Egypt is politically and socially ripe to fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. Although the Egyptian revolution at first appeared to be one based upon a desire for social equality, economic equality, and political freedom, it is rapidly devolving into chaos, as the inevitable power vacuum begins to evolve. The egalitarian spirit of the Egyptian revolution will soon become cynical and ugly. And at that point, a man on horseback will arrive to "save" the day. But instead of the usual military strong man, it is more likely that it will be a radical Muslim cleric.
I listened to Al Jazeera's reporting on the de facto Egyptian revolution last Saturday morning. (Since last Saturday, Al Jazeera has been thrown out of Egypt.) I noted that there are some similarities to French Revolution, e.g., a hungry oppressed population turned into an angry revolutionary mob. But unlike the actions of Napoleon who on 13 Vendémiaire (5 October 1795) quelled with force an angry revolutionary mob; there will be no "whiff of grapeshot" moment by an Egyptian general to quell protesters.
The army's attitude appears to range from neutral to sympathetic toward the protesters.
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Liberal Fascists like the crowd at The New Yorker like doing an "in your face" to Con- servatives when the leftist agenda appears to be working according to the Grand De- sign. |
Meanwhile, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is working to get nukes to help spread his brand of Marxism all over Latin America. In North Korea, with Kim Jong-"Mentally"-Il is working with Iran to develop Iran's nuclear weapons. And what does the Procrastinator in Chief of the United States do about all of this? Nothing. But that's standard operating procedure for this master of gross ineffectiveness.
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Recall how Obama mishandled the BP Gulf oil spill? It took him nearly two weeks to respond with a statement. [NN Note: Obama's apparent procrastination seems to stem from his inability to make a decision until he's told what to do. But who pulls his strings? George Soros? Mr. Big? His teleprompter Hal?]
So what were his actions to handle this crisis? One of his first actions was to send Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers instead of engineers and other first responders to the BP oil rig. Maybe, he thought that the DOJ's litigation lawyers might plug the leaking hole with legal papers.
True, Obama did send a SWAT team of sorts to the damaged BP oil rig via his Deputy Secretary of the Interior, David Hays. At about 54:14 into the video of the press briefing on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Deputy Secretary Hayes uses the term "SWAT Team." But Hays qualified the mission as dispatching a SWAT team of oil rig inspectors. [NN Note: Oil rig inspectors generally do not carry M-16s.]Unfortunately, the Procrastinator in Chief, (a.k.a., Man of Inaction), was without his teleprompter to tell him what to say. During his press conference the Procrastinator in Chief used the term SWAT team to describe the dispatch of personnel to the BP oil rig spill. But he didn't use Deputy Interior Secretary Hays' qualification. No doubt, the vacant Obama, probably believed that a SWAT team was swarming the BP oil rig with subpoena.
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The Procrastinator in Chief has also turned a blind eye to the developing Iranian nuclear program insisting that they have a right to nuclear power. This is even if it means that the Iranians can produce nuclear weapons with the uranium byproduct from so-called peaceful uses of nuclear power.
And what was the deferential Obama's reaction to the violent protests that followed the rigged Presidential election in Iran in early 2010? The deferential Obama said that he didn't want to interfere with the election process in Iran. Last Friday, three of the leaders of that same protest were hung for their participation in it. Again the Procrastinator-in-Chief had nothing to say. This is in line with Obama's overall kid glove treatment of repressive Islamo-Fascist regimes.
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Obama's equally ineffective Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is browbeating Egypt's President Mubarak for using the military, the police force and Internet censorship to quell the civil unrest. According a Fox News story about the civil unrest in Egypt, releases from Wikileaks shows that up until now, the Obama Administration's real policy was to ease up on the Mubarak's police state tactics. The Fox story goes on to state that:
Obama's intellectual naïveté has no place in world in political, social, and economic flux. Is this unqualified man the one that you really wanted to determine the fate of you and your children's future? He does not have the problem solving talent, common sense or just plain good old experience to deal with the multiple crises happening all over the world.The riots seem to have been driven by frustration with skyrocketing food and fuel prices combined with longstanding resentment of Mubarak’s heavy hand. [NN Note: Query: In light of the Procrastinator's reckless deficit spending, could similar unrest happen here in America when the inevitable hyperinflation resulting from his mismanagement of the economy happens? The average American goes ballistic when gas goes above $3 a gallon! Americans also gripe loudly when food prices escalate a couple of percentage points ! Is that why Obama wants a domestic national security force? SS anyone?]
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But the true villain in this whole nightmare scenario is the American News Media. There were definite signs that this man was not qualified enough to be President. There were his ties to a convicted felon that included a questionable land deal involving his personal residence. His relationship with domestic terrorist with Bill Ayers was never examined. The mystery that surrounds his citizenship has only intensified with Governor of Hawaii being unable to locate Obama's birth certificate. In contrast, the Liberal Fascist media stooges expended huge amounts of time and energy trying to find an picture of George W. Bush allegedly high on cocaine "playing air guitar" in his underwear.
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There is major social and political unrest in Ireland, Tunisia, Jordan, the Russian Federation, Britain, Mexico, and Spain, to name a few. So is this the time to have a rank amateur as President of the United States? This is a danger to the national security of the United States. Consider the following questions as to the qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama to be President of the United States:
- Is this the time to have as President, a man that has never run anything in his life? He was never a governor, a mayor of a major American city, or even a CEO of a major company. Yet, Obama's operatives in the stooge media had the audacity to claim that former Governor and Mayor, Sarah Palin did not have any executive experience!
- Is this also the time to have as President, a man whose major preoccupations appear to be his Sunday morning pick-up basketball game, dates with his wife on the taxpayers dime, eating greasy hamburgers with foreign dignitaries, and listening to his own voice echo in large speaking venues?
- Can we afford to continue "on the job training" for this ineffective President?
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Late Bulletin: Hosni Mubarak announced today (02/01/2011), that he will not run for re-election in September 2011. It's unclear whether that will satisfy the protesters' demand that he step down from power. They want him gone now!
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