Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Carter Legacy--Incompetence and Reckless Remarks

Jimmy Carter has got be the most verbally reckless ex-President that we have ever had. In an interview with Brian Williams of NBC, Carter self-righteously stated: “an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American” and “that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance and grieves me and concerns me very deeply.”  Hmm, I think that this is a case of one projecting his past hidden attitudes onto others.  We do know that Carter is an anti-semite.

Carter was born in the old South of the Confederacy as was I. The attitude that he now seeks to project onto others was a very common one when he and I were coming up. Perhaps Carter is working out some unresolved guilt about having used the "N" word as a youth in Georgia.  Growing up Latino in Texas, I heard the "N" word as often as I heard the terms "taco bender," "greaser," and "spic." The latter terms of endearment were directed at me by young Anglo boys sometimes during sandlot games and later when I was in competition with them for young ladies.

My point is that coming out of that time and that place, it was extremely rare that an Anglo like Carter never made disparaging remarks about any minority group. And often, others from his time and place joined the KKK like Senator Robert (Grand Kleagle) Byrd did in his youth. (Some reformed bigots now claim that political reality was their "real reason" for joining the Klan.)

Now Carter self-righteously thumps his chest and calls everyone that disagrees with Obama racist. Carter harping about race is like a reformed hooker harping about the joys of chastity--or in my case harping about the evils of cigarettes.  Hmm, Obama is a smoker. Does that make me a racist because I don't smoke?

If anybody is racist, it's Liberals like Carter that constantly harp about race or call any Black person that doesn't sign on to the Liberal-Fascist agenda an Uncle Tom!  I don't object to Obama being black and President.  I object to Obama, the man and his ideas, as President. There I said it.

1 comment:

  1. Good job...the only difference between Obama & Carter is that the gas lines are shorter...but cap and trade will cost the American about $1760 a year...Democraps love to tax and spend.
