The plot sickens, the man whose data was the lynchpin of the global warming theory has admitted that the theory is a scam. Professor Phil Jones former head of University of East Anglia’s (UK) Climatic Research Unit is also refusing Freedom of Information requests to produce data supporting Climate Change né Global Warming. The good Profesor apparently is not a very good recordkeeper and lost critical data. Usually that's fatal to such occupations as bankers, lawyers, accountants, and especially--scientists.
Professor Jones seems to have trouble “keeping track” of information and his record keeping is “not as good as it should be.” Wow, where have we heard that lame lost information excuse before? Remember the Rose Law Firm billing records that Hillary Clinton couldn't find and how they mysteriously showed up in a White House hallway?
In Professor Jones' case the paper shredder must have been working OT like Ollie North's paper shredder worked OT during the aftermath of Iran-Contra. Jones' cohort in crime, Professor Michael Mann, (not to be confused with Director Michael Mann), has thrown Jones under the bus. as you'll hear in this BBC Tonight broadcast.
Penn State University has been investigating Professor Michael Mann.
This latest scandal undermines the Liberal Fascist plan to take over the economy and the daily lives of everyday people. This is because it puts "cap and tax" legislation in jeopardy in the United States. But as we've seen over and over again, the Master of Disaster--Obama (MODO) will press on for "crap and trade" because his puppet master, George Soros wants it. Soros, as we all know hates the United States. This little Fascist wants the world to pick the US President. If you needed another reason to hate liberals hoot, there it is!
BTW, Al Gore is sticking desperately to his global warming scam. The jig is up Al, it's time to give back the Nobel Prize and the prize money. And while you're at it's time to give back the money paid out for those stupid carbon credits. You fraud!
BTW, Al Gore is sticking desperately to his global warming scam. The jig is up Al, it's time to give back the Nobel Prize and the prize money. And while you're at it's time to give back the money paid out for those stupid carbon credits. You fraud!
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