The latest miscreant named Al that is causing havoc is the corpulent eco-flim flam man Al Gore. Now he really hates carbon! But never mind that his family greatly benefitted from investments and other associations with Occidental Petroleum (liquid carbon) before the family's Occidental stock was sold in 2003. Most media stories and more accurately the non-stories on the subject clean-up and minimize Gore's contradictory life and continue to tout Gore's pseudo-science of global warming/climate change.
Since his failed bid for the Presidency, Gore has reinvented himself as an environmental entrepreneur [sic]. Gore's net worth went from $800,000 in 2001 to $100,000,000 in 2009. That's a pretty good prosperity run for a man with little or no marketable job skills or intellect. And it's not bad for a guy that dropped out of law school and divinity school. Although with his tremendous ability to produce verbal and written bovine by-products, Gore might have made an excellent religious flim-flam man in the mold of a Jim Bakker. He certainly preaches like an eco-Elmer Gantry, who had plenty of skeletons to hide like the Sinclair Lewis character. The pseudo-religious paradigm also rings true for those like Michael Crichton that have criticized environmentalism as a faux religion of Gore's acolytes.
But that's not what is most annoying about Al Gore. He takes credit for things that he does not truly deserve. He reminds one of the office weasel at work that steals everybody's ideas and takes full credit for them. Usually there's an enabler like an idiot boss that condones the office weasel's behavior. In Gore's case it is the Lame Stream Media that is in loco bulla, giving Gore sufficent cover to inject his eco-Nazi enemas into the enviromental debate. These enemas result in little more than scientific flatulence as the recent Climategate scandal shows.
The issue has become a strictly monetary one with huge Carbon Credit profits looming for greedy Leftist eco-plutocrats with Cap and Trade legislation and higher taxes for the average joe; it's hard to separate true scientific inquiry from the pseudo-science being shilled by Gore and others. The thing that tends to indicate that global warming/climate change is not a perilous threat as presumed, is that it is being treated with a public relations approach instead of coordinated action by government, business, and the scientific community. Coordinated action was taken in the past to meet major crises like the Depression, World War II, and until 2006, the War on Terror, er, I mean "man-made disasters."
Instead there are slick Public Service Announcements about global warming/climate change with diverse characters like Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi making nice and showing their concern for the environment. As an aside, Gingrich is no stranger to environmental advocacy. Part of this propagnda campaign include references in TV programs to environmental issues. These references are about as subtle as the old "buy popcorn" subliminal messages allegedly inserted in movies. Kids get shows like Captain Planet to help with the indoctrination of future voters. Gore's "docufiction" is part of that indoctrination campaign.
If Gore were an honorable man (not likely) he would return the Nobel Prize and the Academy Award that he "won" for that mendacious fraud of a film, An Inconvenient Truth, probably the most ironically named film ever. But when has a Leftist ever admitted wrongdoing? The Academy Awards and the Nobel Prize have become forums for rewarding political and ideological correctness and have little to do true with merit let alone artistic merit or humanitarian deeds. Despite an adjudicated finding of nine major errors in the docu-fictional film, An Inconvenient Truth; the die hard true believers and environmental Kool-Aid drinkers insist that the docu-fictional film's "findings" remain basically true. Ayn Rand put it best when she wrote in her 1971 book Return of the Primative at page 277:
[O]bserve that in all the propaganda of the ecologists—amidst all their appeals to nature and pleas for "harmony with nature"—there is no discussion of man's needs and the requirements of his survival. Man is treated as if he were an unnatural phenomenon. Man cannot survive in the kind of state of nature that the ecologists envision—i.e., on the level of sea urchins or polar bears. . .
In order to survive, man has to discover and produce everything he needs, which means that he has to alter his background and adapt it to his needs. Nature has not equipped him for adapting himself to his background in the manner of animals. From the most primitive cultures to the most advanced civilizations, man has had to manufacture things; his well-being depends on his success at production. The lowest human tribe cannot survive without that alleged source of pollution: fire. It is not merely symbolic that fire was the property of the gods which Prometheus brought to man. The ecologists are the new vultures swarming to extinguish that fire.
The Plutocrats of the Left are the new vultures swarming to destroy the American economy with their "Cap and Trade" legislation. Most of us regular Joes would call it "Crap and Tax" legislation because the it'll be the regular people that will get crapped on and be taxed heavily for the privileged elites.
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