Just when you think that progress was being made toward putting America back on track, the Republicans are (mis)managing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It's almost as if the November elections had never happened.
Using a sports analogy, there's an old adage that good football teams find ways to win games. Bad teams always manage to lose games despite going into halftime with a 21-point lead. The Republicans are the bad team in this political football game. Here are a couple of examples of Republicans fumbling the ball and turning it over to the Democrats.
Turnover One: Speaker of the House John "The Brawler" Boehner couldn't--"off the top of his head"--come up with any cuts that he would make to the budget. House Majority Leader Eric "Re" Cantor weakly asserted on Meet the Press that "everything is on the table" in response to media lackey David Gregory's question as to what the Republicans would cut. Come on guys. How about abolishing useless Federal Departments like the Department of Education, which does little or nothing to educate and the Department of Energy, which doesn't do much to produce even one quart of oil?
Turnover Two: Agreeing to sit with Democrats at the State of the Union address to promote unity and civility. This is the latest stupid thing that Republicans have done. Democrats and their media stooges are claiming that the American public wants unity and civility between the two parties. This is a faux issue being promoted by them to mute the magnitude of the November electoral victory led by the Tea Party. The Democrats have always been more adept at political optics than the Republicans.
Turnover One: Speaker of the House John "The B
Turnover Two: Agreeing to sit with Democrats at the State of the Union address to promote unity and civility. This is the latest stupid thing that Republicans have done. Democrats and their media stooges are claiming that the American public wants unity and civility between the two parties. This is a faux issue being promoted by them to mute the magnitude of the November electoral victory led by the Tea Party. The Democrats have always been more adept at political optics than the Republicans.
The 1964 presidential election featured Lyndon Johnson's "Daisy Girl" campaign ad slandering Barry Goldwater as a warmonger that would cause global themonuclear war. The Democrats have always worked hard on perfecting their political "optics" in order to push their Liberal-Fascist agenda forward.
For Obama's State of the Union address, the "optics" were designed to show that the Democrats didn't really get beaten soundly in last November's elections, i.e., they still run the show.
The Democrats also attempted to stifle any dissent at the State of the Union address. It was the Barry Obama show--a listless melodramatic operetta using a tired 19th century social and economic socialist libretto.
Had the Republicans not agreed to dilute their numbers, the public would have seen how much a minority party the Democrats are. Luckily for the Republicans, Obama's speech was a lifeless rehash of old Democrat themes.
Except for jury-rigged opinion polls and lame stream cable media stooges like know-nothing Ed "Sgt." Shultz and Chris Matthews, who fawned over Obama like Dobie Gillis' wannabe girlfriend Zelda, many objective observers felt that the speech was flat.
But these days the Democrats can only win elections through vote fraud, lies, and deception with the enthusiatic cooperation of an increasingly unethical news media. But there's an old saying that says that no one does anything to you that you don't allow them to do to you. We'll remember that in November 2012.
Welcome back, Nick. You are on a roll as usual. Excellent post. If only everyone who voted could have this understanding, there might be some hope.