add trillions of dollars in new debt.

Not even in the most liberal of economics classes would this Obamanomics nightmare pass muster if presented as a class project.  Most of the so-called shovel ready jobs won't be let until the eve of the 2010 Congressional elections. How convenient and how very, very Chicago politics.  But yet Obama believes that he has done such a good job to the point that his Chief Economic Advisor Larry Summers is saying (or whistling past the graveyard) that the Great Recession is over!  Doublethink is standard operating procedure in the Orwellian land of Obama.

Orwell's 1984 predictions were 25 years too early.  But not even a literary titan like Orwell could have imagined the oppressive obstinance of the Obama Administration.  The prevailing mental condition in the Obama Administration is apparently controlled insanity.  Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  We know that socialized medicine (single payer) doesn't work (see the English National Health Service or the Canadian Medicare system).  But yet knowing this, Obama presses on.   Doublethink is the power to hold two contradictory beliefs  in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them.  Perhaps this is why Obama believes that he has done "B+" work. Nothing else explains his irrational actions except for a deep seated hatred of the United States.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Breaking Bad (Apologies to AMC)

All of us at one time or another have blown a good break.  Most of us have blown it over such mundane things like not taking a job, quitting a job, ruining a romantic relationship, or by not taking advantage of a really good bargain.  For me it was ignoring a mental flash of the winning poker hand for a California Lotto game that would have won me $5,000!  I didn't mark the hand on my play slip and thus didn't win the $5,000.  But the good thing with most blown breaks is that no one dies (we hope) and that life goes on most of the time. But what about one of those really great breaks that comes around only once in a lifetime?  You know the kind--the one that is a real life changer. 

How about being a professional athlete?  There hardly a guy (or nerd) in the world that wouldn't want to be one and live the life of a superstar athlete.  But the lucky dum-dums that blow those lucky breaks repeatedly really frosts the balls of all men relegated to watching sports on TV.  Notable examples of these dum-dums abound, but here are my two all-time favorites.

Lawrence Phillips, Nebraska University football star dragged his girlfriend by her hair down a flight of stairs in a Nebraska U dorm.  But Phillips got a big break when his coach, Dr. Tom Osborn, didn't kick him off the Nebraska college football team and kept him on the team.  Dr. Osborn sincerely thought that Phillips might benefit from staying in a structured environment like a football team.  So how did Phillips handle that break?  He subsequently screwed up with several pro football teams. But they still kept giving him breaks by signing him to lucrative contracts until it became apparent that he was a troublesome bust.  According to the blog Read and React:
In October 2008, Phillips was sentenced to 10 years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon, after running down 3 kids with his car after losing a pick-up football game to them. Let me say that again. He ran over some kids with his car because of a pickup football game!!! AND, at the time he was arrested, Phillips was also wanted by police for yet another domestic violence charge.
Eventually even a deep well runs dry.  Phillips simply ran out of fortunate breaks.

Pitcher Steve Howe was suspended 7 times by Major League Baseball (MLB) for drug and alcohol abuse.  (MLB is currently on a chest thumping binge in which they say that they disdain drug abuse.)  MLB also reinstated Howe 6 times. And teams kept on signing him to lucrative contracts to pitch a baseball until the talent was diminished by drug abuse.  Howe finished his career in 1997 playing with the Sioux Falls Canaries of the minor league American Association.  (Howe died in 2006.)  To say that Howe blew it on blow would be a gross understatement.  

Tiger Woods on the other hand is at a crossroads.  How Tiger Woods handles his current marital and public relations problems will determine whether or not he's blown his big break.  He is a billionaire at 33.  He has a hottie for a wife and healthy children.  He also appeared to be likeble straight shooter...until we found out that he was a serial adulterer.  Some guys like Bill Clinton can get away with it and continue to have the breaks fall his way. 

But there are some things that Americans get really angry and upset about.  They don't like child molesters, dog abusers (the NFL's Michael Vick notwithstanding), and morally inert golfers.  Golf is the only game where golfers are expected to be honest and penalize themselves when they break the rules.  The only penalizing Tiger did was to several bimbos while on the PGA Tour.  Golf fans are angered that Tiger turned out to be just another cheater not to be trusted.  It's too bad that we don't hold our politicians to the same standard as our golfers.

When you consider that in 220 years only 44 men have been the President of the United States, you get a sense of the great accomplishment that it is to hold that office.  You also realize that it requires a great many fortunate breaks to attain the Presidency.  To bear witness to the current office holder defiling the Office of the President is to watch the destruction of everything that this great country stands for.  

It would be one thing if the Obama's irrational actions were based upon a deeply held belief system and values.  After all, even an evil man is due some respect if only because he recognizes the difference between good and evil and voluntarily choses evil.  Instead, we have Obama who relies on a teleprompter to convey the commands of his master, George Soros.

In Obama we also have an "empty suit" who while an Illinois State Senator voted "present" 193 times on legislation. Take a gander at how Obama's fellow bipartisan political weasels defend such a gutless position:
Obama’s former colleagues who still serve [sic] in the Illinois Capitol say that the attacks are off-base and that either Obama’s opponents don’t understand how things work in Springfield or they are deliberately distorting his record.

“To insinuate the ‘present’ vote means you’re indecisive, that you don’t have the courage to hold public office, that’s a stretch. But, it’s good politics,” said state Rep. Bill Black (R), a 22-year veteran of the House and his party’s floor leader…

The “present” vote in Illinois is sometimes cast by state lawmakers with a conflict of interest who would rather not weigh in on an issue. Other times, members use the option to object to certain parts of a bill, even though they may agree with its overall purpose.

“The ‘present’ vote is used, especially by more thoughtful legislators, [sic] not as a means of avoiding taking a position on an issue, but as a means of signaling concerns about an issue,” said state Rep. John Fritchey (D), an Obama supporter. [Emphasis Added.]

What a total crock of crap!  The slimeball  Leftist elitists think [sic] that the American people are just too damn stupid to understand how things work in the "big time" world of legislation.  These "rubes" simply don't understand that a "present" vote is just plain "good politics" practiced by "thoughtful legislators"!  But think about the scary notion that Obama may also have had 193 potential "conflicts of interest" and then you realize how very dangerous his legislative "experience" really is.  Moreover, in 4 years as a US Senator, Obama attended Senate sessions a total of 143 days.  No busboy in a restaurant dive would keep his job with an attendance record as poor as that.

The offenses against American values committed by Barack Obama have piled up in the 11 plus months since the US government has been under the Bolshevik Captivity.

  • Obama has piled up more debt that the previous 43 Presidents combined!

  • Obama has appointed  militant gay activist Kevin Jennings to be the Department of Education’s director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, i.e., the “Safe Schools CZAR.”   According to a Wall Street Journal blog article:

Early in his teaching career, Jennings encouraged a teenager who was in a homosexual relationship with an older man. If the boy was underage, as Jennings claimed in a 2000 speech, then Jennings may have violated the law by not reporting statutory rape to authorities. He has since admitted he should have “handled this situation differently” but has also altered the story, now claiming the boy was sixteen, i.e. of legal, consenting age. Surprise, surprise, the boy has come forward to the leftist Media Matters, saying he was sixteen at the time. But actually, the relevant state law requires reporting of sexual activity between an adult and any child less than eighteen years of age.

  • According to WOR radio blogger Steve Malzberg, Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, and Ron Bloom the Manufacturing Czar under Barack Obama have both had audio uncovered where they praise the "theology/philosophy" of Mao Zedong, Communist leader and the man responsible for the murder of 70 million people.

  • Obama appointed Tim Geithner, tax cheat, as the Secretary of the Treasury.  This is the guy who's going to come down hard on you to pay the confiscatory taxes that will surely result as a result of Obama's reckless spending.

  • Never mind that "Reidbamalosi" Health Care Plan is NOT wanted by the American people. But the American Mugabe is determined to seize one sixth of the American economy.

  • Obama's Crap and Tax (Cap and Trade) is also unwanted by the American people.  If it passes get ready to pay confiscatory taxes to pay for economic development of the Third World.

  • Obama's diplomatic faux pas like bowing and shaking the hand of the Emperor of Japan, bowing like a subservient vassal to the Saudi Arabian King, and snubbing the King of Norway's lunch invitation today shows what an incompetent boob Obama truly is with regard to foreign policy.

  • Obama has openly circumvented the Constitutionally mandated oversight function by Congress over the appointment of Executive Branch heads by appointment of unvetted political appointments--Czars--to carry-out the radical Obama Marxist agenda. "POLITICO has compiled a wide-ranging list of President Barack Obama's various "czars."  When you read POLITICO's Czar list and you'll be shocked as you find that there is a "Great Lakes Czar" and a "Central Region Czar." WTF are these Czars in charge of?!?!  Obama's campaign promise of government transparency is illusional because political appointments like these are not subject to the scrutiny of Congressional oversight. There's no light of day shinning on Obama's shadow government.

Thirty-five percent of Republicans want to impeach Obama now.  Now isn't soon enough!  We need to build a groundswell of multi-partisan opposition to this menace.  If you have received this post by e-mail, please take the poll on the Anti-Political Weasel Page.  If you are reading this post on the Gmail blogspot please take the poll on the Sidebar Potpourri