Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The retirement of Evan Bayh from the Senate is curious.  Bayh cited gridlock as the main reason for his departure.  What gridlock?  With a 255 to 178 majority in the House and a supermajority in the Senate until the recent election of Scott Brown to the seat held by the late Teddy Kennedy, there should have been no problem in easily passing Obama's socialist agenda.  According to the Politico article on Bayh's departure,
Now Bayh finds himself the subject of scorn from Democrats, who accuse him of abandoning his party and his colleagues at a time when they desperately need him to help save their suddenly imperiled majority in the Senate.
Bayh never really fit into the Senate according to the Politico article.  Apparently what did Bayh in was his keynote speech in 1996 at the Democrat National Convention.  It was a yawner and put him in the category of political inertness.  Two years later his pedigree got him the Senate seat that his father Birch Bayh had held. 

Although Bayh twice made it to the short list for a Vice-Presidential nomination he was passed over.  Most recently he lost out to Joe "Plagiarizing Plugs" Biden, who along with former Senator John Warner, are perhaps the dumbest men to have ever served in the US Senate.

The biggest misconception about Bayh is that he's a moderate Democrat.  Democrats include Neo-Marxists (Obama), Stalinists (Hillary Clinton), Eurosocialists (Kerry), and Eco-kooks (Gore).  But there are no moderates in the Donkey party.  The truth is that Bayh voted for every piece of Obama's extreme legislative agenda, which even a rock would intuitively know was Neo-Marxist.  If Bayh was a moderate he certainly never voted that way.

Bayh's website states that he is for "...fiscally responsible health care reform that will not increase the federal deficit or raise taxes in ways that will cost jobs or hurt our national economy."  Yet, he still voted for the unwritten amorphous Senate Healthcare Reform bill.  According to one source, Bayh "hates the Senate (and) hates the left bloggers," said a friend of the senator who has also served as a longtime adviser.  "They are getting their wish (of) pure Democrats in the minority."  I imagine the kooks at the Daily Kos will be having seizures and foaming at the mouth when they hear that.  I also guess that means that there was a de facto party purge of sorts.

But what Bayh's retirement really proves is that America is not like the rest of the world where power is often passed forward solely on the basis of accident of birth.  While at times it may appear that there are familial political dynasties in America, Bayh's departure signals, at least for now, the end of such political dynasties. 

For the first time in years, we have Kennedy-free Congress, there are no Bushes or Clintons in elective office and that's a good thing for America.  Now if we could only have term limits then we could clean House... and the Senate.  Can you imagine a Congress free of Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, McCain, Snowe, Collins, Frank, Rangel, Pelosi,  and Franken?  I wonder if you can.

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