ABC also did not expect one of the backup dancers to stick his face in the singer's crotch during the S & M charged performance. Crotchety viewers of the live broadcast complained heartily. But viewers on the West Coast didn't get exposed to the face-off between Lambert and the male dancer because it was cut out of the tape-delayed broadcast. This is odd inasmuch as there is a large gay population on the West Coast.
So what was the harm in the multiple displays of "affection" during the Lambert performance? He did kiss a girl dancer or, at least I think it was a girl. Bipartisan, we're told by our politicians is a good thing. So why not buy-sexuality? After all, Gays are a huge consumer group with lots of disposable income; at least before the recent recession cum mini-depression.
There seems to be no problem with having dog killers, wife beaters, accused murderers, drug addicts, drug dealers, drunk drivers, and other assorted misfits entertaining broadcast TV sports fans of the National Felons League. Never mind talking about the wealthy thugs in National Badboys Association. There's all kinds of muck on broadcast TV.
But maybe it's just as well that we limit the debauchery on broadcast TV. Broadcast TV should show only such highbrow fare as Jerry Springer, Big Brother, or the ever informative TMZ. The only question that remains in this fiasco is that after the Super Bowl fiasco involving Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction, aka the nipple seen round the world; why wasn't there any video delay technology available for the AMA live broadcast? Hmmmmm, ya think that ABC is bulls***ing us about their shock at the Lambert performance? Me thinks that the ABC suits protest too much.
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