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My brother likes to say that it's a "let world" for some people. What he means by that is that you can get away with anything if they let you do so. If you are one of the "chosen" ones, criticism will bounce off of you as if you were coated with Teflon®.
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With the exception of Bush 41, all Republican Presidents, starting with Gerald Ford, (née Leslie Lynch King, Jr.), have been tagged by elitist Liberal dolts as being stupid. Old school Libs like Lyndon "Useless" Baines Johnson were subtler in their condemnation saying about Gerald Ford that "He's a nice guy, but he played too much football with his helmet off." It's easy to forget that Ford went to Yale Law School while coaching football full time. He graduated in 1941 in top 25 percent of his class. (And unlike the allegedly "brilliant" Obama, we got to see his school transcripts.) Gee, how about that Gerry Ford? And I foolishly thought that only real smarties (read Liberals) went to Yale Law School!
Prominent insider Democrat, Clark Clifford once described Ronald Reagan as an "amiable dunce." Well, that's quite a fine character reference from a stupid dupe of the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce International, (a.k.a., Bank of Crooks and Criminals International). Old Clarkie Boy got hornswaggled by a group of third world Pakistani crooks. His excuse: they didn't tell him the truth about their bank, i.e., he was a "victim" of their treachery. If you believe that one I could sell you some beachfront property in Arizona.
Prominent insider Democrat, Clark Clifford once described Ronald Reagan as an "amiable dunce." Well, that's quite a fine character reference from a stupid dupe of the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce International, (a.k.a., Bank of Crooks and Criminals International). Old Clarkie Boy got hornswaggled by a group of third world Pakistani crooks. His excuse: they didn't tell him the truth about their bank, i.e., he was a "victim" of their treachery. If you believe that one I could sell you some beachfront property in Arizona.
President George H. W. Bush, Sr., the exception to the dumbo tag, was described by Liberal wussy pussies as a wimp, a misconception spread nationally by ideologue leftist propaganda rags like Newsweak. (Well, the plutocrat libs might like George the First a lot more because his financial interests are more aligned with that of Liberals like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.) Speaking of wimps, have you given a good listen to the speaking voices of so-called Democrat leaders Harry Reid and Tom Daschle? Those guys make cross-dresser RuPaul look like a he-man.
Certainly we know all about how incredibly stupid George W. Bush was during the first eight years of the "New Millennium." I remember vividly how he was castigated by monstrously vapid Liberal propagandists over the eight years of his Presidency. All the sand that they raised over Bush's drinking straight from a water bottle at a G-8 conference was amazingly petty.
Certainly we know all about how incredibly stupid George W. Bush was during the first eight years of the "New Millennium." I remember vividly how he was castigated by monstrously vapid Liberal propagandists over the eight years of his Presidency. All the sand that they raised over Bush's drinking straight from a water bottle at a G-8 conference was amazingly petty.
But in light of the social and verbal boo boos that their Presi-dunce has made, these same leftist lackeys demand civility for arguably the most incompetent, illiterate, and socially inept person to have ever have been elected President. His mispronunciation of the word "corpsman" is illustrative of his astounding illiteracy or, maybe they pronounce it "corpse man" at Columbia and Harvard?
How about the time that he said that he had been to all 57 states in the USA. How about Obama's gaffe at the introduction of his then-Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomenor (a.k.a., Sotomayor) that the US Constitution was written 20 centuries ago? (And the Liberal Jackasses savaged Michele Bachmann for her Lexington and Concord gaffe.) The worldly Obama also stated that Austrian is a language. Without his trusty teleprompter, Obama would collapse into a pile of "uhs" or is that "duhs"?
How about the time that he said that he had been to all 57 states in the USA. How about Obama's gaffe at the introduction of his then-Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomenor (a.k.a., Sotomayor) that the US Constitution was written 20 centuries ago? (And the Liberal Jackasses savaged Michele Bachmann for her Lexington and Concord gaffe.) The worldly Obama also stated that Austrian is a language. Without his trusty teleprompter, Obama would collapse into a pile of "uhs" or is that "duhs"?
Then we have Obama's socially insurgent wife touching the Queen of England on their first visit to the UK in her palace. Talk about rude guests... Obama's bow to the Emperor of Japan is the stuff of legendary social ineptitude. How about Obama's kissing the ring of the Saudi Arabian King? WTF! Since when is an American President ever subservient to a head of a foreign state?
Obama, the most brilliant man to have ever occupied the White House--(the multi-lingual high IQ John Quincy Adams notwithstanding)--signed the wrong date in the guest book at Westminster Abbey as "24 May 2008"--can you imagine what the Liberal bastards would have said had Ronald Reagan signed the wrong date on any document (read an Alzheimer's disease amateur diagnosis by the "smartest" people [Liberals] on Earth!).
But as with all of Obama's miscues and shortcomings, there's always an excuse--e.g., fatigue (from what--too much vacation and date nights?) or incompetent staffers. Perhaps this is the most profound form of racism, the fact that they don't trust Obama to make a mistake on his own. Is that why they hide all of his school transcripts from first grade on? Maybe they're ashamed that he failed "coloring book" in the first grade. Perhaps it's true that somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot.
Obama, the most brilliant man to have ever occupied the White House--(the multi-lingual high IQ John Quincy Adams notwithstanding)--signed the wrong date in the guest book at Westminster Abbey as "24 May 2008"--can you imagine what the Liberal bastards would have said had Ronald Reagan signed the wrong date on any document (read an Alzheimer's disease amateur diagnosis by the "smartest" people [Liberals] on Earth!).
But as with all of Obama's miscues and shortcomings, there's always an excuse--e.g., fatigue (from what--too much vacation and date nights?) or incompetent staffers. Perhaps this is the most profound form of racism, the fact that they don't trust Obama to make a mistake on his own. Is that why they hide all of his school transcripts from first grade on? Maybe they're ashamed that he failed "coloring book" in the first grade. Perhaps it's true that somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot.
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Poor Ed Schultz, so far from God and so near to imbecilic status. This loud mouthed imbecile insulted Laura Ingraham, a respected conservative talk show by calling her a "talk show slut." That's just plain ugly and sexist. Support the Independent Women's Forum effort to have Schultz fired from MSNBC. I can't think of a better to clean the airwaves of political porn. Let's finally bring a Liberal sleaze bucket to justice.
Liberals have long gotten away with murder, tax evasion, vote fraud, pimping and pandering, underage sexual trysts, and treason. When there's finally an honest and competent US Attorney General that will be appointed in 2013, the RICO statute should be used to eradicate the political cancer that is the Democrat party from the American body politic.
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