Monday, December 19, 2011


We're facing another government shutdown.  This has the Republican Party in full flight not fight mode.  The Obama campaign machine has been making noises that Obama will be running against a "do nothing" Congress--read the Republican'ts/Tea Party-controlled House of Representative.

Sinclair Lewis must have
envisioned Obama's ascent
 to power.
This is silly when you consider that the Democrat-controlled Senate has not approved an operating full budget in over three years.  Instead, the nation is subjected to a fiasco of continuing spending resolutions that result in higher spending.  For their part, Republican'ts are acting like a scared prison bitch waiting to be bitch-slapped by "her" main man.  They are afraid that Democrooks will accuse them of trying to shut the government down.  

Here's some news for you cowardly Republican't lions.  Several shutdowns have happened in the last thirty years.  But it seems that the Republicans were traumatized by the two shutdown in FY 1995-96.  At one point some 800,000 Federal employees were furloughed.  The Clinton/Big Lie /Lame-stream Media propaganda machine went into action and placed the blame on Republican'ts, and in particular House Speaker Gingrich.  Presidential candidate Gingrich is paying the price today for that confrontation between fiscally responsible Conservatives and irresponsible Liberal Socialists.  

The Republican establishment is running a sub rosa campaign against Gingrich and other conservative candidates that want to stand-up against the totalitarian Liberal-Socialists.   Each time that there's a possibility that there will be a government shutdown, the Republican't establishment  lackeys run in panic like a turkey before Thanksgiving dinner.  

What the Republican'ts should be doing is pointing out through TV ads how it's the Democrooks that are gumming up the process by their intransigence.   Obama a compromiser?  That's rich.  The Presidunce is so stubborn that he would rather deny 20,000 jobs that would be created by the Keystone pipeline from Canada because he wants the payroll tax moratorium to continue without pipeline approval.  This boneheaded policy is cast in stone in Obama's blockhead, even though it would benefit his union supporters. [Oh please, you Liberal-Socialist dolts, don't tell me how "smart" Obama is unless you're prepared to show us his all of college grades, law school grades, and any scholarly writings by him!]  It appears that the Eco-Nazis have more sway than the unions do with this crypto-Marxist.   

But it would be foolish to expect the Republican'ts to fight for what's right.  They prefer the sick romanticism of inglorious failure.  Pray that the Tea Party becomes a real political party before Obama assumes total control. 

Friday, December 16, 2011


If there is one place on the face of the Earth where mismanagement and incompetence reigns supreme it's the City of San Diego and its surrounding suburbs. From all the local governments to the sports teams, mismanagement and incompetence are the names of the game.  The only outstanding constant in San Diego is the weather.  As comedian Lewis Black joked, "The easiest job in the world is being a weatherman in San Diego."  The punchline of his joke is when the news anchor asks the weatherman, "How's the weather?"  The weatherman replies, "Nice, back to you."  Yup, that's "America's Finest City" alright.

 This blog originates from the San (Scam) Diego area, and specifically Chula Vista (Vicious). After over 50 years residency in the area this writer has seen the many foibles and misfires by  the residents, sports teams, business entities, and local governments.

*   *   *   *   *

So where do we begin?  The easiest and least harmful area of mismanagement are with the two major professional sports teams in the area, the San Diego Chargers and the San Diego Padres. 

The NFL San Diego Chargers management has taken one of greatest football teams ever assembled and devolved it into a mediocre shadow of its once formidable self.  The chief culprit is General Manager A.J. Smith.  He is aided and abetted by the son of owner Alex Spanos: Team President, Dean Spanos.

In 2006, the team went 14-2, but lost to the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship game.  So what did the team do?  It fired head coach Marty Schottenheimer.  The ostensible reason was that Schottenheimer tried to hire his son as an assistant coach.  The real reason as that A.J. Smith did not like (read hated) Schottenheimer.  The two men could not coexist in the same room.  So A.J. went after a "yes man" and hired one of pro football's most mediocre coaches, Norv Turner.  Turner is an excellent designer of offensive plays and is a very good offensive coordinator.  But as a head coach he is mediocre at best.  During his tenure the Chargers have had two outstanding seasons and three so-so seasons--with arguably the best talent in the league.  

This year there is talk of firing both Turner and Smith.  Especially when you consider that quality players like QB Drew Brees and Darren Sproles were let go without receiving anything in return.  The drafts with the exception of 2004  Draft, which produced Philip Rivers, Shawn Merriman, and others, have been busts.  There's not enough room to list the players that the Chargers have let go without getting much value in return that also have ended up getting Super Bowl rings (Rodney Harrison or Lance Alworth).  Call it the "Jack Kemp curse."  Kemp was picked up by the Buffalo Bills in 1962 for a $100 waiver fee.  Kemp led the Bills to two consecutive AFL Championships in the mid-1960s.  Looking at the success of players like running back Michael Turner in Atlanta and and Wes Welker in New England it's clear that the Chargers are becoming the best developmental team in the NFL--just like their colleagues the San Diego Padres.

The Padres are noteworthy for being the best developmental team in Major League Baseball and for bad timing in their only two World Series appearances against super teams like the 1998 New York Yankees and the 1984 Detroit Tigers.  For the most part, the Padres as a small market team has accomplished much via smoke and mirrors and good major league managers Bruce Bochy and Jack McKeon.  With exception of 1998, when the Padres spent money to rent elite level players like pitcher Kevin  Brown, the Padres attempt to win with retreads and players past their prime.  They traded good young players Jason Bay and Oliver Perez for a power hitter, Brian Giles on the downside of his career.  Giles turned out to be a solid singles hitter and drew a lot of walks.  But he was never the home run hitter he was at Pittsburgh.  
Bruce Bochy was reviled by the local fans for making bone head managerial decisions.  The truth was that he was hampered by a cheap skate general management that paid "sunshine dollars" to aging players like pitcher Fernando Valenzuela.  Within two years  after he left San Diego (or was invited to look for another job) Bochy managed the San Francisco Giants to a World Series Championship.  The trade of homeboy and fan favorite Adrian Gonzalez to the talent rich Boston Red Sox (Bosox) for some prospects did not sit well with Padre fans.  The trade was engineered by former Bosox underling/Padre GM Jed Hoyer (now Chicago Cubs GM) to former Bosox GM Theo Epstein (now Chicago Cubs President of Baseball Operations).  Crony baseballism--ya think?  The latest act inspiring fan anger and future Fan apathy is letting All Star reliever Heath Bell sign with the Miami Marlins.

The Padres are always crying poverty while raising ticket prices.  Unfortunately, good weather doesn't pay the bills or draw cash strapped people to the ballpark.  The Padres are simply not willing to put out a good product by paying free agents competitively or by retaining good young ball players.  But it's also a vicious circle because local San Diego employers are unwilling to pay their employees competitive wages.  Why?  Because the good weather in San Diego is payment enough for living here, i.e., "sunshine dollars."  That leaves little discretionary income for expensive diversions like Major League Baseball or NFL games.
*   *   *   *   *
Sunshine dollars is the curse by the political and elite classes that rule the "America's Finest Tourist Plantation" as one public artwork proclaimed before the 1988 Super Bowl.  But it's not only the undocumented worker that's underpaid, because except for the local elite, most all San Diego area workers are also paid with "sunshine dollars."  Part II discusses the crap management style of the local governments in the San Diego area.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Like most things in this country, the culture of the National Football League has been infected with the Liberal Weltanschauung.  Why else would it be acceptable to reinstate dog torturer/killer and gambling ring operator Michael Vick into the NFL and yet be dismissive of Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow?  Hey, if the lefties don't respect human life why would they have respect for the sanctity of life for dogs?  To them, water boarding is torture, but what Vick did by electrocuting dogs should not interfere with his "right" to make a living by playing pro football.  Inasmuch as most sports pundits appear to be Liberals, this cockeyed viewpoint seems idiotic.  Even more so when you consider the fact that Vick was also running a dog-fighting gambling ring.  And as we all know, the self-righteous NFL frowns upon illegal gambling of any kind. 

Tebow is perhaps the most exciting thing to come into the NFL in years.  His enthusiastic play has inspired his Bronco teammates into a 5-1 record since he took the starting job from Kyle Orton.  They also believe they can win as a team. Yet many football pundits are openly hostile to Tebow.  Their comments have ranged from, that he's unsuited to the professional game because he has an awkward throwing motion to outright hostility to his unabashed Christianity.  Former Denver Bronco QB, Jake "The Snake" Plummer commented,
 "Tebow, regardless of whether I wish he'd just shut up after a game and go hug his teammates, I think he's a winner and I respect that about him," said Plummer. "I think that when he accepts the fact that we know that he loves Jesus Christ, then I think I'll like him a little better. I don't hate him because of that, I just would rather not have to hear that every single time he takes a good snap or makes a good hand-off."
Tom Krattenmaker, author of Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and Players into Preachers, told USA Today
"At times, if you are an Evangelical Christian, it feels like the faith is being beat up on and marginalized. To see someone like Tebow to come along that boosts them all and makes them feel kind of proud. He is a real champion for the faith and makes them want to defend him." 
So what if Tebow kneels in gratitude after a good play?  He is grateful to be alive.  According to the controversial Focus on the Family ad that aired during last year's Super Bowl, his pregnant mother, got sick in a Philippine hospital endangering her unborn fetus.  Against doctors' advice she did not abort the fetus.  

The "right to kill fetuses" gang says that the story that the ad is based upon is a falsehood.  Democrat attack bot and lawyer Gloria Allred said that abortion has been illegal since 1930 in the Philippines and would have been a criminal offense.  She would have found hard to believe that doctors would have recommended the procedure.  Well, it will have to remain a mystery because Gloria wasn't there to hear the conversation between Pam Tebow and the doctors.  Never mind the Hippocratic Oath, which compels doctors to treat the sick to the best of one's ability.  And if that might have included recommending an abortion to save a mother's life, well, that's not too implausible.

Meanwhile, Tebow delights, entertains, and inspires with his enthusiastic play.  He has a good work ethic and appears to be unaffected by fame. He's a winner as compared to the dog torturer/killer that calls the signals for the 4-8 Philadelphia Eagles.  For once it's good to be reading about a professional athlete in the sports page and not in the police blotter.   

Monday, October 24, 2011


Remember in 1988, when the Liberal press, particularly Newsweak, tagged then-Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush as a wimp?  Big Bush was a bonafide WW II fighter pilot hero.  But that insult coming from a bunch of crypto-draft dodging left wing journalists (sic) from the Vietnam Era was galling to Bush.   But what happens when a bonafide wimp like Obama does become a POTUS?

There’s nothing more perilous than linguine-spined, weak, wussy with something to prove.  Anyone who has ever seen the movie, The Magnificent Seven, should remember the scene where the Horst Bucholz character, a young wannabe gunslinger named Chico tries to prove to Yul Brenner’s character, real gunslinger Chris Adams, that he’s a real tough hombre.  As you might guess, Chico greatly embarrasses himself in a drunken rage trying to provoke Chris into gunfight and ends up sleeping his drunkenness off on the floor of a cantina.

Our newly minted manly man President “Chico” Obama apparently has a lot to prove as a foreign policy gunslinger—especially as the 2012 Presidential election year is fast approaching. Obama is looking to burnish his semi-tough guy image.  But you’re safe from "Chico's" wrath if you’re an oppressive, murdering anti-Semite like Ahmajinidad.  Chalk it up to fellow Muslim despotic courtesy being extended to help establish the Muslim Caliphate from Central Asia to West Coast of Africa. 

The death of Qaddafi on Thursday shows danger of the wimp factor in practice.  Obama claimed full credit for the suck-cess although his role in the Libyan government regime change was kinetic, i.e., we weren't actually in control.  But, although Obama wants to give Islamo-Fascist enemy combatants Miranda warnings, he thinks of outright assassination or overthrow of secular Muslim dictators when it serves his weak willed purposes.  The assassination deaths of Anwar al-Awlaki and Muammar Qaddafi are testament to the desperation of a true wimp in need of a backbone.  As a result of Obama's wimp factor, we are also finding out that the Libyan rebels, which Obama's diplomatic henchmen and henchwomen allegedly knew nothing about, are imposing the female hostile Sharia law upon Libya.  So much for the so-called Arab Spring freedom movement.  Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood thanks you for your support, you manly man Barack.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


"Crony capitalism" is a misnomer.  In fact, the term is contradictory and very inaccurate.  What is truly galling is that Conservative talk show hosts fall into the Liberal definitions trap by using this misnomer.  We Conservatives have not learned not to let Liberals define terms of art that are being used in political debate.   

      It's very simple.  Capitalism in most of its various forms is competitive.  Socialism in any form is controlling.  "Crony socialism" is where the government selects the business model via over-regulation, over-taxation, and mostly the promotion of overbearing environmentalism.  The latter is the "green jobs" economic model, which has failed everywhere it has been tried; most notably in Spain and most recently in the U.S. with the Solyndra scandal.  In the case of Solyndra, it was "crony socialism" that led to the half billion dollar rape of the American taxpayer.  More on that below.

       Often "crony socialism" is shamelessly  sold as plutocratic philanthropy, with phony, idiotic sentiments like "raise my taxes please" being parroted by "voluntarily unemployed" tax advantaged wealthy plutarchs, i.e., (plutocrat + oligarch = plutarch).  But who's stopping any of the faux philanthropists from voluntarily donating money to the Federal government?  Who's stopping billionaire Warren Buffett from paying the back taxes that he owes to the Federal government?  But it seems that only "rich millionaires" are being targeted by the "Divider in Chief" Obama.  Obama's definition of a "rich millionaire" is someone that earns his or her money either by receiving a salary for services rendered or by selling goods, (you know, like someone that works for a living).  The threshold for being an Obama "rich millionaire” is a $250,000 income. 

     Missing from this "wealthy" grouping are Democrats like Warren Buffett that "earn" their livings from passive wealth activities.  Buffet and those of his plutocratic ilk are taxed at the low capital gains rate of 15%.  The rest of us "millionaires" and Joe Six-Packs are taxed at various ordinary income tax rates of up to 35%!

*  *  *  *  *

Crony socialism is designed to choose economic winners and losers.  This is clearly illustrated by the recent Solyndra fiasco in which an over a half a billion dollar loan guarantee was channeled to a key Obama political campaign fund bundler.  According to the ABC News story on the Solyndra scandal:
The Energy Department [DOE] in March 2009 announced its intention to award Solyndra Inc. a $535 million loan guarantee before receiving final copies of outside reviews typically used to vet such deals. An independent federal auditor who has reviewed the energy loan program said moving so quickly without completing thorough reviews risked exposing the program to claims of political influence and put taxpayers at greater risk.
The Solyndra loan guarantee was not the product of true competition or merit.  Although the DOE application process was started during the Bush Administration, the loan guarantee was stopped by them because it was not a good financial risk.  But it was later awarded by the Obama Administration to the Obama campaign fund bundler/crony involved.  The award was made despite the fact  that a fiscal analysis showed that Solyndra would be bankrupt by September 2011.  Solyndra went belly-up in September 2011.  But that's "crony socialism" at work with your tax dollars.

        One definition of Socialism is that it is a:
…mix of economic and political theories for organizing society that advocates collective ownership and management of the means of production, distribution of services and goods, as well as dividing everything equally.  Socialist theories stand in opposition to ideas of free markets, private ownership, and individual responsibility.  [Ed. note: This economic model of so-called "equal division" is not so in practice. Obama cronies like George Soros and Warren Buffett appear to be doing quite well under socialism as opposed to the average citizen.]
With the Obama Administration, the “Chicago Way” has been added to the corrupt socialist mix.  Thus, traditional economic incentives like profit or the pride of accomplishment has been replaced by shameless political patronage  that has not been seen since the days of the ancient Romans.  But Obama’s “Crony Socialism” patronage system is plundering and obliterating the American private sector in an unprecedented way.

One prime assumption of the Chicago Way is that there will always be a bounteous private sector that politicians can plunder endlessly. Chicago was America's boom town from 1860 to 1900, growing from nothing to the center of the nation's railroad network, the key nexus between farm and factory, the headquarters of great retailers and national trade associations.

But in the course of indulging the Socialist agenda, the American Goose that is laying the golden economic eggs is being killed by Obama’s Economic Death Panel policies.  This is not crony-Capitalism.   This is crony-Socialism.
The unfortunate thing is that we Conservatives have allowed Socialists to define the terminology that is used in political debates.  The term "crony capitalism" obscures the criminality of "crony socialism" by tarring capitalism with the crimes of socialism--greed, corruption, criminally motivated political patronage,  vote fraud, and economic malaise.  The sooner that we conservatives stand our ground concerning the correct terminology  to be used in political discourse the sooner voters will know the differences between Conservatism and Socialism.  And  finally Socialism will be exposed for the cruel hoax that it is. 
Just don’t get me started on why Liberal states should be the real Red States.  That one is the biggest "no brainer" in the history of humankind.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"HEY, WHO PUT THIS TARGET ON MY BACK?" (Obama's Other Death Panel)

Much was made of the Death Panel alleged to be in the ObamaCare legislation back in 2009.  But this is not about any alleged ObamaCare Death Panel.  This is about the most dangerous Death Panel in existence now!  This about the assassination of an American citizen deemed to be an enemy of the state. 

The assassination last week of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American born citizen, is more chilling than pulling the life support plug on Grandma.  There is a "kill or capture list" created by a secret panel of senior U.S. government officials that makes these life or death decisions.  These officials inform the president of its "death penalty" decisions.  But according to a Reuters news story,
The role of the president in ordering or ratifying a decision to target a citizen is fuzzy. White House spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to discuss anything about the process.  
Wow, a mysterious man of action is in the White House!
Erstwhile bystander Obama at the left near VP Biden "takes command" of the
Osama Bin Laden situation.  White House picture from, May 5,

There's nothing worse than a milquetoast that wants to show that he's a tough guy.   This is beginning to be a recurring theme as we approach the 2012 Presidential Elections. It started in earnest with the Bin Laden killing in May of this year. A look at the White House photo above of the Bin Ladin Assassination Situation Room shows Obama looking more like a bystander than as an active participant. 

But with this latest terrorist killing by Obama's posse we've got a mixed message, because according to the above-mentioned Reuters news story:
The White House is portraying the killing of Awlaki as a demonstration of President Barack Obama's toughness toward militants who threaten the United States. But the process that led to Awlaki's killing has drawn fierce criticism from both the political left and right.
But as mentioned above, we still don't know Obama's true role in this "death panel" by arbitrary decree.  It gets worse when you wonder how far our "man of action" might be willing to go to show that he's a "tough guy" in order to be re-elected.  There's also no indication of any due process afforded to these potential enemies of the state--even if they are American  citizens.  This is from the Administration that wants to give Miranda rights to enemy combatants.

But political assassination is  an unspoken of taboo in American politics.  But when it happens usually it doesn't involve an American citizen, except for perhaps the mysterious death of American actress Jean Seberg, who it seemed offended FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, by raising money for the Black Panthers in the 1960s.  There were unsubstantiated rumors that FDR had populist Huey Long assassinated. 

The assassination of foreign leaders is a different matter.  There was no real uproar when under JFK's watch, President Ngo Dinh Diem was assassinated on November 1, 1963, following a coup in South Vietnam.  Ironically or coincidentally if you prefer, JFK was assassinated 21 days later in Dallas, Texas.  Richard Nixon caught hell, as he did for merely breathing, for the assassination of Chilean President Salvador Allende, although the leftists couldn't definitively show American involvement in Allende's death.  The 1967 assassination death of Che Guevara by Bolivian soldiers trained by the CIA and Green Berets did not create as much controversy as would have been expected.  Maybe it was because Lyndon Johnson had other problems like an escalating Vietnam war.  Democrats always get away with murder it seems.

Given the lousy, unquestioning Lame Stream Media that we now have, it's doubtful that Obama will ever be held in check or to account.  And that scares the rest of us law abiding citizens, a.k.a., the putative enemies of the state."  Be assured that I'll be practicing my duck and cover skills on a regular basis.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder may have lied to Congress when he stated in May 2011 that he did not know about the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) "Operation Fast and Furious" (OFF), until a few weeks before his testimony before Congress.  This is a story largely being ignored by the Lame Stream Media. For the uninitiated, "OFF" is a sting operation run by the ATF between 2009 and 2010.  OFF was part of the bigger Project Gunrunner investigation into illegal gun trafficking that is mostly benefiting drug cartels. The purpose of the OFF sting operation was to let suspected straw man purchasers complete weapons purchases and smuggle them into Mexico. The ATF hoped to build a case against various Mexican criminal and drug organizations suspected of being the ultimate weapons buyers.

Documents obtained by CBS News (surprise), show that Holder knew about the operation as early as July of 2010.  The documents as described on the CBS website are:
But never mind that the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States might be a perjurer.  Never mind that one of the guns smuggled into Mexico under his watch was used in the murder of a Border Patrol Agent.  We already know that Holder played racial politics in his dismissal of the 2008 Philadelphia Black Panthers voter intimidation caseYet, the Lame Stream Media, for the most part, has not made much ado about any of these matters involving an Obama henchman.  You see, selective morality is the guiding "principle" of the Lame Stream Media.  Democrats, Liberals, or any group that can be of assistance to the Liberal Fascist agenda are protected.

But the Lame Stream Media is more concerned about a rock located on leased land with a painted over racial epithet. Never mind the continuing parade of serious legal offenses of the Obama Administration.  Apparently, GOP Presidential candidate, Rick Perry and his Dad didn't paint or turn over the offending rock soon enough to suit the prissy presstitutes.  The rock is on property leased, by among others, the Perry family and used as a hunting camp by them.  According to Slate E-zine, Perry has pushed back regarding the recent Washington Post hit piece about the offending rock that is substantiated primarily by "anonymous sources."  As an aside, "anonymous sources" are often the "BFFs" of agenda driven reporters.  (This is not to imply that the Washington Post reporter did anything wrong in putting together her story.)  The Slate story said:
When asked further about the rock and when it was painted over, the presidential candidate said first that his father painted over the rock in 1983, then gave a more detailed account, according to the Post:
“My mother and father went to the lease and painted the rock in either 1983 or 1984. This occurred after I paid a visit to the property with a friend and saw the rock with the offensive word. After my visit I called my folks and mentioned it to them, and they painted it over during their next visit.”
The governor’s campaign says the story was misleading however, according to Politico. A statement on his website reads:
“"A number of claims made in the story are incorrect, inconsistent, and anonymous, including the implication that Rick Perry brought groups to the lease when the word on the rock was still visible. The one consistent fact in the story is that the word on a rock was painted over and obscured many years ago.” [Emphasis added]
Ignored by the intrepid Washington Post reporter is the fact that the property was leased.  As anybody that has ever rented an apartment knows there's not a whole lot that a lessee can do to alter a leased property--good or bad.  And it is conceivable that the trust could have sued the Perrys for committing waste upon the leased premises by painting the rock over.  A funny twist to the waste concept is that you can be sued for damages for making an improvement to a leased property.  So one could argue that the Perrys committed waste, yet improved the property, by painting over the offensive epithet shortly after they joined the lease.  Remember that the tagged rock was around before the Perrys joined the lease.  The property was widely known in the area by its pejorative name "N***** Head."

But if there was a responsibility to have painted or done something about the offensive word on the rock it was with the trust that owned the property.  According to the above-cited Washington Post article:
The camp is secluded, situated on a vast, 42,000-acre ranch that reaches into three counties and is owned and managed by the Hendrick Home for Children Trust. Various parcels of the Hendrick ranch, as it is known, have been leased out over the years for grazing cattle, oil drilling and, since the mid-1970s or so, hunting. All sorts of people have been on the winding, rocky ranch roads over the years — cowboys, ranchers, hunters, fishermen, oil workers, power company workers, wildlife biologists, real estate agents, tax assessors, surveyors, locals and outsiders who have visited the hunting camps that dot the property.  [Emphasis added]
What the Washington Post would have you believe is that it was Perry's sole responsibility to have remedied the offensive rock, which his family did do.  Despite the fact that "all sorts of people"  had numerous opportunities to complain to the landowner-trust, it's still Bush's Perry's fault that the epithet was there.  But that's the selective morality of the Lame Stream Media presstitutes

The Lame Stream Media's lazy, weak, and deceptive reportage makes My Weekly Reader (now called the Weekly Reader), look like a Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper.  The average Lame Stream Media reporter also makes Weekly Reader comic strip characters Peanut and Jocko look like Woodward and BernsteinThink of the big stories ignored or covered up by the presstitutes.  Like Obama's background, e.g., his questionable relationships with convicted felon Tony Rezko and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers that were ignored or covered up.  And can we see his grades to see if he's as smart as the Democrat party hacks say he is?  Funny how the presstitutes spent more time looking for an picture of an allegedly  coked up George W. Bush playing air guitar in his underwear than they did vetting Obama.   By the way, Obama admits to cocaine use in his book, but no one recalls the presstitutes ever questioning that behavior.

But journalistic malaise isn't limited to the national news media.  For years in San Diego, (a.k.a. Scam Diego), ALL of the snooze media, print and electronic, ignored or buried the pension scandal that first brewed under Republican Mayor Susan Golding's leadership.  Maybe it's time to have a consumer's revolt against the shoddy journalistic practices of the Lame Stream Media.  Otherwise, journalistic ethics is just another oxymoron.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Unlike the flirtatious Scarlett O'Hara playing romantic peekaboo games with numerous suitors in the opening scene of Gone With the Wind (GWTW), there's something creepy  about Chris Christie playing a coy courtesan as he flirts with running for President.  At least with Scarlett, there was a definite strategy in playing one suitor against another.  She could land a wealthy husband and nobody  got hurt, i.e., no taxpayers were harmed in the making of GWTW.  But Christie's political-eye-batting-come-on seems downright narcissistic and indecisive.  His umpteenth denial that he's running will come at a press conference today.  The last thing we should want in a President is an indecisive narcissist.  Why you might ask?  We've been there, done that, and don't want to do it again in 2012.  But at least Christie isn't wearing Mom Jeans as he flirts shamelessly with party elders and big time GOP donors.  Way back when Presidents didn't regularly "dis" the country, my Dad worked with a retired Navy man from Alabama. "The Captain" as he was known, was a crafty marketing guy that used to describe upcoming "dog and pony shows" to potential customers  as an opportunity "to open up the kimono and tantalize them a bit!"  "The Captain" knew a little bit about skillful salesmanship.  This is not the case with Chris Christie.

The usual reason given for the intense interest in Christie is that the current GOP Presidential field is weak.  Query: As compared to what?  Obama has become in two and one half insufferable years the worst President ever.  The previous holder of the title, Jimmy Carter looks downright statesmanlike in comparison, but not quite enough to erect billboards saying "Miss me?"  Funny thing, but the only people that seem to be disappointed in the Republican field are the leftist pundits and water carriers for Barack Hussein Obama.  Personally, I like this field because all of them are far more capable than Obama.  Even the eccentric Ron Paul has his merits.  In the GOP primary process, it may turn out that while you might not vote for a particular candidate for President, a lot of them would make strong cabinet members, i.e.,  a good management team.  I could easily see Michele Bachmann as Commissioner of the IRS.  Herman Cain would make a good Secretary of Commerce. Mitt Romney would make either a good Secretary of the Treasury or better yet, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.  There's a lot of common sense in the GOP field.  But more importantly, there's experience that goes beyond the posting of handbills on telephone poles announcing a community gripe session.  Unlike the current occupant of the White House, all of these current candidates also have solid records of regularly showing up for work.

We can't say that we've got a good management team in Obama, his VP Biden,  or his Cabinet.  Vice-President Joe Biden is, to paraphrase former VP John Nance Garner's comment about the Vice-Presidency, "...not worth a bucket of warm spit." (According to Sydney Blumenthal, as cited in Wikipedia, Garner actually said "warm piss."  That sounds more like what a hard core Texan like Garner would have said. )   It's also a cruel cosmic joke to have tax cheat Tim Geithner running the Treasury department, which by the way, includes the IRS.  At least two of Obama's appointees are ardent admirers of mass murderer Mao Zedong.  Eric Holder is a joke as the U.S. Attorney General, i.e., Holder is to the law what woodpeckers are to carpentry.  He should be immediately sent away to some backwoods hollow to be a Judge Roy Bean-like dispenser of injustice.  

But is Christie the answer to our current national malaise?  Well, until Christie shows a little more than what's inside his slightly open kimono, (I know it's bad optics), we'll just have to let the process play itself out.  Let's also hope that the Democrats and the Main Stream Media presstitutes won't be picking a GOP caninedate in 2012, just as they did in 1996 and 2008.  We'll see today at Christie's press conference at 1 p.m., EDT whether or not he'll be running for "Best in Show" in 2012.  But don't think that this flirtation is over.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This above all: to thine own self be true,
and it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man
                                        Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 78–80

Act One - Friends, Americans, and Countrymen Lend Me Your Votes

Chris Christie gave a speech the other day at the Reagan Library.  This by itself would normally be the launching pad for an announcement for a presidential run.  But after all was said and done, Christie reiterated that he wasn't running, saying "look at my videos."  In the past, Christie has said that he's "not ready," etc.   So unless Christie is the biggest tease since fan dancer Sally Rand, take him at his word. 

We all have that little voice inside ourselves that tells us when we're not ready to do something.  When I was studying acting, my acting coach talked a lot about "grounding yourself" before performing.  Christie might realize in his heart of hearts that despite his bully boy antics toward feckless reporters and public employee labor union thugs; that what may play well on YouTube videos doesn't mean that he's ready to take on Vlad Putin or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Another sign that a Christie candidacy is not a good idea right now is that former POTUS, George H. W. Bush wants him to run.  His son Jeb is waiting for the 2016 Presidential election.  Enough said.

Act Two - Compromise is an Overrated Concept

The definition of compromise according to the Encarta World Dictionary is:
  1. agreement: a settlement of a dispute in which two or more sides agree to accept less than they originally wanted
  2. something accepted rather than wanted: something that somebody accepts because what was wanted is unattainable
  3. potential danger or disgrace: exposure to danger or disgrace
All we seem to be hearing from Democrats and Obama is that Republicans won't compromise.  Compromise what?  And to what end?  The recent budget ceiling compromise in August ended up with Democrats getting to spend money now while promising to cut spending in the distant future.  Huh?  What kind of compromise is that?  And as far as Republicans are concerned, definition number 3 applies.  When the word "compromise" played a prominent part of Christie's Reagan Library speech, hold on to your wallets.   

According to the top vote getting response in "Yahoo! Answers"  tigers eat their young in part because:
Male tigers will kill any cubs that are not their own if they can, and usually eat them. This is to reduce competition for themselves, and to bring the tigress into heat again so that he can mate with her and father his own young. Because male and female tigers do not live together, sometimes a male may accidentally kill cubs that he has fathered himself, but this does not happen often.
After George W. Bush, Republicans seem to be obsessed with electing a President that sounds good.  Actually, this obsession with videogenics and the ability to articulate ideas, (even if they are stupid ideas like "hope  and change"), began with the Kennedy-Nixon debates in 1960.  Those that listened to the first debate on radio thought that Nixon won the debate.  Those that saw on TV the awful make-up job on Nixon, thought that Kennedy won.
After sitting through several hiring committees that chose a candidate primarily because s/he had good interview skills, I can tell you that ALL of them turned out to be either mediocre or poor employees.  Yes, I know that my evidence is purely anecdotal.  But like the old New Yorker cartoon showing a judge whispering to another judge, "Sure it's hearsay, but it's damn good hearsay," my damn good anecdote evokes red flags whenever a fancy talker is trying to sell me something.  Rejecting any candidate with an otherwise good record of accomplishment solely because s/he doesn't produce good sound bites or looks great in debates is silly.  The Roman Emperor Claudius was considered a doofus because among other things he didn't speak well.  He turned out to be one of the best Emperors that ever ruled the Roman Empire.

Christie is long on good soundbites, but short on accomplishments.  Unlike Republican Governors Scott Walker of Wisconsin, John Kasich of Ohio, and even closet RINO Mitch Daniels of Indiana; Christie hasn't been Governor of New Jersey long enough to show that he's as good as Ann Coulter thinks he is.  Those other governors are compiling records of accomplishment.  Meanwhile, Texas Governor Rick Perry, a mediocre debater with a solid record of accomplishment, is being crucified by Michele Bachmann, the politically inert Rick Santorum, and Mit "Ned Flanders" Romney.  Shouldn't they be putting forth their own ideas instead putting down a fellow Republican?  Or are they working to help re-elect Obama by giving his campaign jackals good soundbites to use in his commercials?


A fancy talker is not necessarily the one for the job.  Read the resume, but trust and verify before you make that hire.  Four years can be a long time with the wrong President.  Think about what those fancy words "hope and change" have brought you before you hire the next President.

Friday, August 26, 2011


"I really care about the American people! It's Michelle that
makes me do these bad things!"  

Hurricane Irene is being built up as a coming catastrophe, if it develops as reported; but so was Hurricane Katrina in 2005.   But this time Presidunce Obama has an acolyte Lapdog media that will take advantage of this catastrophe for political hay, i.e.,  never let a "good crisis" go to waste.  The Lapdogs will try to establish that he is in complete command or at least his pre-recorded teleprompter is.  They will make comparisons as to how the Bush Administration mishandled Katrina vs. Obama's  response.  But Obama's warning message about Hurricane Irene differs little from what Bush said about Hurricane Katrina.  Moreover, the Gulf population was warned five days in advance about Katrina.  Obama's afterthought message comes after days of golf by him and on the same day as the touchdown in North Carolina. 

     The big difference in 2011, is that state officials along the Eastern Seaboard, that are PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE for the handling of such natural disasters have taken pro-active actions on their own without relying on the Federal government for their cues.  Mayor Bloomberg of New York City and Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey have shut down their jurisdictions in response to the potential disaster. 

     Contrast that with the "sit on their hands" approach by then-Louisiana Governor Blanco and then-New Orleans Mayor Nagin.  It is the contention of this blogger that they were under the direct orders of the DNC to withhold any cooperation with the Bush Administration.  The Lapdog Media then spun Katrina as a failure of competence by the Bush Administration.  Thus Katrina became a propaganda tool for the Democrats.  Too bad that people died while the Liberal Lapdog Media lied.  But then what would you expect from a bunch that believes in genocide via abortion.  Life is cheap to these people.  The suffering of ordinary people means nothing to these Liberal-Fascist plutocrats. 

     Hey Barry, we hope your last round of golf at Martha's Vineyard was a good one.  Sorry to inconvenience you with our petty problems.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


[Editor's Note: Thanks to my brother-in-law for this story via his partner.  This is a joke, i.e., satire, not that the stuffed liberal shirts at the NY Slimes could tell the difference.  The names have been changed to protect the guilty.]

A Harley rider is passing the zoo, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.

A New York Slimes reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter says, "Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life."

The biker replies, "Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right."

The reporter says, "Well, I'm a journalist from the New York Slimes, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page so, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?"

The biker replies, "I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican."

The following morning the biker buys the New York Slimes to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on front page: