Look at this video clip and you'll easily see why the Democrook controlled Congress has such low approval ratings. After viewing this YouTube gem it's no wonder that Obama seeks legislation to control the Internet and talk radio. These so-called Solons are little more that greedy, overpaid, egotistical windbags. Yet they've given themselves yet another raise in the form of an extra $93,000 in "petty cash" to spend as an office expens. Meanwhile, they have the audacity of a dope to tell private corporations to limit their bonuses and cut down on perquisites, i.e., perks, and Gulfstream jets. Just recently, their attempt to buy several Gulfstream jets for Congressional [mis]use thwarted by the alternative media talk radio, the Internet, the cable news networks. A Mandarin by any other name is detestable.
Wah, Wah, Wah! Democrats cry crocodile tears.

After eight years of listening to political ridglings like Sen. Harry Reid call George Bush "a loser" and a "liar" in front of school children, Democrats have little or no credibility with regard to decorum. The unity that happened following 9/11 lasted about two weeks until the Democrats reverted to their usual douche bag ways critcizing Bush's lack of action regarding Afghanistan. After Bush attacked Afghanistan the Democrats attacked him for doing that.
All Joe Wilson did was to tell the truth that Obama is lying about illegal aliens not being eligible for ObamaCare. It's in at least one of the draft health care bills floating around. Of course it's a poorly kept secret that illegal aliens are a big part of the Democrat voter base. So when the health care rationing begins; watch old people be denied coverage while erstwhile non-citizen voters receive health care. The race card is being played by the Democrats with the assertion that any disagreement with Obama is racist. Democrats are deplorable.
Is this thing on? (tap...tap)
Disgusting doesn't quite cover it with regard to California Assemblyman Mike Duvall's (Yorba Linda - R) antics. A married man, whose sexually explicit remarks about his sexual conquests were inadvertently broadcast over an open microphone has abruptly resigned from office. Legislative leaders stripped him of his committee posts and launched an ethics probe of his actions. The only redeeming thing that he did was to resign, were it a Democrat that had done the disgusting deed it would have been a resume enhancement for most Democrats that are morally inert. Not only was the bragging ungentlemanly, especially since it may have been untrue with regard to the female lobbyist, but it was simply crude, lewd, and disgusting.
Keith Olbermann is the Worst Liberal-Fascist Person in the World
The worst Liberal-Fascist person in the world is spreading more "journalistic" (sic) manure by calling for anyone in his audience of 500 basement dwellers to get "dirt" on Glenn Beck. Beck is the squawk radio guy that almost single handedly got Commie racist Czar, Van Jones to resign. Apparently the resignation of Van Jones, self described Communist and overt racist has rankled the feelings of the often idiotic leftist Olbermann. Olbermann, with his track record of stupid remarks and even stupider actions is a non-credible critic of anyone. But seeking to please his neo-com masters, the MSNBC leftist toadie is going on a McCarthyite witchhunt of Glenn Beck. (And I thought a Liberal would never be against anyone exercising their First Amendment Rights!) Well sieg heil baby, Olbermann is just acting out his Nazi tendencies.
He's also an ungentlemanly dipstick that frequently disses Laura Ingraham; a woman that he dated briefly in the 1990s. (Wottsa matter, Keithy baby? Too smart of a woman for you? Did she turn your amorous advances down?) Typical of most Liberal males he's analogous to a gelding or at best a ridgling with the inability to cope with strong smart women like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, or Laura Ingraham.
Olbermann will be looking for fresh new dirt since it is common knowledge that Beck was once a substance abuser, but that's really old news. Olberdork, as he is affectionately known by Conservatives, seeks to take the political dialogue a notch lower, by engaging in the Liberal Fascist game of the politics of personal distruction. Liberal Fascists can't win the battle of ideas--ever.
This would be the lowest that a Liberal has ever sunk since the 1960 West Virginia primary when then-JFK surrogate FDR, Jr., suggested that the noble Hubert H. Humphrey was a draft dodger. It was a devasting charge against Humphrey. Of course by 1992, draft dodging was a resume enhancement for Bill "I loath the military but I didn't inhale" Clinton. Olbermann's tact has taken not in vigorous argument against an opponent, but instead is the eradication of political opponents. By displaying his Liberal Fascist Soviet-like urge to purge; Olbermann is disreputible.
R U ready 4 scum football?
The NFL has begun it's season and like all entertainment enterprises has now entered the world of tabloid journalism. The dust up between Shawne Merriman and reality show diva, Tila [Nyguen] Tequila has made national headlines. Briefly, Merriman was arrested by San Diego Sheriffs Deputies on a citizen's arrest warrant by Nyguen alleging battery and false imprisonment. Merriman denies the charges and claims he was trying to prevent an intoxicated Tequila from driving away from his Poway, California home. The San Diego County DA declined to file charges against Merriman citing insufficient evidence. Nyguen has indicated that she will pursue civil charges against Merriman. TMZ has exclusive fotos showing brusing on Ms Nyguen's arms, which may prompt an out of court settlement. Both parties deserve each other and definitely qualify as downright dirty.
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