About seven years ago I made the reacquaintance of an old college girlfriend from the early 1970s. She was a product of our rebellious youth-driven times. She was a leftist, anti-capitalist; and a definite "Blame America First" person. (Before I go any further we were not having an affair. We got in contact because of the website, "Classmates.") After about two weeks of sporadic instant messaging and a lunch, I realized why we didn't work back then. She hadn't changed her leftist politics one iota from what they were when we were both 19. I was a Henry "Scoop" Jackson Democrat back then, i.e., I was a Cold War anti-Communist Democrat. I hated the "New Left"! She was definitely an unrepentant "New Left" ideologue. I have always despised extreme left wing Socialism because it is almost always either Marxist-Leninist/Fascist/Nazi, authoritarian, and freedom stifling. But being 19, raging hormones trumped politics. I left the Democrat Party in 1992, when the ultra-leftist Clintons hijacked the party.
What caused our second "break-up" was her constant haranguing about how stupid George W. Bush was in comparison with the "articulate" Democrat Presidential candidate John Kerry. I thought Kerry was, and still is an overrated blowhard. When I pointed out that Bush's undergraduate GPA was higher than Kerry's, she exploded with anger and called me a liar. (Kerry's people called his "C" average a "Gentleman's C"!) I also said that Bush had graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA so he couldn't be that dumb. Harvard is considered the top business school in the country. She again exploded and said that Bush's family had probably "bought his degree." I reminded her that Harvard is a very liberal school and as such would never risk its reputation by helping out some "Wascally Weepubwican"! Besides, the Bushes are "Yalies." She wouldn't have it and I wouldn't have her illogical, ignorant, and very stubborn intransigence.
The point of this personal anecdote is to show that for forty years the majority of the country has allowed intransigent, vapid Liberals to lord their ideas, values, and mores over the rest of us. They usually do this via their litmus paper credentials, (an Ivy League degree), that is, whenever we're allowed to see their credentials. But instead of being the vaunted eggheads that they claim to be, these ideologue paleolithic socialists turn out to be nothing more than programed propaganda robots. They sound "smart" only until you realize that they regurgitate in rote the faux intellectual statements of Marxist-Leninist propagandists. Although they might be masked in high minded Keynesian economic terms, they are still wrong. But the facts be damned for these Liberal-Fascists whenever you confront them with the truth that Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried, e.g., the broke socialist regimes of Greece Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and soon to be the good old USA!
We are currently pursuing a stupid economic policy that has been shown to have failed in the past by throwing money at a problem, e.g., the lost decade in Japan. The Fed's current "QE 1-3" policy of printing fiat money is a stupid and dangerous monetary policy. It will destroy this economy along with the reckless spending by the Obama regime. We had clues that Obama didn't even know how to handle any budget. His own household budget is an example of his colossal economic ignorance. Yet our Lame Stream Media chose to gloss over Obama's inexperience with budgets. But this may be because Liberals are stubborn in their view that they are always superior and right. Unless we mobilize and vote Democrats out of office, we will see the same budget debacle nationally that we have here in California as presided over by these same Democrat economic imbeciles.
* * * * *
- Why does Michelle Obama leave Barack alone on his birthday and on Father's Day to travel the world? Doesn't she like him anymore? Or is this another marriage of political convenience like the Clinton's marriage? Something is wrong in the People's Paradise.
- Where's Obama with all of these natural disasters happening throughout the U.S.A.? The Lame Stream Media was all over George W. Bush during Hurricane Katrina. We are beginning to experience the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, yet Obama fiddles or, more accurately plays golf while the U.S. is burning and flooding. Doesn't the Media care about the country or are they nothing more than shills for the Obama's Policy of Destruction?
- Where's the outrage over Jon Stewart's racist remark at Black GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain's expense? Stewart says Cain can't read. Really? Well then let's see your candidate Obama's school transcripts. We can't even see his first grade marks, but maybe that's because Barry might have flunked coloring book. Cain is a successful businessman that can obviously read. Your man can't even pronounce "corpsman"! Yeah, he's the smartest man to ever be President...NOT!
- Tracy Morgan went through hell for a remark that he made that probably many people have silently thought.
- The Democrat controlled U.S. Senate has not approved a Federal budget in two and a half years. Maybe we should "John Chiang" them and not pay them like State Treasurer Chiang has done to the budgetless California Legislature.
- When will Mexico take responsibility for their citizens and their economy by instituting needed economic and societal reforms? They should be doing that instead of sending undocumented Democrat voters to the United States. (Message to liberal racist hypocrites: if you feel that there's a "moral imperitive" to assist these illegal Democrat voters then loosen up some of your trust fund money and you personally pay for their room, board, and immigration lawyer.) There's nothing worse than a philanthropist with other people's money. Liberals are "funny" that way.
- How about those shovel-ready jobs Obama promised if we enacted the "Stimulus Package"? The Presidunce joked that "they weren't so shovel ready" after all. Ha ha, a trillion dollar punch line. Maybe Leno or Letterman can hire him as a writer, or not. They couldn't afford his lack of a real work ethic, or any ethics for that matter.
Is this America's future under Obama's economic policies? Photo courtesy of J Gracia Waldman. |
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