Tuesday, November 16, 2010


There are many things that America could probably do without.  Rid America of these pesky things and our country might eventually return to greatness--or not.  Below is a partial list of things that are totally screwing up America. 

Be gentle with me, please...
  • TSA.  Pictured at the right is a possibly terrorist nun from the radical Carmelite order being frisked by a TSA employee.  It has long been suspected that bread baked by the Carmelite nuns for Holy Communion may contain traces of baking powder, which is an ingredient used in the making of Gut bombs.  These Gut bombs, also known as double bacon chesseburgers, are found in American fast food restaurants.  The Gut bombs are volatile, often causing noxious methane explosions after their consumption by suicidal flatulation bombers.  Baking powder is found in the buns of these double cheeseburgers.  Perhaps the TSA employee in the picture expects to find baking powder residue on the nun's buns.   By the way, Carmelite nuns rarely get out much making them even more suspect.
  • CAIR.  The Council on American & Islamic Relations can be a real bear when it comes to imposing Sharia law on the United States.  But instead of going through the long process of passing a Constitutional amendment, the CAIR bears are misusing the court process to try to establish Sharia law.  Aided by hack, mentally impaired, America-hating, Liberal-Fascist judges that misinterpret the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment; the CAIR bears seem to be on their way to establishing their religion as the American religion.  So it seems that the Establishment Clause applies only to Christians.  Perhaps these stupid judges had their law school transcripts locked up to hide their legal ineptitude, (just as Obama has done), when they were going through their confirmation hearings.
  • Lawyers.  This is one half of the two professions that ruined America in the last half of the 20th century.  From frivolous lawsuits for breach of contract caused by broken dates to class action lawsuits resulting in millions of dollars to the lawyers and $8 payouts to damaged plaintiffs--these plaintiffs are left with the agonizing decision of what to do with their big $8 payout.  Should they go to Europe, buy a new car, or should they buy some "40s" to drink as they share their good fortune with their family and friends?  (Steel Reserve 111 and Mickey's Big Mouth are street favs.)  Picture a bloodsucking parasite and it would still make a better human being than the average lawyer.
  • Accountants.  This is the other half of the two headed hydra that ruined America.  Accountants are the least educated "professionals" operating in America.  But yet they still wield huge power.  They are the jack-offs of all trades.  They practice medicine when they deny patients allegedly "costly" but vital medical procedures from HMOs. (Get ready for ObamaCare folks.)   They "interpret" tax law everytime that they fill out a tax return.  (They are also the butt-wipes that devise those labyrinth-like computation forms used to fill out your "1040"!)  They are amateur pharmacists when, based solely on cost and not effectiveness, they determine which drugs will be on the drug formularies of health insurance plans.  They even make artistic decisions when we get those unimaginative serially bad movies with numbers in the title.  Hollywood made much better movies before accountants completely took over the financial end of studio business.  What Shakespeare should have said is, "First, kill all of the bean counters!  Then we'll kill all of the lawyers!"
  • Chinese Junk.  Aren't you a bit tired of expensive, crappy consumer goods made in China?  American businesses justify the manufacture of goods in China by saying that the labor costs are cheaper in China.  Yeah, that old forced labor is a lot cheaper.  (You can bet the ranch that some short-sighted, dumb ass accountant is responsible for this brain fart.)  And to what end are labor costs being cut?  The consumer still pays twice as much for half as much.  Right now I'm struggling with a lousy Chinese made toilet flushing mechanism that didn't last a month before its poor quality manufacturing became apparent.  I've also had a blood pressure monitor from Oregon Scientific, (that's as American as the product got), prematurely peter out on me.  What's maddening is that I didn't use the product all that much.  (I also have a box full of other shoddy electronics made in China that don't work.)  Let's hope that the Chinese don't start making Trojan condoms.  Oi vey!  They almost killed Fido and his fellow canines with their poisonous dog food.  Speaking of poison, they used lead based paint on toys for American tots.  But lack of health and safety standards (or any standards at all) hasn't stopped the Chinese economic juggernaut.  Enough already please.  America grow a pair and start making your own stuff again.  And while you're at it, kill some accountants and lawyers.
As soon as my blood pressure levels off, I'll provide another list of things that America could do without.  Oh damn, I don't have my crappy Chinese-made blood pressure monitor anymore!

Monday, October 25, 2010


The firing of Liberal news analyst Juan Williams by the taxpayer AND George Soros-funded NPR last week unleashed a firestorm of negative reactions.  Williams had the audacity to express his opinion about his discomfort at seeing Muslims boarding a plane.  But nowhere among the voices crying foul over the wrongful termination of Williams were Liberal civil rights organizations like the ACLU or NAACP.  Instead, Williams found his strongest supporters surprisingly among allegedly intolerant, racist, islamophobic, homophobic, fascist (sic) conservatives.  Well, it's maybe surprising to the numb-nuts that regularly watch and actually believe that MS-NBC, CNN, and the other Liberal-Fascist alphabet networks truthfully report the news.  

The NPR Thought Police however determined that Juan Williams was not being politically correct!  But many of us justifiably feel the same way about those--but not all--Muslims that appear to be unpredictably hostile, intolerant, and violent towards those of us that aren't of their religious faith.  Fox News, in an "in your face" to NPR, signed Williams to multimillion dollar 5-year deal.  That's a pretty bigoted act by an allegedly conservative network that has been called a danger to freedom of speech and our political process by Liberal-Fascist chuckle heads.  Fox just follows journalistic ethics most of the time instead of being a spokeshole for the Liberal-Fascist agenda.

The true danger to free speech is the corporate culture at NPR.  They are true Orwellian thought police in every sense of the word.  They will not tolerate any view that varies from their elitist Leftist view of the world.  They will ridicule, harass, slander, and economically harm anyone that opposes their leftist orthodoxy.  While I'm not fond of whining as many Conservatives do that, "had this been Fox News then they would have been pilloried..." the comparison is almost unavoidable.  NPR has allowed its other fair haired and fair skinned commentators to state some of the most vile and hateful speech on any broadcast medium.  Take for instance, NPR Legal Analyst Nina Totenberg expressing her "opinion" that the Biblical God (the One that they otherwise seem to hate so much) would mete out justice in the form of the AIDS virus either infecting Jesse Helms or his grandchildren for his opposing AIDS legislation. There was no firing of Totenberg for this verbal hate speech.  NPR is tolerant of her bigotry because it fits in with their hate filled rhetoric against conservatives. Vivian Schiller, the Commissar of NPR, implied in her statement about Juan Williams' firing that Williams was  in need of psychiatric help for stating his discomfort at seeing Muslim garbed people boarding a plane.  Ironically Juan Williams' comments to Bill O'Reilly on "The O'Reilly Factor," according to one blogger, were a gentle chiding to the host to be more tolerant. 

NPR reacted to Williams' remarks like a drunken bar brawler would react to an imaginary insult.  Lesson Number One: Stray away from the Politically Correct Orthodoxy and you will pay dearly.  Your nice job will be taken from you.  You will be slandered.  And they will try to destroy you.  Just ask Juan Williams.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

(Part 3 - Nancy "Nazi" Pelosi & Harry "Hypocrite" Reid) IT'S TIME TO RETIRE WORN OUT POLITICAL RETREADS

This is a real easy one.  From her abuse of military transport for her family members on the public dime to her arrogant display of power, Nancy "Nazi" Pelosi is probably the closest thing in American politics to the Fascist Benito Mussolini.  While Mussolini may have suffered from syphilitic paresis (insanity), Pelosi may be living proof that pathological stupidity might be caused by overuse of Botox injections.  There's been no research on the issue.  But one might speculate that Pelosi's skin may have tightened around her skull so much that oxygen has been cut off to her brain. 
Pelosi reacts to a Botox injection in the
fanny.  Is there possible brain damage? 
  Should she return as Speaker of the House perhaps we should proactively invoke the 25th Amendment declaring her to be disabled and ineligible to be the third person in line to become President. 

All kidding aside, this woman is truly dangerous.  She is a total tyrant with vast powers and a large gavel.  She is autocratic and displays vindictiveness when she doesn't get her way.  (This is a common trait of 1960s Liberals.)  They are ruthless power mongers that will stop at nothing to acquire power.  Let us also not forget her statement that Obama Care legislation had to be passed first before we could find out what is in it.  Huh?  That's enough justification to get rid of this dangerous idiot.  There are enough village idiots in Washington, D.C.

Harry "Hypocrite" Reid is a total phony.  Recently, Reid added the "Dream Act" to a defense appropriation bill.  The Dream Act would provide college educations to the children of illegals.  Just 15 years earlier, Reid introduced legislation to eliminate the so-called 14th birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants.  Now that Hypocrite Harry desperately needs Hispanic votes, he's changed his tune.  Hypocrite Harry wonders aloud how any Hispanic could be a Republican.  That's easy Hypocrite Harry, most people don't like two-faced political weasels like you.  Leftist political weasels like you were the major reason that after 20 years I left the Democrat party in 1992.  With neo-communists like Bill Clinton ascending to positions of power, there was no longer any room for conservatives like me in the Democrat party.

Reid is also an elitist misanthrope. This is evidenced by his observation that the new tourist reception center at the Capitol is a good thing because he didn't like smelling the vistors to the Capitol in the Summer.  The reception center provides a wall between elitists and "the great unwashed" masses.  Well Hypocrite Harry, we don't like the smell of your political weasel ways or your namby pamby whiny little voice.  (It's uncanny how whiny and wimpy many Liberal male politicians are.)  All things considered, Reid is an embarassment to the Senate.  It's time to send this hypocrite packing back to Searchlight, Nevada.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010


After 28 long years in office, Barbara Boxer has little to show for her tedious tenure except for her tenacious Mengele-like support of abortion.  Since the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, nearly 40 million fetuses have been aborted.  That's more carnage than Adolph Hitler caused.  That's about the same number killed by Joseph Stalin and is rapidly beginning to approach Mao Zedong's record murder rate of 60 million.  All three of the aforementioned tyrants are socialists, as is Senator "Don't call me ma'am!" Boxer.  Of course this is not to imply that Boxer is anything like these murderers.  She is an honorable woman. The Democrat babble tells me so.

     But there is a common thread that links the above-mentioned socialists.  Socialists are indifferent to life; or at least that is how Socialists become when a given life is no longer of any use to the state. (Aside: Senior citizen voters beware of the quality of your health care under Obama Care as your useful life to the state comes to an end, i.e., you're not a taxpayer anymore, but a public charge.  But socialists will be overjoyed as they reap millions from your estate under their confiscatory inheritance tax system.  So think about your vote on November 2!)  Unfortunately, Boxer is far worse than the above-mentioned tyrants. That's because she's a crypto-murderer by proxy via Planned Non-Parenthood.  At least Joe, Mao, and Adolph stepped up to the plate and proudly took credit for their actions.  But Boxer, like most abortion supporters, hide behind the "we're only watching out for women's health" rubric as their justification for institutionalized murder.  By the way, Liberal-Fascist feminists are always "for the children" except when they become inconvenient speed bumps to their careers or other personal plans.

     Two annoying traits that Liberal-Fascist women also share are over-inflated egos and personalities characterized by overbearing arrogance toward the world in general.  Her fellow Liberal-Fascist traveler Nancy "Bela" Pelosi, a true political bloodsucker in every sense of the word, likes to carry a big gavel in her hands.  She did so after the passage of Obama Care when she and other Democrooks strolled through the mostly anti-socialist health care crowd attempting to incite a confrontation.  And it's a good guess that she wanted the world to know that she's the "boss lady in charge"!  

     But just in case you forgot how arrogant and small-minded Boxer can be, remember her little rant at the General for calling her "ma'am" instead of "Senator"?   Boxer "boxed" the testifying General's ears because she claimed to have "worked hard" (highly doubtful) for the job title of Senator.  What the woefully ignorant Senator doesn't know is that military protocol requires that military personnel address Senators as "sir" or "ma'am"!
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Boxer comes off like a petty tyrant.  Boxer's contempt for the military was further highlighted during an interview with Robert Wallace, Executive Director of the Washington DC VFW, on the nationally syndicated radio program, The Laura Ingraham Show. It was pointed out by Ingraham that Boxer supported funding to send anti-war Code Pink (read Code Stink) operatives to Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. It's a fair inference to conclude that Code Stink is in the business of providing aid and comfort to murderous Islamo-Fascist terrorists.  Yet, this anti-American Liberal-Fascist Senator shamelessly extols the virtues of her support of wounded veterans in her campaign advertising.  Talk about hypocrites, Boxer takes the cake as well as the contents of your wallets and purses.

     In the final analysis, unbending support for abortion is the only accomplishment (sic) that Boxer can point to in the 28 years that she spent (your money) in Washington.  Given the exorbitant salaries paid to Federal legislators, Boxer has been a very expensive 28 year political parasite.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I wasted three votes on Jerry Brown in the 1970s.  Two of my votes were for his two Governorship runs (1974 and 1978) in California and one was for Brown's ill-fated run for the Presidency in 1976, against who was to become, until Obama, the worst President in US history-- Jimmy Carter.  So what the heck was I thinking when I voted for Brown three times?  Maybe it was the fake grey hair  at Brown's temples that impressed me.  He also seemed to be an energetic 30-something that was not like the "old" guys that my Baby Bummer generation rebelled against, (i.e., "Don't trust anybody over 30 years old!").  In the final analysis, Brown accomplished very little in his lackluster eight year tenure as Governor of California.  In fact, the only two accomplishments of Brown in eight years was his giving up of  the Governor's limousine and mansion.  Brown has lived off those two symbolic gestures for nearly forty years.  Other than that he's got nothing else to offer.

It's quite a transition from a "hip"
brooding young man to an
"uncool" grumpy old man.
     But  back then Jerry Brown was a 1970s ultra-cool cultural icon--just like Obama was to a new generation of naïve college "utes" in 2008.  Brown was dating then-hot Latina rocker Linda Ronstadt.  (See picture at right.)  He also cracked jokes to his staff in Latin!  How intellectually cool!  (Today's equivalent in a dumbed down society would be the skilled hacky-sack guy that never seems to go to class or the skilled Play-Station gamer.)   And Brown went to Yale Law School, as did his fellow Marxist travellers, Hillary and Bill Clinton and that meant that he was smarter than the average Russian bear.   In defense of my seeming dumbness in voting for Brown three times, I can always fall back on the defense of youthful  naïveté.  I was young, dumb, and full of rum.

     In the Governor's race against former ebay CEO, Meg Whitman, Brown is relying on the politics of personal destruction.  He's accusing Whitman via attorney Gloria Allred of knowingly hiring an illegal alien as a housekeeper.  Whitman appears to be the victim of fraud by her former employee (falsified documents) and of political slander and libel by Allred and Brown.  It's typical Liberal-Fascist political tactics.  Brown has provided no ideas, no vision, and no prospective leadership.  His pitch is basically that he'll get California working again.  But he doesn't say how he'll do it.  Maybe it's like the way the Obama Care was passed.  We'll have to elect Jerry Brown to find out how he'll do it.  Talk about a Liberal pig in a poke.  I don't think so Jerry.  Forty years on the political public teat is enough.  Grow up Jerry and get a real job.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


As the news cycle unfolds, we find that the Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary "Rotten" Clinton has put the State of Arizona on report to the UN Human Rights Council.  The report noted that the federal lawsuit against Arizona’s immigration enforcement bill is part of the Obama Administration's effort to fight human rights violations. In response, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer wrote a letter to Secretary Clinton as noted by Liberty News Online:
“Apparently, the federal government is trying to make an international human rights case out of S.B. 1070 on the heels of already filing a federal court case against the State of Arizona...The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a State of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional...I again respectfully request that you amend the Report to remove Paragraph 95 relating to the State of Arizona and S.B. 1070. If you choose not to do so, the State of Arizona will monitor the proceedings and assert any rights it has in this process. Be assured that the State of Arizona will fight any attempt by the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations to interfere with the duly enacted laws of the State of Arizona in accordance with the U.S. Constitution."
Is it just me or has the Earth fallen off its axis?  Can you imagine Iran's "Little Hitler" Mahmoud Ahmajinedad ratting out his own country for human rights violations?  Ahmajinedad's brutal suppression of the riots in June 2009 in response to the Iranian Presidential election fraud was a prime example of human rights violations.   As I wrote back in April, the Democrat party has honed the art of vote fraud to a high art form.  Perhaps it's professional courtesy that resulted in the Obama administration tepid response to actual human rights violations.  Or maybe it's just plain stupidity

In my experience, most leftists my age often tell me that their lefty politics haven't changed since they were 18 years old.  Winston Churchill is reputed to have said, “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” Well, it's a "no-brainer" as to why our country is in such a bad state--  middle-aged Liberals are running things.

Friday, August 27, 2010


In the last three years, three elderly women have disappeared from a nearby neighborhood.  All of the women were widows that were living alone.  But the disappearances were not due to your typical criminal activity.  The alleged bad acts were not committed by hardened criminals but by the greedy and aging Baby Boomer children of these unfortunate elders. Eventually, these unfortunate women lost the freedom to live life on their own terms while others were in control of their finances.  But these perpetrators acted as if their acts were benevolent. When I was a kid my Mother told a me a dicho (saying) in Spanish that roughly translated says, "Don't do bad things and try to make them look good."  Unfortunately, most instances of elder abuse are not reported.  Contacting local authorities is not considered an option by most people because they fear legal retaliation by the family of the victim. People are also hesitant to interfere with what they consider to be another family's personal business.  All that most people do in that circumstance is to seethe with anger over the apparent injustice.  

I thought back to the time when I ran into an old girlfriend on the street.   Over coffee, "K" told me that she had just moved her Mom out of her home and into what we used to call a rest home.  It was supposedly nice because it was in a park setting.  I asked "K" why she had put her Mom in a retirement home.  She told me that her Mom  became "forgetful" soon after her husband had passed away.  She and her brother had decided that their Mom couldn't live in such a "big house" anymore.  Not surprisingly, they were also making plans to sell the house.  It was then that I knew why we didn't click back then, (apart from her irrational leftist political views).  A frightening character trait of most leftists is a certain cold detachment toward the elderly.  For a brief flash I saw that trait in her.  I could have been wrong but there appeared to be no squeamishness in sending her Mom to a rest home.  Conveniently, and for a price, she became another person's responsibility.  The rationalization was that it was nice clean place with lots of people her own age.  Another dicho from my Mother came to mind, "Even if it is made of gold, a cage is still a cage."  

This cold detachment is  epitomized in the Health Care Reform legislation passed by the most radical leftist Congress in history.  This legislation, which reduced the Medicare budget is the beginning of the classification of the elderly as disposable people.  Here is the egotist and Baby Boomer, Barry Obama at his coldest discussing health care for the elderly.  Apparently, the Egotist doesn't think that he'll ever get old. 


There was also a similar scenario with the other three widows that I had also seen with "K's" Mother.  The First Act:  "Memory loss" events committed by the elder are overblown.  You can hear the refrain, "Oh she/he could have burned the house down by leaving the stove burners on!"  (Query:  Who hasn't forgotten something on the stove or left water running? I remember a 22-year old college acquaintance of mine that "forgot" that she had left the bath tub water running in her second story apartment while she talked on the phone with her boyfriend.)   If most people were called to account for their worst memory lapses all of them would probably be eligible to be put in a home for the mentally infirm.

Second Act: the Boomer children either start "visiting" more frequently or move in.  Their first serious move is to take the car keys away from the elder to isolate the elder.  Then there is the subtle suggestion that grows into an oppressive mandate to sell the elder's home and move into a senior home (read warehouse) to be with other people their age.  There's the rub.  The residential home is the one asset that has increased in value in the last 40 years.  Many homeowners look at their home as their financial nest egg.  But overextended by huge credit card debt and a bad economy, desperate Boomers are looking to their aging parents to bail them out of their immature life/financial choices.  But they don't want to wait for the will to be read--that would be inconvenient.  It is a perfect breeding ground for financial abuse.

What's apparent here are the differences in the world view of the Baby Boomers and the Greatest  Generation.  Boomers make decisions based upon personal convenience.  There are many Boomer women and men that have opted for abortion because having a child would have inconvenienced their long term career/life plans.  But nine months is a short time in the continuum of life. To make the decision to participate in institutionalized murder requires some serious thought.  But true to form, many Boomers took the easy way out and chose not to be inconvenienced.  

To many Boomers, credit card debt is an  inconvenience to dealt with, often by using other people's money.  The easy way out is almost always the "choice" of Boomers.  It takes character to not take the easy way out.  It's rare when a  Boomer either "toughs it out" or acts like a "stand-up guy or gal.  Most Boomers are either seeking to obtain a lifestyle they were unwilling to work or save for; or they look to get themselves out of a financial pickle by grabbing their parents' life savings and their homes. There is no respect by Boomers for the sacrifice and hard work of their parents.  After all they are the ones that they have been waiting for and they've waited long enough for their entitlement.  Once again, the leftist entitlement mentality that has  engulfed American society for the last 45 years has poisoned the well.

My Mother did the right thing with her Mother  (and my Grandma).  She left her to live her life in her own house until she passed away at 92.  My Grandma lived a full life, including being in a knitting circle that included the matriarch of the legendary Guerrero pro-wrestling family.  My Grandma was treated  like a fully functioning adult by my Mother.  But that's because my Mom was a product of the Greatest Generation.  They respected their elders and treated them with respect.  That's what most any human being deserves--respect until they take their last breath on Earth. 

My two favorite living non-relatives on Earth are Bronx native "Uncle Bill" and "Tony" the former  Brit banker.  They are gentlemen--(in every sense of the word)--in their mid-90s.  Both are independent and have active lives, i.e., they both have girlfriends considerably younger than them.  I hope that I end up having lived the quality life that those two gentlemen have lived by the time I take my final breath.

If you believe that there is elder abuse going on wherever you are, then  go to the National Center on Elder Abuse website to get guidance as to what to do. Finally, in the spirit of full disclosure, I am a Baby Boomer. I am deeply ashamed of my generation and how they have screwed up beyond recognition all things wonderful about America. (That's my cleaned-up, expanded version of the old acronym FUBAR).

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Barack Hussein Obama is about to take his sixth vacation this year. It seems like only yesterday that the Lame Stream Media was bitching and moaning about George Bush going into his ranch in Crawford, Texas ONCE a year in August for a stay-cation of sorts. Obama and Michelle Antoinette are going to Martha's Vineyard to hang out with the swells for ten days. But you must understand that our Man-child Community Organizer in Chief is under a lot of stress.  As Oprah said earlier this year, "I don't know what people want him to do [about the Gulf oil spill]?" Well, maybe he could have gone to the alleged secret room in the White House where George Bush hid the magic "fix it" button.  Had Bush used the "fix it" button it would have stopped Hurricane Katrina cold.  But Bush wouldn't use it.  And we know the real reason that he wouldn't use the magic button.  "W" hates black people, at least according to that paragon of sobriety, Kanye West. And that's why Katrina wreaked such havoc on the Gulf region, especially the "Chocolate City" as former New Orleans Mayor Ray "No Noggin'" Nagin called it.

* * * * *

Obama's European Socialist Roots 
It's stressful to have to live up to a superhuman image--especially a carefully crafted one.  This is not to say that Harvard Law Review President (read Editor) Obama didn't do okay at Harvard Law School, despite never having produced a shred of legal scholarship.  But it's also strange that his handlers have had to hide all of his school records from childhood to law school and his birth certificate.  So what's going on here? 

Before Obama, we knew the school grades of those that wanted to be President.  We found out about the academic pratfalls of Al Gore's twin washouts from law and divinity schools.  (Question: How do you flunk God?)  We also learned--although it wasn't publicized much by the Lame Stream Media--that George W. Bush had a better grade point average (GPA) at Yale than his 2004 Presidential Election opponent, Senator John "F." Kerry.  (Blowhole Kerry's lower GPA was excused as his having achieved a "gentleman's C" average, i.e., he didn't really apply himself.)  JFK and Richard Nixon were exemplars of high academic achievement.  And only recently, did we find out that FDR was a mediocre college and law student.  But he was a brilliant socialist politician in the mold of his contemporaries Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and to a lesser extent, Francisco Franco. 

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It should really read FAILURE
Obama's handlers have to tell him exactly what to say in public. That's where the teleprompter comes in.  Remember  the flap that the Lame Stream Media and Dumbocrats raised about Sarah Palin's notes on the palm of her hand that she used to make an off-the cuff speech?  Well, they called her dumb, incompetent, etc., but there's always an excuse for the Man-child's malaprops.  Usually his malaprops happen when the Man-child's teleprompter isn't near by. But the excuse is usually that he's soooo tired from the job of being the President.  How sad for such a young man to be so tired.  Yup, no other President has ever had so much on his presidential plate.  No Depression, World War, Civil War or any other crisis is as difficult as what the Man-child's problems are.  But the true audacity of Obama's stewardship of the presidency is his almost robotic adherence to a radical Liberal-Socialist agenda that is alien to the average American.  It's almost as if he has been programmed to follow a destructive agenda directed at Americans.  (There's a movie idea, Robo-Prez.) 

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Just about every "historic" piece of legislation passed under Obama's watch is not wanted by a majority of the American people.  This includes Health Care [De]form, the takeover of a majority of the American automobile industry, Financial [De]form, the numerous bailouts including those for government worker labor unions, and now the flap over the proposed mosque to be built just two blocks from Ground Zero.  Obama gave the impression that he supports the building of the mosque personally.  He gave spurious Constitutional arguments last Friday night at the Ramadan feast with Muslims.  Maybe that's why a growing number of Americans believe that Obama is a Muslim

A typical Democrat voter expresses her ire at the electoral process.
There are other anti-American Obama positions that would make a sane person wonder if this man is really an American citizen? These include his apology for America world tour, bowing to the Saudi King, requiring Miranda rights for enemy combatants (read radical Muslims), moving Gitmo POWs (read radical Muslims) to an Illinois prison (automaically conferring civilian criminal procedural rights on them), and his de facto racist Department of [In]Justice policy of not prosecuting civil rights violations by black perpetrators against whites.  Obama acts more like a Kenyan usurper of the American Presidency than as a loyal American.  The remedy for this mess is to elect a majority of Conservatives with at least a 70% majority in both Houses to commence impeachment proceedings to remove this grossly incompetent impostor.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Anyone that thought that an openly gay Federal judge was going to rule in favor of Proposition 8 banning gay marriage in California was naïve at best.  Had Judge Vaughn Walker ruled in favor of Proposition 8, he would have done so at his peril.  Because it is more than likely than not that he would have at best been shunned in the gay community and at worst might have suffered great bodily harm from the more radical elements of the gay community.  For any of you wondering why the pro-Prop 8 lawyers didn't move that the judge recuse himself because of a potential conflict of interest; you probably have never experienced the wrath of a judge scorned.  Many judges have huge egos and dislike being challenged.  Much has also been made of the judge being a Libertarian and a Reagan appointee.  But the judge is still an openly gay man in a position of high visibility ruling on a volatile issue concerning a vocal special interest group of which he is a member of.  Some leftists ideologues have said the judge's sexual preference  doesn't matter

     But these hypocrites are like the  Liberal-Fascist ideologues that sought Justice  Scalia's recusal in Cheney v. United States District Court for the District of Columbia resulting from the  litigation involving the proceedings of the National Energy Policy Development Group (the “Task Force”) and its sub-groups.  At issue was a duck hunting trip taken by Cheney and others, which included Justice Scalia while a case involving Cheney's energy task force  was pending.  The invitation to Scalia was for the sole benefit of another member of the hunting party that wanted to meet Justice Scalia whom he had long admired.  Cheney invited Scalia at the last minute to join the trip.  The Sierra Club and other Eco-Nazis tried to get Justice Scalia recused and only came up with a weak appearance of impropriety argument.  

     Julius Caesar's wife aside, shooting ducks with Dick Cheney was probably more dangerous than advantageous to Justice Scalia.  Judge Walker's sexual preference is more prejudicial to the case he presided over because he stands to benefit directly from his ruling on the matter, i.e., he may want to get married some day.  Rush Limbaugh said in today's broadcast that Judge Walker called marriage "homophobia codified" in his ruling.  If so, that's a very troubling verbiage by Judge Walker.   It's also indicative of a very personal policy preference.

*  *  *  *  * 

The problem with the judge's decision is that it is based upon emotional and not upon legal and historical factors.  Few societies in human history have ever recognized same sex marriage, although there is some research suggesting otherwise.  But many of the examples given in one article are not the most persuasive ones that could be cited in favor of gay marriage:
The first recorded mention of the performance of gay marriages occurred during the early Roman Empire.[Citation Omitted]

At least two of the Roman Emperors were in gay unions. The first Roman emperor to have married a man was Nero, who is reported to have married two other men on different occasions. Nero "married a man named Sporus in a very public ceremony... with all the solemnities of matrimony, and lived with him as his spouse" A friend gave the "bride" away "as required by law."[Citation Omitted] The marriage was celebrated separately in both Greece and Rome in extravagant public ceremonies.[Citation Omitted] The emperor Elagabalus married an athlete named Hierocles in a lavish public ceremony in Rome amidst the rejoicings of the citizens.[Citation Omitted]
The Emperor Nero is not the best moral and spiritual example to cite in favor of gay marriage.  Nor is the decadent Roman Empire an example of a progressive and stable society.  The primary and traditional purpose of marriage is to legally protect women and children from irresponsible men.  That its origins may have some religious connections is really not the issue.  What would be the compelling interest served by gay marriage?  There are seldom any children involved and most property issues can be handled by the civil contract process.  It is a legal mess when there is a gay parent and a straight parent involved in a custody fight.  When both parents are gay/lesbian, it is a potential legal and psychological (for the child) landmine field.  

     To accord a broad bundle of rights associated with marriage to a group whose major distinguishing characteristic is how and with whom they perform a sex act with is problematic. Besides, civil unions can be tailored to achieve many of the results desired by gay marriage advocates. Now if the gay marriage advocates can show that homosexuality is in their DNA then I'll be among the first conservatives to stand up for gay marriage.

     As a minority person, the most irksome argument in favor of gay marriage is the civil rights comparison.  First off, race or ethnicity is something that cannot be changed.  And until shown otherwise, being gay or lesbian is still a sexual preference and not a biological fact.  This renders the issue as primarily one of sexual relations.  For example, such a preference is being sexually turned on only by blonds or as in the case of an acquaintance of mine that is sexually attracted only to petite Asian women.  This is not to diminish the notion that genuine affection couldn't exist between those of the same sex.   But many gay relationships, as with some heterosexual relationships, are purely sex driven transient experiences.  For many, love is simply a disposition of the sex organs. Without more than just sex, there's very little to justify gay or any marriage for that matter.  On a annoying final note, this decision is yet another in a long line of judicial tyrannies that ignore the will of the people, i.e., the voters of the State of California.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Oh how I love how America always respects the religion and ethnic customs of foreign people--even in our own country.  We have special diets for Muslim prisoners even though they disrespect our laws with impunity.  Now comes a radical Muslim cleric that wants to build a mosque/Islamic center near the the sight of the destroyed World Trade Center, i.e., "Ground Zero."  That is tantamount to constructing a Catholic church/center near the Black Stone at Mecca and calling it the Crusader Center. 

Well I don't give a damn if these radical Muslim vermin swear on a stack of Korans that this outrage is only a peace initiative to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians.  This is a very large middle finger directed at America.  The Liberal-Socialist chancres that paved the way for the construction of the mosque by holding that a 150-year old building had no historical value and could be destroyed so that construction of the mosque/Islamic center could begin.

This also shows exactly why Liberalism is a serious mental disorder.  The commission that opened the door to this outrage is probably composed of upper Manhattan trust fund Liberals, you know the same kind of jerk Liberals that used to invite Black Panthers to their cocktail parties, á la Leonard Bernstein as documented by Tom Wolfe in his book Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers.  If this attempted abomination goes through then the destruction of America is at hand. 

Monday, August 2, 2010


"Thieves' Honor, yer Honor, I wasn't going to take all of it..." 

Two long time Congress members  may be facing serious ethical disciplinary charges.  Charles Rangel (D-NY) Chairperson of the powerful Ways and Means Committee (the tax policy congressional cabal for oligarchs) and Maxine Waters (D-Imbecile) of South Central LA are victims of this latest racist (sic) witch-hunt.  (Wait for that lame defense to surface.)  But I seriously doubt that anything will come of it because Democrooks rarely ever suffer any serious legal consequences for their bad deeds, e.g., Teddy Kennedy (an alcohol-related vehicular homicide resulting in a 60-day drivers license suspension) or Bill Clinton (perjury resulting in a five-year law license suspension and $25,000 fine).  It took the legal system almost five years to nail William Jefferson (D-LA) for accepting a $100,000 bribe.  Meanwhile, Jefferson kept his seat--unlike most errant Reputz-again rapscallions that immediately resign at the first whiff of an malodorous scandal--be it sexual or fiscal.

Rangel, apparently suffering from a tax-related bout of transient global amnesia failed to report several items (like a Caribbean villa and four unit rent stabilized apartment building) as income property.  Waters allegedly arranged a meeting, in which millions in TARP money was awarded to a bank where her husband had major stock holdings.  In Waters' defense, she didn't attend the meeting where the only bailout seriously discussed was for the bank where her husband investments were.  Waters allegedly had no percipient knowledge of what was discussed in that meeting.  If you believe that, would you like to buy some swamp land in DC?  Let's see how House Speaker Nazi Pelosi and the Democrooks drain this ethical swamp.

"Seriously dude, it coulda been a lot worse, i.e., the operation was successful but the patient is still dying..." 

The latest BS spin emanating from the Democrook crap machine is to say that the economy would be much worse off but for the actions of the  Democrooks.  Let's see, Obama promised no more than 8% unemployment if we passed his massive stimulus package.  Hmm, the only real stimulus package that I heard about was the Northern Virgina massage spa that got some of that stimulus money.  Although the story was later shown to be erroneous, it's fairly obvious that the economy still remains flaccid.  This was despite Larry Flynt's hard thrusting efforts to get the economy up.

But Obama is touring the country saying that we avoided another Great Depression because of his policies.  Does he mean the economic downfall  that started when the Democrooks took over Congress in 2006?  During that time, the Democrooks defended their cash cows and economic malaise culprits Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It was at Fannie Mae where Democrook hacks like Franklin Raines and former DOJ honchette Jamie Gorelic (who now represents BP--yes that BP) rewarded themselves handsomely with Ken Lay-like bonuses from cooked books at Fannie Mae.  This was probably their reward for service to the Oligarch Marxist cause. Have you ever noticed how many rich Liberal Marxists that there are? Makes you wonder who the greedy money grubbing pigs really are.

But the Democrooks fought tooth and nail to NOT reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which brought us the sub-prime mortgage catastrophe that screwed-up six years of economic prosperity.  They are to blame for this economic mess.  It was their October surprise that brought us the political and fiscal disaster that is Obama.

More to come...unfortunately.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Should I be prosecuted for a hate crime/civil rights violation because of the title of this post? Maybe, unless I can convince the Injustice Department that I am really a black perpetrator, then I maybe I'll get away with it.  After all it is the policy of the Injustice Department to not prosecute black violators of the civil rights of whites.  Since most Liberal-Fascists are white then I might be Scot free!  Maybe they'll let a Chicano slide by with a hate crime!

Speaking of injustices, the Euro-trash Swiss Socialist Pigs have done it again! Roman Polanski, the convicted rapist of 13 year old girl is a free man. The Swiss, whose only real competencies are: (1) Watches; (2) Cheese; and (3) Hiding stolen money from Jewish Holocaust victims' bank accounts have rejected the extradition request of the LA DA's office for the fugitive child molester Polanski.  Child molester Polanski was arrested on an international warrant issued by the United States. The child molester Polanski fled the US before sentencing in California because he thought that the presiding judge intended to renege on a "deal" to avoid a prison sentence. Surprise, surprise butt wipe, under the law you can make a deal with a prosecutor but a judge doesn't have to accept it.

The Swiss Miss Judge Widmer-Schlumpf said in a weasel worded statement that the American authorities rejected a request by her ministry for records of the hearing by prosecutor Roger Gunson, in January 2010, which might have established whether the judge who tried the case in 1977 had assured Mr. Polanski that time he spent in a psychiatric unit would constitute the whole of the period of imprisonment he would serve.
What a total crock of crap!  Maybe some well placed calls and some corrupt bureaucratic palms may have been greased to get this convoluted legal result.  But this is the way of socialist judicial systems worldwide.  Witness the The US Department of Injustice run by the incompetent Liberal-Fascist lackey Eric Holder.  The DOI won't prosecute any civil rights violations by black perpetrators against whites.  Wow! The selective prosecutorial power of the Stalinists rears its ugly head.  Isn't this typical of a system run by totalitarians?  Do America a favor and boycott Swiss goods by not putting a single dime in the pockets of Socialist Swiss sociopaths.  While you're at it don't patronize any theatre that shows that pervert Polanski's movies.