All of us at one time or another have blown a good break. Most of us have blown it over such mundane things like not taking a job, quitting a job, ruining a romantic relationship, or by not taking advantage of a really good bargain. For me it was ignoring a mental flash of the winning poker hand for a California Lotto game that would have won me $5,000! I didn't mark the hand on my play slip and thus didn't win the $5,000. But the good thing with most blown breaks is that no one dies (we hope) and that life goes on most of the time. But what about one of those really great breaks that comes around only once in a lifetime? You know the kind--the one that is a real life changer.
How about being a professional athlete? There hardly a guy (or nerd) in the world that wouldn't want to be one and live the life of a superstar athlete. But the lucky dum-dums that blow those lucky breaks repeatedly really frosts the balls of all men relegated to watching sports on TV. Notable examples of these dum-dums abound, but here are my two all-time favorites.
Lawrence Phillips, Nebraska University football star dragged his girlfriend by her hair down a flight of stairs in a Nebraska U dorm. But Phillips got a big break when his coach, Dr. Tom Osborn, didn't kick him off the Nebraska college football team and kept him on the team. Dr. Osborn sincerely thought that Phillips might benefit from staying in a structured environment like a football team. So how did Phillips handle that break? He subsequently screwed up with several pro football teams. But they still kept giving him breaks by signing him to lucrative contracts until it became apparent that he was a troublesome bust. According to the blog Read and React:
In October 2008, Phillips was sentenced to 10 years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon, after running down 3 kids with his car after losing a pick-up football game to them. Let me say that again. He ran over some kids with his car because of a pickup football game!!! AND, at the time he was arrested, Phillips was also wanted by police for yet another domestic violence charge.
Eventually even a deep well runs dry. Phillips simply ran out of fortunate breaks.
Pitcher Steve Howe was suspended 7 times by Major League Baseball (MLB) for drug and alcohol abuse. (MLB is currently on a chest thumping binge in which they say that they disdain drug abuse.) MLB also reinstated Howe 6 times. And teams kept on signing him to lucrative contracts to pitch a baseball until the talent was diminished by drug abuse. Howe finished his career in 1997 playing with the Sioux Falls Canaries of the minor league American Association. (Howe died in 2006.) To say that Howe blew it on blow would be a gross understatement.
Tiger Woods on the other hand is at a crossroads. How Tiger Woods handles his current marital and public relations problems will determine whether or not he's blown his big break. He is a billionaire at 33. He has a hottie for a wife and healthy children. He also appeared to be likeble straight shooter...until we found out that he was a serial adulterer. Some guys like Bill Clinton can get away with it and continue to have the breaks fall his way.
But there are some things that Americans get really angry and upset about. They don't like child molesters, dog abusers (the NFL's Michael Vick notwithstanding), and morally inert golfers. Golf is the only game where golfers are expected to be honest and penalize themselves when they break the rules. The only penalizing Tiger did was to several bimbos while on the PGA Tour. Golf fans are angered that Tiger turned out to be just another cheater not to be trusted. It's too bad that we don't hold our politicians to the same standard as our golfers.

When you consider that in 220 years only 44 men have been the President of the United States, you get a sense of the great accomplishment that it is to hold that office. You also realize that it requires a great many fortunate breaks to attain the Presidency. To bear witness to the current office holder defiling the Office of the President is to watch the destruction of everything that this great country stands for.
It would be one thing if the Obama's irrational actions were based upon a deeply held belief system and values. After all, even an evil man is due some respect if only because he recognizes the difference between good and evil and voluntarily choses evil. Instead, we have Obama who relies on a teleprompter to convey the commands of his master, George Soros.
In Obama we also have an "empty suit" who while an Illinois State Senator voted "present" 193 times on legislation. Take a gander at how Obama's fellow bipartisan political weasels defend such a gutless position:
It would be one thing if the Obama's irrational actions were based upon a deeply held belief system and values. After all, even an evil man is due some respect if only because he recognizes the difference between good and evil and voluntarily choses evil. Instead, we have Obama who relies on a teleprompter to convey the commands of his master, George Soros.
In Obama we also have an "empty suit" who while an Illinois State Senator voted "present" 193 times on legislation. Take a gander at how Obama's fellow bipartisan political weasels defend such a gutless position:
Obama’s former colleagues who still serve [sic] in the Illinois Capitol say that the attacks are off-base and that either Obama’s opponents don’t understand how things work in Springfield or they are deliberately distorting his record.
“To insinuate the ‘present’ vote means you’re indecisive, that you don’t have the courage to hold public office, that’s a stretch. But, it’s good politics,” said state Rep. Bill Black (R), a 22-year veteran of the House and his party’s floor leader…
The “present” vote in Illinois is sometimes cast by state lawmakers with a conflict of interest who would rather not weigh in on an issue. Other times, members use the option to object to certain parts of a bill, even though they may agree with its overall purpose.
“The ‘present’ vote is used, especially by more thoughtful legislators, [sic] not as a means of avoiding taking a position on an issue, but as a means of signaling concerns about an issue,” said state Rep. John Fritchey (D), an Obama supporter. [Emphasis Added.]
What a total crock of crap! The slimeball Leftist elitists think [sic] that the American people are just too damn stupid to understand how things work in the "big time" world of legislation. These "rubes" simply don't understand that a "present" vote is just plain "good politics" practiced by "thoughtful legislators"! But think about the scary notion that Obama may also have had 193 potential "conflicts of interest" and then you realize how very dangerous his legislative "experience" really is. Moreover, in 4 years as a US Senator, Obama attended Senate sessions a total of 143 days. No busboy in a restaurant dive would keep his job with an attendance record as poor as that.
The offenses against American values committed by Barack Obama have piled up in the 11 plus months since the US government has been under the Bolshevik Captivity.
Obama has piled up more debt that the previous 43 Presidents combined!
Obama has appointed militant gay activist Kevin Jennings to be the Department of Education’s director of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, i.e., the “Safe Schools CZAR.” According to a Wall Street Journal blog article:
Early in his teaching career, Jennings encouraged a teenager who was in a homosexual relationship with an older man. If the boy was underage, as Jennings claimed in a 2000 speech, then Jennings may have violated the law by not reporting statutory rape to authorities. He has since admitted he should have “handled this situation differently” but has also altered the story, now claiming the boy was sixteen, i.e. of legal, consenting age. Surprise, surprise, the boy has come forward to the leftist Media Matters, saying he was sixteen at the time. But actually, the relevant state law requires reporting of sexual activity between an adult and any child less than eighteen years of age.
According to WOR radio blogger Steve Malzberg, Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, and Ron Bloom the Manufacturing Czar under Barack Obama have both had audio uncovered where they praise the "theology/philosophy" of Mao Zedong, Communist leader and the man responsible for the murder of 70 million people.
Obama appointed Tim Geithner, tax cheat, as the Secretary of the Treasury. This is the guy who's going to come down hard on you to pay the confiscatory taxes that will surely result as a result of Obama's reckless spending.
Never mind that "Reidbamalosi" Health Care Plan is NOT wanted by the American people. But the American Mugabe is determined to seize one sixth of the American economy.
Obama's Crap and Tax (Cap and Trade) is also unwanted by the American people. If it passes get ready to pay confiscatory taxes to pay for economic development of the Third World.
Obama's radical notions of wealth redistribution reflect an Afro-Leninist approach to destroying capitalism. Check out his "discussion" with "Joe the Plumber" courtesy of You Tube!
Obama's seeming tolerence of Marxists like Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez is troubling.
Obama's diplomatic faux pas like bowing and shaking the hand of the Emperor of Japan, bowing like a subservient vassal to the Saudi Arabian King, and snubbing the King of Norway's lunch invitation today shows what an incompetent boob Obama truly is with regard to foreign policy.
Obama has openly circumvented the Constitutionally mandated oversight function by Congress over the appointment of Executive Branch heads by appointment of unvetted political appointments--Czars--to carry-out the radical Obama Marxist agenda. "POLITICO has compiled a wide-ranging list of President Barack Obama's various "czars." When you read POLITICO's Czar list and you'll be shocked as you find that there is a "Great Lakes Czar" and a "Central Region Czar." WTF are these Czars in charge of?!?! Obama's campaign promise of government transparency is illusional because political appointments like these are not subject to the scrutiny of Congressional oversight. There's no light of day shinning on Obama's shadow government.
Thirty-five percent of Republicans want to impeach Obama now. Now isn't soon enough! We need to build a groundswell of multi-partisan opposition to this menace. If you have received this post by e-mail, please take the poll on the Anti-Political Weasel Page. If you are reading this post on the Gmail blogspot please take the poll on the Sidebar Potpourri.
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