Feel free to click on all of the links ex- cept for the stuff with Weiner's wiener! Use discretion if the little ones are near- by! |
Despite the spirited defense by the "kiss and tell adulteress" Barbara Walters, Anthony Weiner's position is rapidly withering. Even the über partisan Harry Reid won't take any calls from Weiner.
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Weiner's wieners! You didn't really think that we were going to show a nasty picture on a conservative blog did you? |
Now comes the leak of the explicit photo of Weiner's little friend held by Andrew Breitbard. The picture was supposedly shown in confidence to radio shock jocks Opie and Anthony. (See picture at right.) The story put out by suspected leakers Opie and Anthony is that the leak was "accidental." Yeah right. But given Weiner's attempt to frame Breitbard for hacking into his Twitter account, I'd say it was just desserts for this sleazeball.
But the political sociopaths at PMS-NBC see nothing wrong with Weiner keeping his job. It's the same old moral relativism game--excuse their gross wrongs but punish your political opponents for any minor infraction. Note the gross hypocrisy of the Liberal commenters on the YouTube clip of Sarah Palin signing a US flag. They invoke the "flag code" in claiming that she desecrated the American flag. That's rich considering that this crowd has burned, spat upon, urinated and defecated all over the American flag while protesting against anything that the U.S. stands for. And yes, with the exception of Joe Lieberman I do question every Liberal's patriotism.
In the YouTube clip above, "Young Jerk" Cenk Uygur argues that Weiner's exposing his junk is nothing compared to starting an illegal war. Presumably this is a swipe at G. W. Bush. But as we awoke this morning, Obama is promoting illegal wars in Yemen and Libya.
Have you noticed though that Obama only helps to overthrow secular Muslim regimes like Qaddafi's in Libya and Mubarak's in Egypt? The theocracy in Ahmajinedad's Iran is off-limits, even if Iran is committed to acquiring nukes so that they can destroy Israel. One might be convinced that Obama's true mission is to establish a Muslim Caliphate throughout the Middle East. Actions speak louder than words. Obama's actions seem to be that of a foot soldier following orders.
While the U.S. economy is sinking into the abyss, this "charismatic leader" has offered to bail out Greece, the nation of slackers! This incompetent spendthrift has also promised loan guarantees to Egypt. There's nothing like looting the Treasury of the "Great Satan" to help fund the emerging Middle East Muslim Caliphate.
What will it take for the American public to realize that they were "had" by flim-flam man George Soros, a true America hater and his puppet Obama? God save this nation.
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